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Voyager Overview

The "Voyager" Campaign Notes

Goal: To get across N'Galt to the “civilization” of Rota.

Races: Human recommended. All others require special permission.

Classes: Barbarian and Paladin are discouraged (don't fit the society). Wizards will require altered rules for spellbook usage (see below).

Skills: New Language Rules - see below. No other changes.

Feats: No changes

Spells: Most low level spells OK (unless they have an obvious elemental special effect). 2nd and higher will often have differences. Gradually, as time goes by, spellcasters will be able to adapt to the changes for many spells (elemental ones will always be troublesome).

Equipment: This is the key to the campaign. All players must maintain a detailed list of everything your character carries - and how much it weighs. In addition, each character may include two line items on his/her equipment list that will be filled in at a later time. These will represent things that were likely to have been brought along - but we (as 20th century weaklings) didn't think about it.

Possible PC types (if you still need some inspiration):

  • Superior rich kid - Believes the world rewards hard work, therefore his family works hard.
  • Idealistic rich kid - Believes the world punishes abuse of power, therefore his family will perish and die (eventually). Prefers not to share their fate.
  • Spoiled rich kid - “Me! Me! Me!” - doesn't really think much
  • Poseur - Not really rich, but wants to fit in
  • Nouveau-riche - Doesn't fit in, but doesn't care that much
  • Humble middle-class - Actually *does* work for a living

Learning new spells in the wilderness:


  • Gets 2 spells each new level (PHB p.155).
  • Takes one day / spell to learn these new spells (DMG p.41)
  • Does not take time/money to write into book (PHB p.155)
  • For other spells:
  • Takes one day + one day / spell level to write in book (PHB p.155)
  • Costs 100 gp / page (2 pages / spell level)


  • “… gain spells each time they attain new experience levels and never gain spells any other way.” (PHB p.156)

Conclusion: Spellcasters will get their spells for a new level without restriction. However, due to resource and time restrictions, it is impractical for Wizards to copy spells into their spellbook other than the ones they get at new levels.

World Nations and Religions:
Blanan Dwarven Well preserved, but isolated
Resh Sumerian Everyone and everything is dead
Backbone Egyptian Recovering and repopulating slowly
Lowland Greek Still held by orcs
Pleven Elven Orc wilderness; All the elves are gone
Spindrift Celtic Each island has formed its own government
Rota Norse Well preserved; The most powerful nation left
Farflen Elven The remaining “civilized” elves
Teleme *mixed* The natives are getting restless
Arela African Well preserved; no impact from the wars
Dumaka Asian (Chinese) Move along. Nothing to see here.
Sea of Sand Elementals Well preserved
Grugach Elven “Wild” elves. Wars had no impact on them
Dyanaî *unknown* Coastal indians (the “friendly” ones)
Ouraî Central American The natives in Teleme; starting to rebel

Teleme (also known as "The Southlands"):

The people of the Southlands migrated from northern Thentao (primarily Backbone). They conquered the natives, but slowly adopted more and more of their customs. Now, the language they speak is hard to understand to a native Backbonian - much like the Afrikaans.

The society is very legalistic - a traditional that developed because of the disparate ruling families and their need to stay together to keep the natives in check.

N'Galt (also known as "The Eastern Continent"):

With the exception of the nation of Rota (on the west coast), the continent of N'Galt is infested with “barbarians”. It is well populated, but avoided by the “civilized” peoples due to its unnaturally low magic levels.

Despite this, about thirty years ago, an enterprising pair of mages built the resort at Luyu and connected it to the capital city in Teleme via an impressive portal. Now, it is a popular vacation destination for the rich and powerful.

Recent World History:

  • 900's - Teleme populated by settlers mainly from Backbone and Lowland
  • 1092 - Orcs take over Lowland (beginning of wars)
  • 1095 - Storm cloud™ appears over Lowland
  • 1102 - Natives attempt (and nearly succeed) with rebellion in Southlands
  • 1104, June 26 - All in Resh are killed by a psychic shock of unknown origin
  • 1104, Dec 30 - Dark Mage topples rulers in Teleme; Undead swarm city
  • 1104, Dec 31 - Dark Mage sends telepathic broadcast to kingdom of Rota
  • 1104, Dec 31 - King Erle II of Teleme killed and imprisoned in Storm Tower
  • 1105, Jan 1 - Dark Mage's undead fleet leaves Teleme
  • 1105, Jan 4 - Storm cloud expands to Rota and most of the world (It does not reach as far south as Teleme, nor as far east as the resort)
  • 1105, Jan 8 - Defeat of the Dark Mage at Resh; Great Map broken
  • 1105, June 24 - Repopulation of Backbone begins; city renamed to “Edric”
  • 1106, Spring - The Dwarves in Blanan are awakened
  • 1106, May 25 - The council of wizards convene
  • 1108, Jan 31 - The magic changes - Voyager begins…

Placenames that may or may not be important:

