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The Good Party Campaign Calendar

Note: An abbreviated version of this calendar can be found on the Recent History page.


  • 13 July – Rana explores Pentepila with band of evils. Among them is "Brother William" the anti-paladin. Only William remains with Rana after the rest of the party have several “accidents”.
  • 21 July – Rana meets Sorgol who is in the company of a Druid friend. Eril Flyn, the thief (and Rana's cousin) also joins. The five leave Restenford for Telmore Island.
  • 24 July – Sorgol's Druid friend is killed.
  • 26 July – Brother William meets "Wizard" (an illusionist). He then kidnaps Rana and Eril and cuts off the 2nd toe on Sorgol's left foot. Later, he inflicts Rana with a disease and removes the tip of their smallest fingers. Sorgol meets Seagoon, the Ranger.
  • 29 July – Rana, Sorgol, Eril, and Seagoon re-enter Telmore Island.
  • 5 August – all four leave Telmore Island after vanquishing a small tribe of Kobolds.
  • 7 August – All four in The Cave of the Bugbear.
  • 12 August – Rana's leg is poisoned by a spider. They seek a cure in Restenford.
  • 14 August – All four back in the cave.
  • 15 August – All four leave the cave.
  • 16 August – Rana begins training for 2nd level as does Eril.
  • 23 August – All four set out for The Palace of the Silver Princess.
  • 30 August – Eril departs temporarily. The remaining three go to the Palace.
  • 2 September – The three chase out Catharandamus and are labelled as heroes.
  • 4 September – After a healthy celebration, Seagoon, and Sorgol begin training.
  • 11 September – Seagoon is 2nd level.
  • 18 September – Sorgol is 2nd/2nd level.
  • 22 September – Seagoon learns of his father's murder and leaves.
  • 1 October – Seagoon is killed on the trail by a Giant Snake.
  • 6 October – Rana and Sorgol head for Spindrift to find spellbook ink.
  • 11 October – Both arrive in Spindrift.
  • 13 October – Both head back to Sotton.
  • 18 October – Both arrive in Sotton and immediately leave for Restenford.
  • 23 October – Both in Restenford. Rana begins training for 3rd level.
  • 29 October – Eril returns to Restenford.
  • 30 October – Rana is done training.
  • 3 November – Sorgol meets Karelia, the Druid/Fighter, and Sly the Bard-to-be.
  • 10 November – Rana learns of Carsten's Hill and the three set out for there.
  • 12 November – The three vanquish Carsten and his companion Catharandamus as well as their host of Gnolls and a Fire Mephit (Sly is seriously injured by his heated plate mail). Eril leaves again (this time permanently).
  • 14 November – The three are back in Restenford. They immediately hear of The Fire Cave.
  • 16 November – They set out for the cave with Karelia following close behind.
  • 20 November – Just as they are about to enter the cave, a red dragon swoops overhead and attacks Karelia. With their combined power and Karelia's protection from fire, they kill it and enter the cave. In there, they kill an evil magician with a passion for fire.
  • 23 November – After searching for two full days, the four uncover the dragon's lair on Karelia's birthday. Karelia departs again.
  • 25 November – The three return to Restenford and begin training.
  • 2 December – Sly is now 4th level.
  • (more to come)
  • 11 December – Bearly is attacked by Sardul's Orc armies.
  • (more to come)


  • 23 Jan – Senate President Re Xacnal is imprisoned by his generals under direction from Pelham.
  • 27 Jan – The city of Backbone is attacked by Sardul's armies with help from Kragnor, the dragon. Edric defeats Kragnor and battles Sardul where their souls are merged in one body.
  • 29 Jan – The last of Sardul's armies flee having no leader.
  • 4 Feb – Lowland's Navy, under control of the possessed generals attacks the weakened Backbone. Meanwhile, the lost ring of the dragon is found by Sorgul, Sly, Ozzie, and Rana.
  • 10 Feb – Kegan Rogueharp ("Wizard") goes to Sowhart island and meets the dragon Sowulf. Sowulf threatens Wizard with death unless he finds a magical gem of great power for him. To aid him in his search, Sowulf presents Wizard with the disk of Sif.
  • 21 Feb – city of Backbone is besieged in the first major battle of the war.
  • 11 Mar – With assistance from Rota, Lowland's navy is cut in half.
  • 15 Apr – Sardul's soul emerges from Edric for the first time
  • 24 Apr – Re Xacnal is released from prison by Kegan Rogueharp ("Wizard")
  • 27 Apr – Re Xacnal meets with King Scardore and Edric. He is allowed a safe haven in the kingdom.
  • 1 May – Lowland's army is driven out of Backbone.
  • 21 May – Thalna, wife of Sardul, learns that Edric is suffering from some unusual “ailment” and begins planning for his assassination.
  • 14 July – Thalna's assassins, after a carefully planned strike, fail to kill Edric.
  • 23 July – Thalna, upset at her assassins' failure, attempts to kill Edric herself. She fails and Edric reveals to her the truth of the soul merger. She is rescued by Esmond on a hell horse.
  • 24 July – Thalna communes the full story from her gods and begins seeking a cure to save her husband.
  • 26 July – The Demon Dagger is uncovered by Karelia.
  • 9 Sep – Thalna, through her magics, uncovers the fact that the Good Party are searching for the artifacts that will help free the two wizards.
  • 13 Sep – Thalna makes a bargain with the dragon Kragnor and he tells her where the Good Party can be found. She sends her son Congal to an ancient temple in the mountain pass.
  • 16 Sep – Congal arrives at the temple and finds it occupied by gargoyles. They kill his hell horse steed, leaving him stranded.
  • 15 Dec – Congal, is met and killed by the Good Party. Edric appears and tells them of the importance of their quest.


