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V2 Session Twelve - 20 July 2007 - "Unfamiliar Ground"

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Player Character Race Class
Dave Freyrik Human(Feytouched) Warlock/4
THF Líkami Human Monk/3
Ken Ash Human(Aasimar) Paladin/2
VW Heilli Human Soulknife/3, Psion/1
Kurt Ketamine Crag Gnome Barbarian/1, Witch/3
Chris Yosi Wood Elf Barbarian/4
Val Allie Human(Aasimar) Favored Soul/3, Fighter/1

Note: This adventure comes from “Salvage Operation”, by Christopher West, as published in "Dungeon Magazine" #119, February, 2005, pages 18-28.

21 June 1111

Rianna, the Ranger who helped Ash and Líkami babysit the villagers in Kingsholm, arrives in Stillsquall to get the party's assistance. She has found the Imp who escaped their previous encounter – and wants to kill him once and for all. Ash enthusiastically agrees to help and rounds up the rest of the party.

22-24 June 1111

Travel to Kingsholm by way of Southbay. The party spends the night with the Aldorans at their camp. The Druid, Cordelia, reintroduces herself and asks about the goings-on at the “Barrow of the Forgotten King”.

25 June 1111

Rianna leads the party to a spot where she has seen the Imp three times, but has to return to the camp to attend to something “urgent”. The party discovers a cave entrance on the far side of a small lake. Líkami tries to scout ahead quietly, but is discovered by a Hobgoblin on guard duty. The party rushes the cave entrance and finds themselves in a running battle with twelve Hobgoblins and their Cleric leader, Neegla.

Eventually, the main group of Hobgoblins are killed. The leader flees to a back chamber, where the party finds the Imp they are after, as well as a group of animated Skeletons and a large Dragon Skeleton. The Dragon is so frightening that much of the party flees on the spot, leaving only the twins – who decide it would be best to retreat and regroup.

Freyrik, also affected by the Dragon's Frightful Presence is cut off from the main group and is unable to flee away, so he cowers in a side room. The Imp, who he learns is named “Hezzrack”, insists he play a game of chess with his “masterwork” chess set (crudely carved from dragon bone). Freyrik goes along for the time being, hoping the bide time until the rest of the party returns.

Once the fear effect wears off and the party regroups, they prepare for a second assault. This time, Ash and Allie are unaffected by the Dragon's Frightful Presence. Allie, though, spends her time corralling the frightened party members – while Ash and the twins tackle the dragon, the Imp, and a mysterious old man.

The man, caught unawares by the party's arrival, makes a feeble attempt to convince the party that he is in need of rescuing. While Yosi takes him seriously, nobody else does – which is good since it is actually the Hobgoblin Neegla with a Disguise Self spell active.

Ash and the twins make short work of Neegla, but then find themselves in a fierce fight with the Dragon. After a brilliant display of tactical movement, though, the Dragon is defeated.

In the confusion, though, Hezzrack, the Imp, turns invisible and flees – cackling on his way out, saying, “Thanks for killing the Hobgoblins for me!”

# Challenge CR
1 Large Constrictor Snake 4
12 Hobgoblins 1/2
6 Armored Skeletons 1/21)
1 Neegla, Hobgoblin Leader 4
1 Snapper, the Dragon Skeleton 42)
1 Hezzrack, Imp Wizard 3)
4 Gnoll Skeletons 1
1 Medium Water Elemental 4)
Total XP (each) TBD
Normally 1/3 – slight bump due to higher AC
Yes, I know. Welcome to the vagaries of the Challenge Rating system
Escaped, undefeated
v2session12.1185037450.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:45 (external edit)