  • Dyanaî (d.YAH-na-ee) = Name for the natives that live near the resort
  • Honovi (ho-NO-vee) = Goblin tribe to the south
  • Luyu (LOO-yoo) = Dyanaî name for the resort
  • Ouraî (o-RAH-ee) = Southlands Natives
  • Teleme (teh-LEM) = Proper name for “The Southlands”
  • Telemi (teh-LEM-ee) = The people and language of Teleme
  • Arela (ah-REL-uh) = “The Marsh People”
  • Dumaka (doo-MAH-kah) = Orientals
  • Etenaî (ay-TAY-na-ee) = Plains Indians (central N'Galt)
  • Comani (ko-MAHN-ee) = Nomads (south-central N'Galt)
  • Baka (BAH-kah) = Barbarians near the Lake of Serpents
  • Songan (SOHN-gahn) = Native name for “The Lake of the Serpents”
  • Fadil (FAH-deel) = Nomads that live in the Sea of Sand (central Thentao)
  • Lise (LEE-se) = Main river in Dyanaî territory
  • Lomasi (lo-MAH-see) = Prominent tribe on the north coast (Rain King)

Famous people from [[Teleme]] ("The Southlands"):

  • Sandra Middleham (psionic precognitive) - Played a central role in the defeat of the Dark Mage in 1105 (three years ago). Moved to Rota(?)
  • Tylden - Member of the council of wizards. Whereabouts unknown.

Language charts:

Language Rules Modifications:

There is no such thing as “Common” tongue. The Human languages are detailed in the list below. Non-human languages are the same as in Table 4-6 on page 74 of the Player's Handbook.

Communication between two people with no common language is not necessarily impossible. It depends on the similarity of the languages and the results of a Speak Language skill roll (using the following table).

DC Task
10 Simple conversation
15 Fluent conversation
20 Completely fluent with accent
25 Native accent
  • 1 point of similarity between the languages give a +2 to the roll
  • 2 points of similarity gives +5 to the roll

Here begins the information that the players need not know:

A Note about the Portals:

There is a portal in central N'Galt that could play a role in this campaign. However, the portal is currently unknown to the world. Kevin Arcana probably knows about it, but will not be revealing it to the world until around July of 1108. Since it is “remote” from a civilized world's point of view, it is highly unlikely that the locals around the portal would become aware of it before the party arrived in it's locale.

The Rain King:

The farther north you travel along the eastern coast of N'Galt, the more dense the population becomes. On the north-east corner, the Dyanaî society is quite advanced and rivals much of the “civilized” world.

The largest and most successful tribe in this region is the Lomasi. Their leader is known as “The Rain King” as he has rudimentary control over the weather through the power of an ancient, magical staff.

The King is a ninth level cleric, and the Lomasi society believes that he is semi-divine - a sort-of godking. In this case, he is “married” to a goddess named Matchitisiw.

His real name is Malila, but that is so rarely used that it is all-but-irrelevant. Under his stewardship, the crops generally thrive and food is plentiful.

However, this power comes from an old artifact that will become useless when the magic changes. As a result, his power will slip and the people will grow restless. He cannot admit that his power has disappeared, yet without such an admission, his subjects will become suspicious and resentful.

In addition, while the goddess whom the Rain King is married to is Chaotic Neutral, Malila himself is Chaotic Evil. Thus, most people fear him more than his predecessors.

The Elemental Lords:

Title Align Name Domain
Lord of Air CN Shunnyj Air
Princess of Good NG Uasfuns Lightning
Prince of Evil NE Yan-C-Bin Vacuum
Lord of Earth LN ? Earth
Prince of Good NG ? Mineral
Prince of Evil NE Ogremoch Dust
Lord of Fire N ? Fire
Princess of Good NG Tanala Radiance
Prince of Evil NE Imix Ash
Lord of Water LN ? Water
Prince of Good LG ? Steam
Princess of Evil NE Olhydra Salts
Lord of Light NG ? Positive Material
Dark Lord NE ? Negative Material
Shadow Lord CN ? Shadow
Time Lord N ? Time
Lord of Ice N→NE Cyronax Ice

The structure of the Elemental World:

Lightning [Spark] Radiance [Obsidian] Minerals [Clay] Steam [Crystal]
AIR (Smoke) FIRE (Magma) EARTH (Ooze) WATER (Mist)
Vacuum [Fumes] Ash [Pumice] Dust [Silt] Salt [Frost]

Notes about the prophecies given to the party by Kakawangwa

Roget) The design on the tea cups is significant and he will recognize it if he sees it again. It is a symbol used in rune magic - and is one of the runes on Kesi's staff.

Roderick) Sitting at the steps of the great spire in central N'Galt. The sigil at the door is the same as the design on Roget's teacups.

Kesi) More surreal than real. There shall be some critical battle with chaos where Kesi's staff plays an important role. The staff has special powers against chaos - which Kesi is not yet aware.

Dhersion) His story is not relevant. That he talked to the gods is. In fact, it wasn't gods at all. But the chiefs of the various Etenai tribes coincidentally have the names of major deities from other pantheons. There is Zeus, Odin, Ra, etc. These chiefs are teetering on the brink of a cataclysmic war due to the magic change and the introduction of chaos. Dhersion will have an opportunity at some point to talk them out of war… Somehow…

Vincent) The wizard is Kendrick, the wizard of the mountain pass. Afflicted by chaos and now quite insane. He, however, has a magic item that can tame chaos somehow - a small jade frog. The tower of stone is the same tower that Roderick saw.