  • 8 Jan – The Cloak of Aidan is found by the Good Party.
  • 7 Feb – The Sword of Aidan is found.
  • 23 Feb – Cale & Strachan, looking for the three disks of Odin in the service of the wizard Athol, meet Wizard. In an ensuing battle, Athol is killed, but realizing the greed of their comrade, Cale & Strachan befriend Wizard and let him go with the disk of Sif still in his possesion.
  • 13 Mar – The first Demonwraith is released by Karelia and Rana.
  • 12 May – Lowland withdraws from the war without a treaty of any sort.
  • 15 May – The Ring of Hildreth is found.
  • 6 Sep – The Clasp of Erland is found.
  • 1 Oct – Karelia decides to use her dagger four days before the next new moon. She ends up on a hill in the southwest of the great plains of the eastern continent. She begins following a river down.
  • 3 Oct – Karelia finds the ruins of a city with a pyramid that she explores. After several frustrating months of not knowing where the Good Party were, Thalna uncovers their home with her magics.
  • 5 Oct – The seventh rune of Karelia's dagger glows on the new moon.
  • 6 Oct – Karelia tries to teleport out, but it fails to work.
  • 7 Oct – Karelia arrives in Roundtree.
  • 8 Oct – Karelia learns that the dagger only operates once per week when, after trying daily since the pyramid, she finally teleported now. She ends up in the desert in a small nomad village set up on the ruins of an old city. An elven warrior named Ranril Calendôr introduces himself and details a prophecy that they must pursue.
  • 9 Oct – Karelia and Ranril Calendôr head out north across the desert.
  • 16 Oct – Thalna sends a trio of assassins: Kranthor, Unwin, and Adoniram to capture from the Good Party the artifacts.
  • 18 Oct – Thalna's three assassins attack and are defeated.
  • 3 Nov – After asking questions in various villages, Karelia and Ranril Calendôr arrive at the base of the mountains just at the pass. A storm springs up.
  • 4 Nov – The eighth rune of Karelia's dagger glows on the new moon.
  • 5 Nov – Karelia and Ranril Calendôr enter The Caves of Kaer Lytea. After fighting many evil nasties, they meet a Bone Devil who, with his powers of illusion, gets Karelia to wear a cursed necklace. Ranril Calendôr's true identity as an Ice Devil is revealed. Karelia, barely able to hold on to her senses, teleports to Elsa's castle with her dagger. The Bone Devil follows and is killed. The Ice Devil teams up with Gkîlarzzá, Demon King of Pain and the two retrieve Karelia and imprison her again.
  • 16 Nov – The Gem of Zandra is found. Karelia is rescued by the good party. Sorgul exorcises the necklace and Karelia teleports to Elsa'a castle.
  • 17 Nov – Karelia heads for home.
  • 18 Nov – Karelia is home.
  • 19 Nov – Karelia and Aelénya head for Pleven and her warship.
  • 29 Nov – (alternate timeline) : The Helm of Demarest is found and the Good Party experiences an anomaly in the time line. (see 27 Oct 1092)
  • 24 Nov – Karelia and Aelénya arrive in Pleven. Karelia gathers her crew.
  • 25 Nov – Karelia and Aelénya leave with the warship, heading for Backbone.
  • 30 Nov – Karelia and Aelénya arrive in Backbone and receive noble treatment.
  • 1 Dec – Karelia meets with King Scardore and Edric. Orders go out to build a new ship in trade for her warship.
  • 3 Dec – The ninth rune of Karelia's dagger glows on the new moon.
  • 7 Dec – Due to the meddling of Pelham, Lowland collapses from within.
  • 8 Dec – Karelia and Aelénya leave the city.
  • 9 Dec – Pelham's Orcs take over Lowland.
  • 13 Dec – Karelia and Aelénya arrive in Pleven.
  • 18 Dec – Karelia and Aelénya arrive home.
  • 20 Dec – Karelia finds a mink and befriends it and its mate.
  • 27 Dec – Karelia teleports with her dagger to a cold mountaintop and meets a demon with a nightmare. In the resulting battle, the demon telekineses Karelia onto the nightmare, and she goes on to the astral plane in The Nightmare's Ride. Marooned on the astral plane, Karelia comes across a small Githyanki outpost and kills them all. She rescues Firemist, a brass dragon. Her falcon is killed.
  • 29 Dec – Karelia and Firemist leaves the outpost and try to return home. Having no certain idea of where to go, they just leave.
  • 31 Dec – Karelia and Firemist meet a Rakshasa masquerading as Elsa and it promises to lead them toward an exit.





  • 4 Jan – A lookout tower is constructed to help the gnomes in Riprap.
  • 15 Jan – The tower in Bearly is completed.
  • 5 Feb – Demonwraith #10 is released.
  • 9 Mar – The spire tower is completed.
  • 28 Apr – The Last Demonwraith (#1 : Their leader) is released.
  • 30 Apr – The Kinander tower is completed.
  • 20 Oct – The tower in Gnome Valley is completed.
  • 13 Nov – The King's Island tower is completed.




  • 24 July – Pleven succumbs to the Demonwraiths and their armies. When they enter, though, they find that most of the elves have disappeared, leaving only a skeleton (suicide) crew behind.
  • 11 Nov – The tower over Blanan is completed.
  • 12 Nov – A tower is completed far west of Resh.
  • 29 Nov – Two towers are completed: one in the ancient Dwarvish ruins of Glekdin, and the other at Lar Pelar, in the heart of the wood of the lost souls.


  • 19 Jan – The tower in Farflen is completed.
  • 4 Mar – The tower in Rota is completed.
  • 20 Mar – The tower in Engin is completed.
  • 22 July – Lord Uith, quite successful with his propaganda campaign, kills the king of Spindrift and declares himself the new monarch.
  • 28 July – The tower in Midriver is completed.
  • 26 Aug – A crushed rebellion against the new king of Spindrift all but destroys the capital city. Uith burns the docks of Lendore and moves his capital across the island to Restenford, leaving the citizens of Spindrift in slum conditions.
  • 4 Nov – The tower over Clangdun is completed.
  • 23 Dec – The Dark Mage becomes fed up with Solgar's activity and casts an imprisonment on him.


  • 8 Aug – The mountain pass tower south of Backbone is completed.


  • 27 Mar – Desert tower #1 completed.
  • 9 Oct – Southlands falls to a similar takeover as in Spindrift.
  • 25 Oct – Desert tower #2 completed.
  • 21 Dec – Galin, the boy king of Rota is married at the age of fourteen.


  • 23 Mar – Desert tower #3 completed.
  • 9 Aug – Construction on the tower in Resh begins.
  • 24 Sep – Desert tower #4 completed.
  • 29 Dec – Vyner, husband of the late Queen Carina II, the rightful advisor to the boy king, Galin, is slain and the boy appoints an unknown advisor to take his place. Many poor reforms follow and the kingdom begins to decline.


