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Gkîlarzzá, Demon king of pain

Servant to the orc gods. Wielder of one of two evil swords which are counter to two good swords that Karelia and Rana found in 1092. See also Kalagúrth.

Roughly orc-like, this great humanoid demon has extremely sharp claws and a long, ape-like snout with a tremendous bite. He stands eight feet tall in this form, but can polymorph at will and often turns into an orc to fight with his sword. (He can fight with his sword in his normal form, as well).

After the magic changed in 1108, Gkîlarzzá made a deal with the wizard Kevin Arcana. He gave Kevin the secret to controlling the portals in exchange for a small amount of pain whenever they were used. This deal remained in effect until the year 1126, when a team of adventurers defeated Gkîlarzzá and killed Kevin Arcana.

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gkilarzza.txt · Last modified: 2019/09/10 23:47 by jims