Aramil) N/A as he did not undertake the ceremony.

Bigby) Bigby's vision was profound and disturbing and he will speak of it to no one! (Yeah, I know that's a cop out - but it lets me decide what it was later so I can work it into the story for dramatic effect).

[[Kesi]]'s Staff:

This magical quarterstaff is one of 16 such tools that were created ??? years ago by ???. Each staff has sixteen runes carved into the wood on each end.

Law Air Peace Spring
Life Fire Shadow(2) Summer
Death Earth War Fall
Chaos(1) Water Time Winter
  • (1) This is the control rune for this staff
  • (2) This is the symbol that Roget and Roderick saw in their visions

Roget's wedding ring:

The magical ring that Roget took from Malila (the Rain King) has the following properties:

  • +2 on all Fort saving throws plus poison expulsion effect: If a Fort saving throw is failed that represents a physical substance invading the body (such as poison), the effects will only be felt for 1d6 rounds. During this time, the poison will be drawn into the stomach and as a (forced) standard action, it will then be expelled out.
  • Fast Healing if directly exposed to rainwater as follows:
    • 1 point per round if standing in a steady rain (Lighter rain such as a drizzle will reduce this to as low as 1 per 5 rounds)
    • 1 point per minute if immersed in secondary rain water (river or stream) (Water that has been handled or controlled in any way provides no benefit)
  • Non-combat “color” effect: Extra vulnerability to thirst (the wearer requires slightly more water than usual to stay comfortable)

Tsylaire, the wanderer:

From the original dungeon description: (Book IV, tab G)

An aged human male sitting cross-legged wearing a simple robe, a belt, a shoulder bag, and carrying a long staff. This is TSYLAIRE, the wanderer, a semi-divine servant of Corellon whose purpose it is to search the world for the new Ainagul. He will thank those who released him, speak very little, and then walk off in a random direction.

The state of the Etenai tribes and their leaders

Tribe Prosperity City Leader Disposition
Hky-you-hay 35% Paco Odin Paranoid, LE
Chayton 36 Chosovi Zeus LN
Harkahome 15 Witashnah Osiris CE
Sibutco 94 Salerhanul Apollo NG
Shima 35 Meli Thor LE
Cheveyo 89 Abukcheech Ra CE
Abedabun 65 Honaw Dagda LN
Nita 28 Shiriki Anu Very old and sickly, CE
The Soul Gem occupants:
1) Human NE Rogue/6
2) Human N Druid/3
3) Human CE Ranger/1 – More recent than Myagmarsuren (Year 946 = 162 yrs ago)
4) Dwarf CN Bard/7
5) Elf CE Ranger/8 – More recent than Myagmarsuren (Year 665 = 443 yrs ago)
6) Human LG Wizard/12
7) Human LN Fighter/11
8) Human CG Fighter/12 Cleric/2 – More recent than Myagmarsuren (Year 774 = 334 yrs ago)
9) Human LG Cleric/7
10) Human LG Fighter/2

1) Ingigrid, Female Human Rogue/6: (5'6“); HD 6d6-6; hp 17; Init +1 (+1 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 11 (+1 Dex); Attack +3 melee, or +5 ranged; SV Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +3; AL NE; Str 9, Dex 13, Con 8, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 11.

Languages: Common, Undercommon.

Skills and feats: Appraise +4, Balance +8, Bluff +6, Craft (Bowmaking) +6, Decipher Script +10, Disable Device +9, Forgery +10, Gather Information +9, Hide +12, Jump +7, Knowledge (Geography) +2, Listen +3, Move Silently +8, Open Lock +10, Spot +3, Use Rope +10; Alertness, [Evasion], Nimble Fingers, Skill Focus (Hide), Stealthy.

2) Hall, Male Human Druid/3: (5'9”); HD 3d8-6; hp 12; Init +4 (+4 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 14 (+4 Dex); Attack +3 melee, or +6 ranged; SV Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +8; AL N; Str 12, Dex 18, Con 6, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 13.

Languages: Common, Druidic.

Skills and feats: Craft (Alchemy) +3, Craft (Trapmaking) +5, Craft (Weaponsmithing) +5, Handle Animal +7, Hide +4, Knowledge (Nature) +6, Listen +3, Move Silently +4, Spot +3, Swim +6; Blind-Fight, Heighten Spell, Iron Will.

Druid Spells Per Day: 4/3/2.

3) Yasimina, Female Human Ranger/1: (5'1“); HD 1d8-1; hp 7; Init +2 (+2 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 12 (+2 Dex); Attack +2 melee, or +3 ranged; SV Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +1; AL CE; Str 12, Dex 15, Con 9, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 11.

Languages: Common.

Skills and feats: Climb +8, Craft (Blacksmithing) +4, Craft (Sculpting) +4, Hide +4, Jump +3, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +4, Listen +1, Move Silently +6, Spot +1, Survival +5; Persuasive, Skill Focus (Climb), [Track].

Ranger Spells Per Day: None until 4th level.