  • 6 Jan – Construction on the tower in Southlands begins.
  • 26 Mar – Desert tower #5 completed.
  • 1 Apr – Construction on the tower in Lendore begins.
  • 8 Apr – Galin's unknown advisor is assassinated. The boy is encouraged to appoint a known man as his advisor and he does so.
  • 10 Apr – Construction on the tower on Midore begins.
  • 29 May – Rathwyn, originally Sorgul's adopted daughter, now a high priestess enlists Edric's and Sly's help to free Sorgul and destroy Solgar. Edric frees Solgar from his imprisonment, Rathwyn uses her Rod of Resurrection to restore Sorgul's life, and Sly uses the Helm of Demarest to return him to good alignment. The end result is success, but at the cost of Sorgul's sanity and Rathwyn's high priestess status (drained away by Solgar's chilling touch).
  • 2 June – Lord Ozzie returns from oblivion and recovers the gem of the portals and one piece of the great map.
  • 26 June – The Godslayer cults in Resh finish their elaborate spell of transferral and bring their deity's influence to this world. The resultant psychic shock destroys all life around Resh for 100 miles (including the cult members). The Deep Ones begin to appear.
  • 5 Aug – The great map is assembled by Lord Ozzie, but two Demonwraiths find him. The good party reunites and comes to his rescue. Meanwhile, Demonwraith #2 attacks Tacey alone in her castle. She destroys the demonwraith permanently, but at the cost of her life.
  • 6 Aug – Demonwraith #3 is met by the Good Party. By the Dark Mage's own slaughterhouse device, he is destroyed.
  • 7 Aug – Lord Ozzie destroys the Dark Mage by dumping a jar of Deva essence on him (created by his own slaughterhouse device). The shock converts the lich into a living good-aligned person, but the Dark Mage's will power restores his evil side. The result is two beings, identical in power, but opposite in alignment.
  • 18 Aug – The Pit Fiend Akhnatep is killed on his own plane.
  • 1 Sep – Desert tower #6 completed.
  • 13 Nov – The Dark Mage makes it to the dragon Arral and learns how the evil trio of might can be located.
  • 16 Nov – After years on her own, Aelenya rejoins the group.
  • 21 Nov – Rathwyn finishes reading the Book of Exalted Deeds and is once again a high priestess.
  • 22 Nov – While travelling to the south for a vacation via the ethereal plane, the group stumbles across an “island” where they battle and defeat a quartet of Githyanki. An underground complex is found where they find a Nonaton Modron which appears to be quite insane. Sorgul suceeds in trapping it within his iron flask, but this angers the “ruler” of this land: a Grey Slaad. The slaad is killed. The party rests the remainder of the day and explores their immediate surroundings. Atop the lone hill here, they discover an oddly glowing, semi-translucent crystal nearly 100 feet across. The Dark Mage, tracks down and confronts his other half, Nakam Alkat, and kills him.
  • 23 Nov – Sorgul decides to examine the crystal in detail and so he casts a true sight spell upon it. The crystal, it turns out, is the physical embodiment of a small portion of pure chaos (a piece flung out of Limbo). Sorgul's mind is not prepared for the confusion, and he goes immediately comatose. Rathwyn then attempts to Plane Shift to the ethereal plane, but the attempt fails (as they are already on that plane, and were unaware of it).
  • 24 Nov – Rathwyn trys plane shifting again. This time, she transports the group to the prime material plane. Unfortunately for all, they end up about 15 feet over the ocean many miles from land. Lord Ozzie uses his Oil of Etherealness to quickly return to the ethereal plane, where he quickly heads for land. Rathwyn, wearing Sorgul's bracers carries him to land, while Sly flies in bird form. They rest on an island while Ozzie finds himself in the middle of a desert when his potion wears off.
  • 25 Nov – Rathwyn takes Sly and Sorgul back to the ethereal plane, and they head for Edric's castle. Sorgul is still comatose. Ozzie, meanwhile, meets a group of nomads fleeing from the storm cloud slowly engulfing the continent.
  • 26 Nov – Rathwyn finally returns to the prime material with her passengers, and Edric refers them to the high priest Cale for a cure for Sorgul. They use Edric's mirror to travel to Cale & Strachan's castle where they discuss Sorgul's condition. Meanwhile, Ozzie is still travelling westward with the nomads.
  • 27 Nov – Cale casts a Heal spell and Sorgul begins recuperating.
  • 28 Nov – Sorgul wakes to find he has a new power: the ability to cast the Prismatic Sphere spell. The next day, though, the power fades to be replaced by a new spell.
  • 1 Dec – Sorgul is fully recovered, and has found he has the power to cast a random spell. Unfortunately, he has no choice as to which spell he can cast, and the spell changes every day.
  • 2 Dec – Rathwyn and Sorgul travel to the desert in search of Lord Ozzie. After finding him, he reluctantly agrees to leave his new-found friends and return to the east with them. On the way, though, they explore a pair of portals they knew of in this area. One they find is a gaping pit to the Abyss. Ozzie gets back into his proper mood after slaying a Vrock demon. When they return home, they find the island has been taken over by Orcs in a lightning coup.
  • 3 Dec – The group leaves their Dauthia island castle heading for Restenford. In Restenford, they find the king's “loyal bodyguard” is being held under observation in his own tower. Trusting the king no more, Timrik Longrun (as he is called) sides with the good party and escapes. Hearing word of a strange occurence in a nearby village, they head there to find it nearly destroyed by a band of Deep Ones with a handful of Shoggoths. In a long, complex battle, the Shoggoths are slain and the Deep Ones flee.
  • 4 Dec – As if things weren't bad enough for Lendore, the storm cloud flies up from the south to engulf the entire chain. The good party are sought out by the wizard of the isle: Griswold Gildersleeve. Together with him, they set out to the storm tower that they knew was under construction up in the hills. Once there, they meet the Dark Mage and two of his demonwraiths. He is talking to the traitorous king Uith and is about ready to use him as a storm zombie, when Griswold and the good party arrive. The Dark Mage, never one to pass up an ideal opportunity, decides to use Griswold instead. Uith wisely makes his escape while the battle erupts. The Dark Mage succeeds in his objective, but in the process one of his demonwraiths is killed, and Lord Ozzie sacrifices his blue sword to destroy the red sword Alakir Lubar. As punishment for this, the Dark Mage takes Lord Ozzie with him as he leaves.
  • 5 Dec – The remaining good party packs up their belongings and moves east to live in Edric's castle.
  • 6 Dec – The Master Summoner, a wizardess of great skill in both monster summoning and limited time travel, plucks sixteen adventurers, one young girl, and a dragon from the time stream to carry out a private battle she has with a demon which she accidentally summoned. The adventurers proove to be good, but not that good. The demon, a goristoi type, is loosed on the world. Edric rescues the adventurers by transporting them to his castle.
  • 7 Dec – The group has recovered and they head out to the Dark Mage's castle to search for Lord Ozzie. While still on the ethereal plane, they meet seven Lammasu who, when told of the mission, offer their services. Three accompany the party to the castle. Once there, they kill the gate Mezzodaemon guards to gain entrance, and begin their search inside. Luckily, the Dark Mage and most of his demonwraiths are out, so the search is much easier. In the castle, they come across a magical device apparantely used to magically locate objects (with an enormous range). With it is the captured Elven bow Mancú Rilmaeg and the undead-cursed previous owner. Instead of destroying him, Sorgul atones his evils for him, and he is sent of the material plane. The search for Ozzie is resumed, however, the Dark Mage has used his Sequester magic to conceal Ozzie's body from normal and magical detection. Never-the-less, they find it and make their way out. On the way out, they are confronted with the slow-to-assemble castle guards. The three Lammasu reveal their reason for being here and lay down their lives so that the group may escape.
  • 8 Dec – Presented by the threat of a rampaging forty-foot tall demon in the kingdom, the good party springs to action with the aid of Cale & Strachan. They cast as many protective spells as they can think of, prepare themselves for a harrowing battle, and leap through Edric's mirror to confront the demon. When they arrive, they find a little girl named Erin weeping next to the body of her brother, Franky. The demon lies sprawled out next to them with a massive pool of ichor around its head. The clerics in the group succeed in restoring Franky to life, at which point he leaps into the air and flies around them at high speed. The two children return with the group to Edric's castle.
  • 9 Dec – For perhaps the first time in many weeks, the good party is able to relax for more than one night. Edric, however, is seeming more and more troubled, but never-the-less decides to grant Lord Ozzie a great gift: his youth restored.
