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V2 Session Seventeen - 28 September 2007 - "The Sinister Spire" (part 3)

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Player Character Race Class
Dave Freyrik Human(Feytouched) Warlock/5
VW Heilli Human Soulknife/4, Psion/1
Kurt Ketamine Crag Gnome Barbarian/1, Witch/4
Chris Yosi Wood Elf Barbarian/5
Val Allie Human(Aasimar) Favored Soul/4, Fighter/1

Note: This adventure comes from “ The Sinister Spire”, by Bruce R. Cordell and Ari Marmell, as published by Wizards of the Coast.

16 September 1111

Líkami mysteriously announces that he will not be joining the party on their mission to the “Necromancer's Spike”. After a brief, heated “debate” between the twins, Heilli sides with his brother and agrees to split the party (at least temporarily). Ash, however, is not convinced this is an acceptable solution, so he insists on remaining behind to keep an eye on Líkami.

From the bazaar, the remaining party members scout out the entrance to the inner city, where the “Necromancer's Spike” sits. Seeing it unguarded, they make their way in, avoiding a pack of Dire Rats on the way.

Area S1) Spike Entry

The only entrance to the spike is guarded by a trio of guards from House Dusklorn. After a brief fight (in which Freyrik falls asleep from Drow sleep poison), the Drow are slain and entrance is gained.

Area S2) Guardian Chamber

The ring that Es Sarch gave to the party works – though they get an inkling of the danger to this magical room when Heilli (carrying the ring) steps out of the room before the others.

Area S5) Haunted Trophy Room

The party sees an illusion of a gaunt drow male hanging up a cloak, then cocking his head upward, mouthing words silently and looking angry. They take him to be the mysterious necromancer, who disappeared some twenty years ago. They find the cloak he hung up in the illusion and discover a folded piece of parchment with six words written in an unknown language.

# Challenge CR
3 Dusklorn Mercenaries 5
5 Tomb Motes 2
1 Ghoul Mimic 6
Total XP (each) 1,850(5)
v2session17.1192396401.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:45 (external edit)