4) Belferk, Male Dwarf Bard/7: (4'1”); HD 7d6+7; hp 34; Init +2 (+2 Dex); Spd 20 ft.; AC 12 (+2 Dex); Attack +6 melee, or +7 ranged; SV Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +2; AL CN; Str 13, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 14, Wis 5, Cha 16.

Languages: Common, Dwarven, Terran, Undercommon.

Skills and feats: Concentration +11, Craft (Armorsmithing) +4, Craft (Blacksmithing) +4, Craft (Stonemasonry) +4, Craft (Trapmaking) +4, Craft (Weaponsmithing) +4, Hide +11, Jump +8, Knowledge (Arcana) +9, Listen -3, Move Silently +12, Perform (Sing) +12, Perform (String Instruments) +13, Perform (Wind Instruments) +12, Spot -3, Use Magic Device +12; Blind-Fight, Craft Wand, Spell Focus (conjuration).

Bard Spells Known (3/4/3/1): 0th – Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Light, Read Magic, Resistance, Summon Instrument. 1st – Cure Light Wounds, Expeditious Retreat, Grease, Unseen Servant. 2nd – Cure Moderate Wounds, Glitterdust, Invisibility, Summon Swarm. 3rd – Confusion, Cure Serious Wounds.

5) Ivellio, Male Elf Ranger/8: (5'1“); HD 8d8; hp 38; Init +2 (+2 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 12 (+2 Dex); Attack +6/+1 melee, or +10/+5 ranged; SV Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +3; AL CE; Str 7, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 7, Wis 12, Cha 11.

Languages: Common, Elven.

Skills and feats: Handle Animal +10, Heal +3, Hide +2, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +7, Knowledge (Geography) +3, Knowledge (Nature) +5, Listen +3, Move Silently +2, Profession (Miner) +7, Search +0, Spot +3, Survival +6; Deceitful, Dodge, [Evasion], [Manyshot], Persuasive, [Rapid Shot], [Track].

Ranger Spells Per Day: 2.

6) Valgerd, Female Human Wizard/12: (5'6”); HD 12d4+36; hp 69; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 10; Attack +7/+2 melee, or +6/+1 ranged; SV Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +8; AL LG; Str 13, Dex 10, Con 16, Int 17, Wis 11, Cha 13.

Languages: Common, Draconic, Orc, Sylvan.

Skills and feats: Concentration +16, Hide +0, Knowledge (Arcana) +15, Knowledge (History) +13, Knowledge (Local) +16, Knowledge (Nature) +14, Knowledge (Religion) +13, Knowledge (The Planes) +15, Listen +0, Move Silently +0, Spellcraft +13, Spot +0; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Rod, Craft Staff, Craft Wand, Enlarge Spell, Maximize Spell, Quicken Spell, [Scribe Scroll], Spell Mastery (Color Spray, Arcane Eye, Magic Mouth).

Wizard Spells Known (4/5/5/5/3/3/2): 0th – Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Disrupt Undead, Flare, Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Resistance, Touch of Fatigue. 1st – Animate Rope, Cause Fear, Color Spray, Endure Elements, Grease, Jump, Obscuring Mist, Reduce Person, Sleep. 2nd – False Life, Fog Cloud, Hideous Laughter, Hypnotic Pattern, Locate Object, Magic Mouth, Obscure Object, Scorching Ray. 3rd – Dispel Magic, Flame Arrow, Fly, Greater Magic Weapon, Haste, Hold Person. 4th – Arcane Eye, Hallucinatory Terrain, Ice Storm, Mass Enlarge Person, Mnemonic Enhancer. 5th - - Hold Monster, Mage's Faithful Hound, Mage's Private Sanctum, Teleport. 6th – Freezing Sphere, Globe of Invulnerability, Mass Bear's Endurance, Permanent Image, Summon Monster VI, Symbol of Persuasion, Undeath to Death.

7) Hrodyn, Female Human Fighter/11: (5'4“); HD 11d10+33; hp 103; Init +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative); Spd 30 ft.; AC 12 (+2 Dex); Attack +14/+9/+4 melee, or +13/+8/+3 ranged; SV Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +4; AL LN; Str 16, Dex 14, Con 17, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 10.

Languages: Common, Gnome.

Skills and feats: Disguise +3.5, Gather Information +5, Handle Animal +14, Hide +2, Intimidate +13, Listen +3, Move Silently +2, Ride +15, Spot +3; Alertness, Blind-Fight, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (kukri), Improved Bull Rush, Improved Initiative, Mounted Combat, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (scimitar).

8) Besma, Female Human Fighter/12, Cleric/2: (5'9”); HD 12d10+12 + 2d8+2; hp 94; Init +2 (+2 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 12 (+2 Dex); Attack +17/+12/+7 melee, or +15/+10/+5 ranged; SV Fort +14, Ref +6, Will +12; AL CG; Str 18, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 17, Cha 11.

Languages: Auran, Common.

Skills and feats: Craft (Blacksmithing) +6, Craft (Shipmaking) +11, Forgery +3, Handle Animal +13, Heal +8, Hide +2, Jump +17, Knowledge (History) +2, Knowledge (Religion) +2, Listen +5, Move Silently +2, Ride +17.5, Spot +5; Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Great Fortitude, Improved Sunder, Iron Will, Mounted Combat, Point Blank Shot, Power Attack, Rapid Reload (crossbow, heavy), Trample.