  • 18 Dec – Ready to embark again, the group decides to deal with their most recent failure: the conversion of the wizard of Lendore isle, Griswold Gildersleeve, to evil. They go to the storm tower on Lendore via the Astral plane. Once there, they battle their way through two intellect devourers only to be met by four Rakshasas, before they get to Griswold himself. In the end, they decide to retreat before they are killed.
  • 19 Dec – The next morning, they awake to the light of the morning sun instead of the cold evil of the storm cloud. They find themselves not where they were, but instead in an idyllic courtyard garden in an enchanted land. As it turns out, the god of knowledge, Thoth, has summoned them to his chambers to set them on a quest for lost knowledge. Many centuries ago, one of Thoth's high priests uncovered the location of a lost artifact (unknown even to the gods). Before the priest was able to tell anybody, though, he was mistaken for a servant of evil and imprisoned by a misguided wizard. Recently, he was accidentally released by Edric near the mountain of Arral. The good party is to find him, learn what he knows, and retrieve the artifact at all costs.
  • 20 Dec – Back at home (graciously returned by Thoth), they use Edric's mirror to find their target and teleport next to him. They find a man who has been cursed to being forever in darkness. During the daylight hours, his very body is transformed into a cloud of night-time. His sanity has slipped from him over the years, and he is reluctant to tell these strangers any of his prized information. Never-the-less, the good party coaxes the information out of him just short of a violent confrontation. The artifact is one of the three Orbs of Might and is located in a great mountain on the plane of Ash.
  • 21 Dec – The group sets out across the ethereal plane toward the plane of Ash. Once there, they cast many protective spells to ward away the intense heat native to this place, and begin searching for the mountain. Three hours later, they get their first sight of it and Sorgul successfully teleports them to it. Atop the mountain, there is a fortress which they have been warned of. Never-the-less, they proceed up under the misguided notion that the Orb will be in the castle (or at least, whoever lives there will know of it). Unfortunately, they come across the fire-god known as Imix. In a spectacular battle, the good party subdues Imix and forces him to flee. The fire-servants of Imix are awed and allow the party to leave in peace. Down the mountain, they find the cave entrance guarded by two large elementals. Weary from their battle with Imix, they use speed to their advantage and run past the guards instead of fighting them. Within the caverns, they eventually come across the resting place of the Orb. Guarding it, though, is a Monadic Deva who will not allow the Orb to be taken. In the end, before a direct confrontation with the Deva is reached, the group retreats to the ethereal plane to rest. Karelia and Norwood return to this world from Greyhawk.
  • 22 Dec – The group recover their spells and heal their wounds. The Dark Mage, following the clues given by Arral, uncovers the Evil Sceptre of Might.
  • 23 Dec – Returning to the plane of Ash, the party confronts the Deva. Charged with a divine quest to retrieve the Orb, they are forced to battle the Deva. In the conversation before the battle, though, Sorgul coaxed the Deva into revealing its true name. By a stroke of luck, Sorgul succeeds in weaving a complex spell which returns the Deva to its rightful abode, thus sparing them the regrettable act of slaying a Deva. They return to the Material plane and to Edric's castle. Shortly after dark, the castle is attacked by the Dark Mage. In the battle, the Dark Mage reveals that he possesses the Evil Sceptre of Might. Edric, realizing that his spell can rid the world of the evil mage (at the cost of his own life), begins casting his spell. Under a terrible strain, the Dark Mage uses his Sceptre to deflect Edric's spell. The spell then fails, but its side effects are felt as Edric drops to the ground dead. His body, though, fades away leaving no trace. At this time, the little girl Erin enters the courtyard and seeing the frightening image of the Dark Mage, she screams in terror. The extent of her powers are then revealed as her scream pierces each and every being in the castle to their souls and causes every iota of evil in their being to flare in pain. The members of the good party experience severe discomfort. The Dark Mage, though, already weakened by the over-use of his Sceptre is overwhelmed. Only his mental reflexes and his ability to Dimension Walk saves him. The good party, though, will not allow the weakened Mage to escape alive. Fearing they will have no better chance, they pursue. However, by the time they find him, he has recovered enough to fell Lord Ozzie and Master Sly in a sword combat. Sorgul is then dismissed into a mental Maze, and Rathwyn is slain by his hand. After escaping the maze, Sorgul restores life to his comrades and returns them home.
  • 24 Dec – While everybody recuperates from their defeat, a small funeral for Edric is given and a headstone is placed next to that of Tacey's. That evening, Sorgul sees a vision of Edric. Edric tells Sorgul that the castle and lands now belong to the good party, but that his spellbook is needed in his afterlife. As a reward for his hard work, Sorgul is allowed to take his choice of a few spells from the book before it is taken. Karelia and Norwood arrive on the eastern continent at Rota.
  • 25 Dec – In the morning, the castle is met with two unusual visitors: Karelia and Lord Norwood (both missing since the year 1094). They have been adventuring on an alien world and carry with them the Eye of Odin and the great sword Kelva. With their help (and with the Eye of Odin's power to back up the Disks of Frigga and Sif), the group sets off to recover the third of the trio of disks. Guarding the disk of Thor are a band of Frost Giants, who are soon vanquished. The disk is then retrieved and brought home, uniting at last the disks of Odin.
  • 26 Dec – The Sympathetic Search Device found in the Dark Mage's castle is set up to seek out the legendary gem of the gems, using the Eye of Odin as a guide.
  • 27 Dec – A member of the council of wizards comes to learn of Edric's death, and sets out to organize a council meeting to herald in the new Archmage. That evening, Sorgul scries on Wak and learns he has completed his quest for Rûklil. Using the mirror, he brings Wak back to the castle. Now, the three racial weapons are found, but the bow is still without a wielder. Meanwhile, the Dark Mage's undead fleet has attacked the south coastal cities of the Southlands.
  • 28 Dec – Late in the afternoon, it is noticed that Sly has disappeared. By the evening, Rathwyn has also vanished. Sorgul tries to locate them, but the mirror registers a blank. After sitting around for a few days doing nothing useful other than re-learning what has happened to the world she knew, Karelia heads out looking for her family.
  • 29 Dec – During the night, Cale vanishes. By late in the day, Sorgul and Ozzie have also disappeared. The result, it is seen, is the Master Summoner again. This time, the fire-god Imix tracked her down and forced her to snatch up those who had humiliated him in his castle. Quite by accident, she also summoned Cale, who happened to have the Eye of Odin with him at the time. With the Eye in her possession, she realizes that she can summon anything! When the good party are assembled from the time stream at 9:00 AM, they are faced with Imix, who is furious at the Master Summoner for bringing them to him in their armor. In a close battle, aided by more recruits from the Master Summoner, Imix is defeated. In the end, though, everybody corners the Master Summoner and tries to retrieve the Eye of Odin. In a desperate attempt, she uses her summoning power (combined with the Eye of Odin) to reach into the time stream and pull out the best warrior of any time. Her search grabs onto an elvish woman named Tarialaî Thoranna. As fate would have it, she had spent her life searching for Mancú Rilmaeg, until she stumbled across an evil curse which sent her drifting through spce-time uncontrollably. Thus, she has no inclination to help the Master Summoner battle the group and she is defeated. Only Lord Ozzie shows any compassion to the Master Summoner, because she had mentioned the name Parádoxa. He invites her back to the castle and, after considerable coaxing, she accepts. Feeling her title a little too bulky, he tries to learn her true name, but she cannot remember it. Ozzie then dubs her Mary for convenience. Back at the castle, all three racial weapons have finally found their wielders.
  • 30 Dec – Down in the south, a dark fleet of warships finishes up its dismemberment of the Southlands kingdom by destroying the capital city.
  • 31 Dec – To celebrate the coming of the new year, the Dark Mage used the power of the evil Crown of might (which he has just recovered) to make a telepathic announcement to the world. He warns them that the world is in his power now, and that those who do not wish to die at his hands may kill themselves now to avoid later unpleasantness. Widespread suicide is reported throughout Rota. Since the Dark Mage's search device has not uncovered any clue of the legendary gem of gems, it is decided to re-tune the device to search for the Good trio of might.