Cleric Domains: Magic, Animal. Cleric Spells Per Day: 4/3+1.

9) Sigvaldi, Male Human Cleric/7: (5'1“); HD 7d8+7; hp 41; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 10; Attack +5 melee, or +5 ranged; SV Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +8; AL LG; Str 10, Dex 11, Con 13, Int 9, Wis 17, Cha 17.

Languages: Common.

Skills and feats: Craft (Stonemasonry) +2, Heal +13, Hide +0, Knowledge (Arcana) +1, Knowledge (History) +6, Listen +3, Move Silently +0, Spot +3; Combat Casting, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Maximize Spell, Widen Spell.

Cleric Domains: Animal, Sun. Cleric Spells Per Day: 6/5+1/4+1/3+1/1+1.

10) Vladislav, Male Human Fighter/2: (5'1”); HD 2d10+6; hp 22; Init +4 (+4 Improved Initiative); Spd 30 ft.; AC 10; Attack +5 melee, or +2 ranged; SV Fort +6, Ref +0, Will -2; AL LG; Str 16, Dex 11, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 7, Cha 9.

Languages: Common.

Skills and feats: Bluff +1, Climb +5, Craft (Weaponsmithing) +2, Hide +0, Intimidate +4, Listen -2, Move Silently +0, Sense Motive -0.5, Spot -2; Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Improved Unarmed Strike, Investigator.

Names to use in the campaign:

Stolen from: and

Use d8/d100 if gender is unimportant:

  • 100-467 = Male
  • 468-499 = re-roll
  • 500-811 = Female
  • 812-899 = re-roll

Use d4 instead of d8 for Male-only, or d4+4 for Female-only.

M100 *Abukcheech Algonquin name meaning “mouse”
M101 Achak Algonquin name meaning “spirit”
M102 Adahy Cherokee name meaning “lives in the woods”
M103 Ahanu Algonquin name meaning “he laughs”
M104 Ahiga Navajo name meaning “he fights”
M105 Ahiliya Hopi name. Meaning unknown
M106 Ahmik beaver
M107 Ahote Hopi name meaning “restless one”
M108 Ahtunowhiho Cheyenne name meaning “one who lives below”
M109 Akando ambush
M110 Akecheta Sioux name meaning “fighter”
M111 Akule looks up
M112 Alo Hopi name meaning “spiritual guide”
M113 Alosaka Hopi myth name
M114 Anakausuen Algonquin name meaning “worker”
M115 Anoki actor
M116 *Apenimon worthy of trust
M117 Aponivi Hopi name meaning “where the wind blows down the gap”
M118 Aranck Algonquin name meaning “stars”
M119 Ashkii Navajo name meaning “boy”
M120 Askook Algonquin name meaning “snake”
M121 Askuwheteau Algonquin name meaning “he keeps watch”
M122 *Ata'halne' Navajo name meaning “he interrupts”
M123 Avonaco Cheyenne name meaning “lean bear”
M124 Awan somebody
M125 *Ayawamat Hopi name meaning “one who follows orders”
M126 Bemossed walker
M127 Bidziil Navajo name meaning “he is strong”
M128 Bilagaana Navajo name meaning “white person”
M129 Bimisi slippery
M130 Bodaway fire-maker
M131 Cha'akmongwi Hopi name meaning “crier chief”
M132 Cha'tima Hopi name meaning “the caller”
M133 Chankoowashtay Sioux name meaning “good road”
M134 Chansomps Algonquin name meaning “locust”
M135 Chas-chunk-a Winnebago name meaning “wave”
M136 Chavatangakwunua Hopi name meaning “short rainbow”
M137 *Chayton Sioux name meaning “falcon”
M138 Chesmu gritty
M139 *Cheveyo Hopi name meaning “spirit warrior”
M140 Chochmo Hopi name meaning “mud mound”
M141 Chochokpi Hopi name meaning “throne for the clouds”
M142 Chochuschuvio Hopi name meaning “white-tailed deer”
M143 Chogan Algonquin name meaning “blackbird”
M144 Choovio Hopi name meaning “antelope”
M145 Choviohoya Hopi name meaning “young deer”
M146 Chowilawu Hopi name meaning “joined together by water”
M147 Chu'a Hopi name meaning “snake”
M148 Chuchip Hopi name meaning “deer spirit”
M149 Chunta Hopi name meaning “cheating”
M150 Ciqala Dakota name meaning “little one”
M151 Delsin he is so
M152 Demothi talks while walking
M153 Dichali speaks a lot
M154 *Dohosan bluff
M155 Dustu Cherokee name. Meaning unknown
M156 Dyami eagle
M157 Elan friendly
M158 Elki Miwok name. Meaning unknown
M159 Elsu flying falcom
M160 Eluwilussit Algonquin name meaning “holy one”
M161 Enapay Sioux name meaning “brave”
M162 Enkoodabooaoo
Algonquin name meaning “one who lives alone”
M163 Enyeto walks as a boar
M164 Etchemin Algonquin name meaning “canoe man”
M165 Etlelooaat Algonquin name meaning “shouts”
M166 Etu sun
M167 Ezhno solitary
M168 Gaagii Navajo name meaning “raven”
M169 Gad Navajo name meaning “juniper tree”
M170 Gosheven leaper
M171 Guyapi frank
M172 *Hahkethomemah
Cheyenne name meaning “little robe”
M173 Hahnee beggar
M174 Hakan fire
M175 Hania Hopi name meaning “spirit warrior”
M176 Hassun Algonquin name meaning “stone”
M177 Hastiin Navajo name meaning “man”
M178 Hawiovi Hopi name meaning “going down the ladder”
M179 He-lush-ka Winnebago name meaning “fighter”
M180 Heammawihio Cheyenne name meaning “wise one above”
M181 Helaku full of sun
M182 *Helki Miwok name meaning “touch”
M183 Heskovizenako Cheyenne name meaning “porcupine bear”
M184 Hesutu Miwok name meaning “yellow jacket nest rising out of the ground”
M185 Hevataneo Cheyenne name meaning “hairy rope”
M186 Hevovitastamiutsto Cheyenne name meaning “whirlwind”
M187 Hiamovi Cheyenne name meaning “high chief”
M188 Hinun myth name
M189 Hinto Dakota name meaning “blue”
M190 Kohkahycumest Cheyenne name meaning “white crow or white antelope”
M191 *Hohnihohkaiyohos, Neeheeoeewootis Cheyenne name meaning “high-backed wolf”
M192 Hok'ee Navajo name meaning “abandoned”
M193 *Honani Hopi name meaning “badger”
M194 *Honaw Hopi name meaning “bear”
M195 Honiahaka Cheyenne name meaning “little wolf”
M196 Honon Miwok name meaning “bear”
M197 Honovi strong
M198 Hotah Sioux name meaning “white”
M199 Hototo Hopi name meaning “warrior spirit who sings; he who whistles”
M200 Hotuaekhaashtait Cheyenne name meaning “tall bull”
M201 *Howahkan Sioux name meaning “of the mysterious voice”
M202 Howi Miwok name meaning “turtle-dove”
M203 Huritt Algonquin name meaning “handsome”
M204 Igasho wanders
M205 Istaqa Hopi name meaning “coyote man”
M206 Inteus has no shame
M207 Istu sugar
M208 Iye smoke
M209 Jacy moon
M210 Jolon valley of the dead oaks
M211 Kachada Hopi name meaning “white man”
M212 Kaga chronicler
M213 Kajika walks without sound
M214 Kangee Sioux name meaning “raven”
M215 Kele Hopi name meaning “sparrow”
M216 Keme Algonquin name meaning “secret”
M217 Kesegowaase Algonquin name meaning “swift”