  • 1 Jan – The Dark Mage's fleet leaves the Southlands, heading north at a tremendous speed (covering nearly 300 miles per day).
  • 2 Jan – Late in the day, the search device locates one of the trio of might off the coast of the northern continent. The group begins to prepare for an excursion the next day. That night, though, the inanimate body of Demonwraith #6 is brought back to life by the Dark Mage and his trio of might. The demonwraith alerts Tarialaî who is attacked and beheaded. The creature then escapes with the evil orb of might, the eye of Odin, and the sympathetic search device (as well as Tari's head) by blowing out one of the walls in the castle.
  • 3 Jan – Norwood and Wak go to Rota to help lead the armies.
  • 4 Jan – The group assembles to find the item located by the search device. Before they leave, the storm cloud rolls in from the west and engulfs the eastern continent. The party continues in earnest. In an underwater adventure, the group fights several deep ones, a pair of Shoggoth, and a Kraken. The latter is feebleminded by Sorgol and then chased away with a fear spell. Under the Kraken, an entrance is found which leads to a dungeon where lies the good Orb of Might. Before they get it, though, they meet and defeat numerous demons and other magical beasts. The last beast to be fought is an Arcanodaemon who has imprisoned several people's souls in special crystal wands. Lord Ozzie is temporarily captured in this manner and is forced to fight the party. In the end, all of the victims are released, including a Movanic Deva.
  • 5 Jan – The Good Party release Griswold Gildersleeve from his undead curse and recover his magic items. In the process, they uncover the evil Sceptre of Might, which the Dark Mage was using as a power source for the storm cloud. They remove it from this world, causing the storm cloud to immediately disband. Via the ethereal plane, the group then travels to the mountains on the east of the main continent, using the power of the orb of might to locate the nearest of the other two items. Once there, they find a series of “tests” set up to prevent people from entering the dungeon. After fighting several medusae, black puddings, and other nasties, they are forced to release and fight the demon lord Kostchtchie to obtain their goal: both the sceptre and the crown. The battle is made slightly easier for the party by the fact that Kostchtchie deperately wants the great map and tries anything to get it (even at the risk of his own safety). Also that day, the Dark Mage's fleet takes a surprising turn away from Rota and begins to head west along the northern coast of the main continent. While the people in Rota breathe a sigh of relief, though, the precognitive wizardess Sandra Middleham senses a swift attack on Rota in the near future. She deduces the Dark Mage's plan and travels to Rota.
  • 6 Jan – Cale, Strachan, and Sly go to Rota. Tarialaî is brought back to life. In Rota, Sandra Middleham tries to convince the generals there to assemble their troops inside the city. After explaining her vision to Cale & Strachan, who in turn explain it to the generals, they agree.
  • 7 Jan – The Rotan army is brought within the city and made ready for battle.
  • 8 Jan – Using the power of the good trio, the group tracks down the neutral trio. They find it and Thomas, its apathetic, near-omnipotent wielder. Luckily, they convince him to take a stand and help out in the upcoming battle. The group assembles at the castle and waits for the mystical signal from the great map. This happens when the Dark Mage opens the portal between Resh and Rota. The heroes then teleport to Resh, while the waiting army in Rota beats the Dark Mage at his own game and goes through the portal to Resh. On a hill overlooking the battle of the armies, the heroes fight the Dark Mage and all twelve demonwraiths. Cale & Strachan are armed with the eye and three disks of Odin, Lord Norwood has Kelva, Wacarnelian Medibeard has Rûklil, and Tarialaî Thoranna has Mancú Rilmaeg. The Dark Mage has only the crown and orb of evil. In the end, Rathwyn and Thomas defeat the Dark Mage with their trios. Hades is gated in by the lead demonwraith, which prompts Rathwyn (or was it Sorgul) to summon Bast with the necklace of prayer beads given them by King Belampex of the mermen (see 19 Oct 1104). Odin, Corellon, and Thoth, all show up in the end. Meanwhile, Godslayer is still trying to use his portal to enter this world. The heroes, acting on a prophecy, disperse the great map when Godslayer is coming through. The ninety-nine portals lose their connections and Godslayer's attempt is thwarted.
  • 9 Jan – Sorgul collects a sample of blood from the portal in Resh. As there still exist many hundreds of the Dark Mage's zombies as well as minions of Godslayer that are still fighting, several of the heroes remain to help out with the “mopping up” battles.
  • 10 Jan – Lord Ozzie, feeling his job done, leaves Resh on foot with Mary. The Rotan army, stranded because of the dispersion of the portal that brought them here, begins cleaning out the Dark Mage's fleet of warships and taking them home.
  • 12 Jan – Unknown to Lord Ozzie and Mary, a spy reporting directly to Pelham meets up with the two and begins to follow them.
  • 13 Jan – Rathwyn leaves Resh, to organize the Backbone refugees in Rota. Sorgul stays to continue the clean-up.
  • 14 Jan – Lord Ozzie and Mary arrive at the dead city of Hawkwood. They decide to skirt around it and head for the mountains due to the number of decomposing bodies that still remain within the city. The spy from Pelham is still on their trail.
  • 18 Jan – Lord Ozzie and Mary arrive at the west fork of the main river through Backbone. They begin following it up over the mountains.
  • 21 Jan – In Rota, Karelia gathers up her surviving family members (Brothers #2,3, and 4) and takes passage back to Lendore Island.
  • 22 Jan – As the ships are leaving Resh without difficulty, Sorgul also leaves, taking Norwood back on his request. Sorgul spends the night at Sly and Rana's castle, while Norwood travels to Restenford.