M218 Kestejoo Algonquin name meaning “slave”
M219 *Kitchi Algonquin name meaning “brave”
M220 Knoton wind
M221 Kohana Sioux name meaning “swift”
M222 Kolichiyaw Hopi name meaning “skunk”
M223 Kono Miwok name. meaning unknown
M224 Kosumi Miwok name meaning “fishes for salmon with spear”
M225 Kotori Hopi name meaning “screech owl spirit”
M226 Kuckunniwi Cheyenne name meaning “little wolf”
M227 Kuruk Pawnee name meaning “bear”
M228 Kwahu Hopi name meaning “eagle”
M229 Kwatoko Hopi name meaning “bird with big beak”
M230 Langundo peaceful
M231 Lansa Hopi name meaning “lance”
M232 Lanu Miwok name. Meaning unknown
M233 Lapu Hopi name meaning “cedar bark”
M234 Len Hopi name meaning “flute”
M235 *Lenno man
M236 Leyati Miwok name meaning “shaped like an abalone shell”
M237 Lise Miwok name meaning “salmon head rising above water”
M238 Liwanu Miwok name meaning “growl of a bear”
M239 Lokni Miwok name meaning “rain falls through the roof”
M240 Lonato flint
M241 Lootah Sioux name meaning “red”
M242 Machakw Hopi name meaning “horny toad”
M243 Machk Algonquin name meaning “bear”
M244 Mahkah Sioux name meaning “earth”
M245 Mahpee Sioux name meaning “sky”
M246 Makkapitew Algonquin name meaning “he has large teeth”
M247 Makya Hopi name meaning “eagle hunter”
M248 *Manipi amazing
M249 Mantotohpa Cheyenne name meaning “four bears”
M250 Masichuvio Hopi name meaning “gray deer”
M251 Maska strong
M252 Masou myth name
M253 Matchitehew Algonquin name meaning “he has an evil heart”
M254 *Matchitisiw Algonquin name meaning “he has bad character”
M255 Matoskah Sioux name meaning “white bear”
M256 Matunaaga Algonquin name meaning “fights”
M257 Matwau Algonquin name meaning “enemy”
M258 Maza Dakota name meaning “flat iron”
M259 Megedagik Algonquin name meaning “kills many”
M260 Melkedoodum Algonquin name meaning “conceited”
M261 Melvern meaning unknown
M262 Meturato
Cheyenne name meaning “black kettle”
M263 Milap charitable
M264 *Mingan gray wolf
M265 Minninnewah Cheyenne name meaning “whirlwind”
M266 Misu Miwok name meaning “rippling brook”
M267 Mochni Hopi name meaning “talking bird”
M268 Mojag never silent
M269 Moki Hopi name meaning “deer”
M270 Molimo Miwok name meaning “bear walking into shade”
M271 Momuso Miwok name. Meaning unknown
M272 Mona Miwok name meaning “gathers jimson weed seed”
M273 Mongwau Hopi name meaning “owl”
M274 Motega new arrow
M275 Muata Miwok name meaning “yellow jackets inside a nest”
M276 Mukki Algonquin name meaning “child”
M277 Muraco white moon
M278 Naalnish Navajo name meaning “he works”
M279 Naalyehe ya sidahi Navajo name meaning “trader”
M280 Nahcomence Cheyenne name meaning “old bark”
M281 Nahele forest
M282 Nahiossi Cheyenne name meaning “has three fingers”
M283 Napayshni Sioux name meaning “strong, courageous”
M284 Nastas Navajo name meaning “curve like foxtail grass”
M285 Nawat left-handed
M286 Nawkaw Winnebago name meaning “wood”
M287 Nayati he who wrestles
M288 Neka wild goose
M289 *Nigan ahead
M290 Niichaad Navajo name meaning “swollen”
M291 *Nikiti round, smooth
M292 Nitis friend
M293 Nixkamich Algonquin name meaning “grandfather”
M294 Niyol Navajo name meaning “wind”
M295 Nodin wind
M296 Nootau Algonquin name meaning “fire”
M297 Nosh
Algonquin name meaning “father”
M298 *Nukpana Hopi name meaning “evil”
M299 Ocumwhowurst
Cheyenne name meaning “yellow wolf”
M300 Odakota Sioux name meaning “friend”
M301 Ogaleesha Sioux name meaning “wears a red shirt”
M302 Ohanko reckless
M303 *Ohanzee Sioux name meaning “shadow”
M304 Ohcumgache
Cheyenne name meaning “little wolf”
M305 Ohitekah Sioux name meaning “brave”
M306 Omawnakw Hopi name meaning “cloud feather”
M307 Otaktay Sioux name meaning “kills many”
M308 Otoahhastis Cheyenne name meaning “tall bull”
M309 Otoahnacto Cheyenne name meaning “bull bear”
M310 Ouray arrow
M311 *Oya Miwok name. Meaning unknown
M312 *Pachu'a Hopi name meaning “feathered water snake”
M313 *Paco eagle
M314 *Pahana Hopi name meaning “lost white brother”
M315 Pajackok Algonquin name meaning “thunder”
M316 Pallaton warrior
M317 Pannoowau Algonquin name meaning “he lies”
M318 Pat fish
M319 Patamon tempest
M320 Patwin man
M321 Payat
he is coming
M322 Paytah Sioux name meaning “fire”
M323 Pinon myth name
M324 Pivane Hopi name meaning “weasel”
M325 Powwaw Algonquin name meaning “priest”
M326 Qaletaqa Hopi name meaning “guardian of the people”
M327 *Qochata Hopi name meaning “white man”
M328 Rowtag Algonquin name meaning “fire”
M329 Sahale falcon
M330 Sakima king
M331 Sani Navajo name meaning “the old one”
M332 *Segenam Algonquin name meaning “lazy”
M333 *Sewati Miwok name meaning “curved bear claw”
M334 *Shilah Navajo name meaning “brother”
M335 *Shiriki Pawnee name meaning “coyote”
M336 Shiye Navajo name meaning “son”
M337 Shizhe'e Navajo name meaning “father”