  • 23 Jan – In Lurevard (northern continent), Sorgul looks through window/portals. The seventh window (CG) has no fortress (the portal has apparantely moved). He seals the negative plane portal with a Wall of Stone.
  • 24 Jan – Sorgul destroys Solgar's skeletons at mountain and rededicates it to Edric.
  • 25 Jan – Sorgul meets the “Super-Orc” at the slaughterhouse, then teleports home.
  • 26 Jan – Sorgul flies to Rota and buys some swords for the Super-Orc. Then, he flies up the coast north. Lord Ozzie and Mary arrive in the foothills of the mountains.
  • 27 Jan – Karelia and her surviving brothers arrive in Restenford. Sorgul flies to northern continent and waits overnight. He casts avoidance on one of the swords.
  • 28 Jan – Sorgul returns to the slaughterhouse and trades the swords for some essences: Centipede, Rodent, Bird, Lycanthrope:Fox, and Grugach Elf. Then, he teleports home.
  • 29 Jan – Sorgul thinks about Tillinghast and prays to Bast.
  • 30 Jan – Sorgul looks for Tamara, the succubus. Then, he contacts Timrik, the illusionist.
  • 31 Jan – Karelia and her brothers arrive back in the village of Shalarkallal and are re-united with all their friends and family (those that remain, that is). Timrik arrives at Sorgul's castle.
  • 1 Feb – Sorgul fails to summon Tamara.
  • 2 Feb – Sorgul tries again to summon Tamara, and is dragged to the Abyss. Lord Ozzie and Mary arrive in Riprap, the home of the gnome kingdom and learn of their fate.
  • 3 Feb – Sorgul meets a Lord of Chaos and is sent back to the Prime Material. The Lord of Chaos send a group of Slaad after him.
  • 5 Feb – Sorgul hears a “call” from the vial of Grugach essence.
  • 6 Feb – Sorgul ESPs the vial of grugach elf essence and feels an empathic touch. He consumes it to regain the power stolen by Tamara.
  • 7 Feb – Sorgul begins library hunting.
  • 8 Feb – Lord Norwood, frustrated at the incompetence of the current rulers of Lendore, forces the king (non-violently) to step down. He then begins the restructuring of the government by appointing regional governors for each of the two islands as well as the northern and southern halves of Lendore.
  • 9 Feb – Lord Ozzie and Mary arrive in Bearly. Finding it to be infested with orcs, they skirt around it. In the immediate area, though, they encounter orc patrols frequently, but they are not seriously threatened. Mary tries to convince Ozzie not to go to the desert, but Ozzie is too stubborn to listen.
  • 11 Feb – Mary, torn between staying with Ozzie and returning to civilization, tries one last time to convince Ozzie to abandon his quest. They part company after a verbal fight.
  • 14 Feb – With Mary gone and Ozzie alone, Pelham homes in on his spy (as he seems unable to locate Lord Ozzie) and confronts the half-orc. He wants only information about the remaining artifacts of Ilay. Ozzie tells him nothing, but Pelham's mind-reading powers reveal what he wants to know. In Rota, Rathwyn declares her intention of repopulating Backbone and begins enlisting soldiers to help. She makes a deal with the king of Rota. In exchange for a handful of ships, she will take as many of the refugees away from Rota as possible.
  • 4 Mar – On the full Moon, Sorgul vists with Lord Ozzie.
  • 5 Mar – Sorgul begins researching Dispel Chaos.
  • 8 Mar – Lord Ozzie arrives at the desert. Expecting to meet some nomads somewhere, he sets out across the sand with little water and less food. The last of the ships leave Resh and the first of the refugee ships, led by Rathwyn, arrive in the ruins of Backbone.
  • 10 Mar – Lord Ozzie's water runs dry.
  • 13 Mar – Fighting dehydration and hallucinations, Lord Ozzie continues stubbornly across the desert. His food rations run out.
  • 15 Mar – Lord Ozzie collapses in the desert, kept barely alive by his ring of regeneration.
  • 19 Mar – Lord Ozzie awakes in a nomad desert village. He remembers nothing of how he got there and does not speak the nomads language.
  • 23 Mar – Rathwyn leads the soldiers on the first assault against the orcs in Backbone. They are forced back to their ships.
  • 26 Mar – Fully (and to the villagers: miraculously) recovered from his ordeal, a frustrated Lord Ozzie demands to find the nomads he met on a previous venture to the desert (see entry for 25 Nov 1104). Since he still has no adequate means of communicating with these people, he eventually leaves the village alone (with enough supplies this time). Knowing only that there is a river far to the south, Ozzie heads south, travelling by night.
  • 29 Mar – After healing the soldiers with the trio of might, Rathwyn's army once again assaults the orcs in Backbone. This time, they succeed in gaining a foothold on land.
  • 5 Apr – Lord Ozzie spots the mountain (at location S8 on the map).
  • 27 Apr – Lord Ozzie arrives in the vicinity of the mountain and meets a small patrol of orcs from the tribe that lives there. Initially, they act more curious than hostile, but soon try to herd the half-orc back to their village. He complies and passes through the orc territory unhindered.
  • 29 Apr – Around the south side of the mountain, Lord Ozzie finds a stream running south. He begins to follow it, assuming it will lead him to the Dry river (which he travelled along in late November, 1104 with the nomads).
  • 2 May – Sorgul is done with the spell and scroll of Dispel Chaos.
  • 3 May – Sorgul travels to Rathwyn's encampment in Backbone and gets her to cast Dispel Chaos on him.
  • 11 May – Lord Ozzie arrives at the Dry river.
  • 12 May – Lord Ozzie meets up with some more nomads. These ones, however, are from the tribe he met on 25 November 1104. They direct him farther down the river to the west.
  • 20 May – After having spent a few months with her family, Karelia decides that there is nothing more to do here, so she heads out alone to construct a monument to her old friend Janna.
  • 21 May – Karelia arrives at the abandoned location of the druidical college.
  • 24 May – Lord Norwood, acting on pressures from the regional governors he appointed, officially recognizes the independent states of Midore and Aldore. Simultaneously, he crowns himself king of Lendore (with support) and issues a directive to the neighboring islands to rule fairly and neighborly, lest they shall be forced to comply to his will.
  • 29 May – After meeting with several small nomad tribes along the dry river, Lord Ozzie finally arrives at the ocean and is reunited with the people he met last November.
  • 1 June – Just when Ozzie was getting comfortable with his nomad friends again, Sorgul locates him (since Ozzie willingly removes his amulet every full Moon). Sorgul convinces Ozzie to come with him to Sly and Rana's castle so that the Good Party can go on a mission to the Nine Hells to rescue Tillinghast. Sly agrees and the three plane shift to the nine hells. They find their trip easier than they expect and end up rescuing not only Tillinghast, but also four other people wrongly imprisoned there. Lord Ozzie, at one point, gives up his amulet in exchange for passage. When they return to the prime material, though, they fall prey to a trap set by powerful denizens of the hells. The five people they rescued, when exposed to the material world, are transformed into incredibly powerful devils. Sorgul, anticipating something like this, uses his one-time-only wish power (granted to him by Bast after the final battle) to restore the five cursed people to their rightful minds. As it turns out, the five retain their powers and so become super-powered beings.
  • 2 June – Sorgul teleports back to his castle with Ozzie and uses the mirror to return Ozzie to the desert.
  • 4 June – With time on her hands, Karelia contemplates life, the universe, and everything while constructing the monument. It is here that she decides to travel around the world and see how things have changed.
  • 5 June – Karelia visits with Rana and Sly in their castle. Sorgul begins researching Sorgul's Compelling Transormation.
  • 7 June – Karelia leaves Lendore, heading for Sorgul's castle. Realizing the complexities of Sorgul's Compelling Transormation, Sorgul abandons researching it.
  • 9 June – Karelia arrives at Edric's old castle which is now Sorgul's. Sorgul is in a sour mood reflecting on the state of the world and such things. When Karelia tells him of the monument she constructed for Janna, Sorgul decides to do likewise for Gammage. Together, the two decide to construct an even larger monument to the other friends they lost in the war.
  • 15 June – Sorgul flies down to Rota to commission for a cat statue to be made. Karelia begins studying some of the books in Sorgul's library and learns details about the ninety-nine portals, from the book of the portals written by the mage Bar in the first age.
  • 21 June – Sorgul begins researching Catseye, a spell to give the caster the night vision abilities of a cat.
  • 24 June – Rathwyn, having made significant advances in retaking the city of Backbone, declares herself queen and officially renamed the city from "Backbone" to "Edric". She sends word to Rota that the city is safe. While the soldiers defend the city at night, the incoming refugees begin to patch up the wall during the day.
  • 11 July – Karelia leaves Sorgul's castle to head for the portal to Greyhawk.
  • 13 July – Queen Rathwyn, facing an increasing crime problem with the influx of refugees, orders that the city's arena be refurbished, and that regular combat be fought within it. This will help alleviate the violent tendencies of the populace, she hopes.
  • 15 July – On the new moon, the ancient castle that was once a portal to Greyhawk shows no indication of being a portal. Karelia waits (on a hunch) for the full moon.
  • 30 July – The portal to Greyhawk, Karelia deduces, has moved or vanished. She could not go back to Greyhawk even if she wanted to.
  • 2 August – Karelia begins to visit places on the main continent where she has been to before, but not since the destruction. Queen Rathwyn, as an incentive to drive the remaining orcs away, authorizes a bounty of one gold piece per orc killed.
  • 3 Aug – Lord Ozzie, having spent two months with the desert nomads, becomes restless and decides to travel to a mysterious kingdom in the mountains to the south that the nomads mentioned. The kingdom, so say the nomads, has powerful wizards living in it.
  • 13 Aug – Lord Ozzie, following the coast, arrives at the mouth of the first river in the oriental kingdom. He begins searching upriver to find the kingdom.
  • 2 Sep – Karelia explores one of the ruined castles of Aurén Ilay far to the south of the main continent.
  • 9 Sep – Sorgul completes researching Catseye, and begins on Catnap, a resting spell to allow more rest from less sleep.
  • 11 Sep – Lord Ozzie, having spent nearly a month searching the mountains for the oriental kingdom, is ready to believe the kingdom is no more than a myth, when he finally spots a village.
  • 9 Oct – In the oriental village, Lord Ozzie has just barely broken the communication barrier and learns for the first time about the mysterious wizards that the desert nomads had told him about. He decides to visit what the natives call the “rune-mage” and they reluctantly give him directions.
  • 16 Oct – Lord Ozzie arrives at the castle of the rune-mage and finds that the mage is actually "Wizard" (Kegan Rogueharp), though Ozzie does not know the significance of this (nor does Wizard).
  • 19 Oct – Lord Ozzie demands to be trained in the arts of magic, and so Wizard agrees to try to teach him the basics. Ozzie's lack of patience, though, prevents any real knowledge from sinking in. Wizard keeps the half-orc around for laughs, but succeeds in teaching him nothing.
  • 23 Nov – Karelia returns to Sorgul's castle to celebrate what would have been her 64th birthday.
  • 1 Dec – Karelia begins researching spells. First on the list is Hawksight. This spell keeps her busy for about two months.
  • 11 Dec – Sorgul completes researching Catnap, and begins on Winds of Change, a spell to modify wind speeds in a localized region.


  • 1 Feb – Karelia finishes researching her Hawksight spell. She takes a rest for a few days.
  • 5 Feb – Karelia begins researching her Camoflauge spell.
  • 9 Feb – Sorgul finishes researching Winds of Change.
  • 22 Feb – On the full moon (Bast's holy day), Sorgul begins his quest for companionship, vowing to swear off the use of magic and become like a comman man.
  • 3 Mar – Sorgul meets a domestic cat in the wilderness and considers it an omen of approval from Bast.
  • 8 Mar – Sorgul arrives in Farflen.
  • 23 Mar – Sorgul leaves Farflen.
  • 28 Mar – Sorgul arrives in Rota.
  • 14 April – A group of adventurers, tricked by Pelham, arrive at Sorgul's castle and steal the Helm of Demarest from the vaults. As fate would have it, Karelia is away from the castle when the thieves arrive.
  • 13 May – Karelia finishes researching her Camoflauge spell and travels to Lendore Island to see if she can regain her land.
  • 15 May – Karelia visits King Norwood to regain her land.
  • 17 May – The heroes of the final battle are now scattered around the world, living their own lives. Suddenly, though, they each are presented with a projected image of the Dark Mage, declaring his return. Rathwyn is first to see it and so immediately travels to Sorgul's castle. Finding that Sorgul is gone, she uses the mirror to track him down. She teleports to the inn he is working and tells him what she saw. He agrees to help, even though he has taken a vow of non-magic. While visiting Norwood, Karelia also learns of the trouble and is “invited” to help out. The assembled heroes fight a series of real, quasi-real, and fully illusory opponents before finally able to defeat the Dark Mage. As it turns out, the "Dark Mage" was Nakam Alkat, who had gone insane. The heroes are forced to kill him. Wizard meets with the Good Party and Karelia whom he had not seen in many years. He talks to Karelia about Rune Magic (and a little about Voice magic) and she becomes very interested. After it is done, the heroes rest in the city of Edric.
  • 20 May – Pelham calls for a meeting of the council of wizards and suggests that all the heroes attend. Karelia refuses to go.
  • 25 May – The council of wizards convenes and Pelham unveils his new creation: the re-shaped body and mind of the evil wizard Sardul in the form of “Sardula.” Upon seeing Pelham, Mary freaks out and teleports away (presumably through time). Shortly after the conference, Ozzie is summoned away by Mary to the year 1090. Back then, he sees that Mary is only about eighteen years old and is battling Pelham. Ozzie defeats Pelham, but Parádoxa shows up and restores Pelham. As punishment, Parádoxa strips Mary of her memory and real name (Claira) and then sends Ozzie back to when he should be, although at Sly and Rana's castle.
  • 26 May – Back at home, Sorgul starts his quest over again. Mary shows up at Sly and Rana's castle and Ozzie casually calls her Claira. In flood of memories, she realizes everything that had happened to her.
  • 27 May – Claira (Mary) leaves Sly and Rana's castle to be alone. Ozzie heads for Restenford.
  • 1 June – Ozzie arrives in Restenford and arranges passage to Rota.
  • 8 June – Sorgul arrives in Farflen. Ozzie arrives in Rota.
  • 13 June – Sorgul arrives in Rota. Ozzie arrives in Farflen
  • 15 June – Sorgul leaves for Lendore Island.
  • 21 June – Sorgul arrives in Restenford. Ozzie arrives at Sorgul's castle, and finds that Sorgul is not home. (Is Karelia home?)
  • 22 June – Sorgul arrives in the village of Midland, rests, and contemplates things. Ozzie tries to use the mirror to locate Sorgul and fails.
  • 23 June – Ozzie tries again to use the mirror, but can find nobody. Frustrated, he leaves the castle.
  • 27 June – Sorgul leaves Midland, heading for Shalarkallal. In Restenford, he begins looking for a job.
  • 28 June – Sorgul finds employment helping to sell jewelry. Ozzie arrives in Farflen.
  • 3 July – Sorgul leaves Restenford. That evening, he arrives in Bayton. Ozzie arrives in Rota.
  • 4 July – Sorgul leaves Bayton.
  • 6 July – Sorgul passes Sly's castle, and arrives in Norpoint.
  • 8 July – Ozzie arrives at Cale & Strachan's castle. He asks them to teleport him to Minas Moriant (the tower he travelled to on 2 Aug 1104). They do so, complete with a boat. With a water breathing spell cast, Ozzie goes into the tower and gets to the bowl of magical dust at its top. He uses it to try to form a portal to the plane of time. He ends up on the ethereal plane, far from the prime material. Cale, following Ozzie's instructions, returns home after Ozzie fails to return from the tower. He immediately scrys for him and finds him wandering the ethereal plane.
  • 9 July – Sorgul leaves Norpoint, after a brief stay.
  • 10 July – Sorgul arrives at the mouth of river near Shalarkallal
  • 12 July – Sorgul arrives in Shalarkallal and begins repairing his original family home. Ozzie, having spent four days exploring the ethereal plane and its connections to the elemental plane, finally stumbles across the plane of shadow and goes there. Once there, he asks to see someone important, and is taken to the Shadowlord. Ozzie asks to be shown the way to the time plane, and the Shadowlord sends him back to the ethereal plane near a window to the time plane, after Ozzie agrees to be in the Shadowlord's debt. On the plane of time, he meets with Parádoxa and the time lord shows Ozzie a possible future, including an aged Sorgul and a strange man with a metal patch over one eye, flying inside a noisy, metal machine. The three are battling at least two towering creatures who have no physical bodies and who are hard to look at directly.



  • Jan – Meet and defeat the Godslayer, but lose Ozzie in the process…

(… more to come …)

Note: Some additional details can be found on the Recent History page.

good_party_calendar.1287959823.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:41 (external edit)