M338 Shoemowetochawcawewahcatowe Cheyenne name meaning “high-backed wolf”
M339 Sicheii Navajo name meaning “grandfather”
M340 Sik'is Navajo name meaning “friend”
M341 Sike Navajo name meaning “he sits at home”
M342 Sikyahonaw Hopi name meaning “yellow bear”
M343 Sikyatavo Hopi name meaning “yellow rabbit”
M344 Siwili tail of the fox
M345 Skah Sioux name meaning “white”
M346 Songan strong
M347 Sowi'ngwa Hopi name meaning “black-tailed deer”
M348 Sucki Algonquin name meaning “black”
M349 Sunukkuhkau Algonquin name meaning “he crushes”
M350 T'iis Navajo name meaning “cottonwood”
M351 Tahkeome Cheyenne name meaning “little robe”
M352 Tahmelapachme Cheyenne name meaning “dull knife”
M353 Taima thunder
M354 Takoda Sioux name meaning “friend to everyone”
M355 Tangakwunu Hopi name meaning “rainbow”
M356 Taregan Algonquin name meaning “crane”
M357 Tasunke Dakota name meaning “horse”
M358 *Tatanka-ptecila Dakota name meaning “short bull”
M359 Tate he who talks too much
M360 Teetonka Sioux name meaning “talks too much”
M361 Telutci
Miwok name meaning “bear making dust”
M362 Tihkoosue Algonquin name meaning “short”
M363 Tocho Hopi name meaning “mountain lion”
M364 Togquos Algonquin name meaning “twin”
M365 Tohopka Hopi name meaning “wild beast”
M366 Tokala Dakota name meaning “fox”
M367 *Tooantuh Cherokee name meaning “spring frog”
M368 Tse Navajo name meaning “rock”
M369 Tsiishch'ili Navajo name meaning “curly-haired”
M370 *Tupi Miwok name meaning “to pull up”
M371 Uzumati Miwok name meaning “bear”
M372 Vaiveahtoish
Vaive atoish
Cheyenne name meaning “alights on the cloud”
M373 Viho Cheyenne name meaning “chief”
M374 Vipponah Cheyenne name meaning “slim face”
M375 Vohkinne Cheyenne name meaning “Roman nose”
M376 Voistitoevitz
Cheyenne name meaning “white cow”
M377 Vokivocummast Cheyenne name meaning “white antelope”
M378 Wahanassatta Cheyenne name meaning “he who walks with his toes turned outward”
M379 Wahchinksapa Sioux name meaning “wise”
M380 Wahchintonka Sioux name meaning “has much practice”
M381 Wahkan Sioux name meaning “sacred”
M382 Wakiza desperate warrior
M383 Wamblee Sioux name meaning “eagle”
M384 Wambleeska Sioux name meaning “white eagle”
M385 Wambli-waste Dakota name meaning “good eagle”
M386 Wanageeska Sioux name meaning “white spirit”
M387 *Wanahton Sioux name meaning “charger”
M388 Wanikiya Sioux name meaning “savior”
M389 Wapi lucky
M390 Waquini Cheyenne name meaning “hook nose”
M391 Weayaya Sioux name meaning “setting sun”
M392 Wematin Algonquin name meaning “brother”
M393 Wemilat of wealthy parents
M394 Wicasa Dakota name meaning “sage”
M395 Wikvaya Hopi name meaning “one who brings”
M396 Wilny meaning unknown
M397 Wohehiv Cheyenne name meaning “dull knife”
M398 Wokaihwokomas Cheyenne name meaning “white antelope”
M399 *Wuyi Miwok name meaning “soaring turkey vulture”
M400 Wynono firstborn
M401 Yahto Sioux name meaning “blue”
M402 Yancy Englishman
M403 Yanisin Navajo name meaning “ashamed”
M404 Yas Navajo name meaning “snow”
M405 Yiska Navajo name meaning “the night has passed”
M406 Yoskolo meaning unknown
M407 Yuma son of a chief
M408 Quadsolacup
M409 Yowamchin
M410 Wannachin
M411 Sowatum
M412 Wayallup aka Ashue
M413 Willahe
M414 Luplupton
M415 Leluiton
M416 Bootsowish
M417 Mowitch
M418 Winyer
M419 Towalloo
M420 Tichinahon
M421 Tocanum
M422 Satiacum
M423 Kaidedolghat
M424 Sinnaywah
M425 Skanewa
M426 Hogalcut
M427 Peasup
M428 Squatahan
M429 Clowout
M430 Stanum
M431* Salerhanul
M432 Sasticum
M433* Quats
M434 Swoyall
M435 Yuck-kanim
M436 Klesh-kanim
M437 Sheadsut
M438 Skehum
M439 Stanup
M440 Kump-qu-ass
M441 Sou-scust
M442* Yowditbul
M443 Claquadate
M444* Okabitum
M445 Sate-way-a
M446 Ce-col-quin
M447 Skeap-eh-ah
M448* Hky-you-hay
M449 Swauk-i-lum
M450 Laschyach
M451 Stahi
M452 Owyhi
M453 Stann
M454 Quiemuth
M455 Lashmere
M456 Klapat
M457 Klatush
M458 Ela-Kah-ka
M459 Soniquith
M460 Qun-us-up-am
M461 Tum-ah-shun
M462* Tay-lush-kyne
M463* Yateko
Ye-takho [yEta'q'W]
M464 Dew-icth-ei-bud
M465 Tsultit
M466 To-ton-bush
M467* Sho-a-kud
F500 *Abedabun Cheyenne name meaning “sight of day”
F501 Abequa
Cheyenne name meaning “stays at home”
F502 Abetzi Omaha name meaning “yellow leaf”
F503 Abey Omaha name meaning “leaf”
F504 Abeytu Omaha name meaning “green leaf”
F505 Adoette large tree
F506 Adsila Cherokee name meaning “blossom”
F507 Aiyana eternal blossom
F508 Alameda grove of cottonwood
F509 Alaqua sweet gum tree
F510 Alawa Algonquin name meaning “pea”
F511 Algoma valley of flowers
F512 Alsoomse Algonquin name meaning “independent”
F513 Altsoba Navajo name meaning “all war”
F514 Amadahy Cherokee name meaning “forest water”
F515 Amayeta Miwok name. Meaning is unknown
F516 Amitola rainbow
F517 Anaba Navajo name meaning “returns from war”
F518 *Anevay superior
F519 Angeni spirit
F520 Angwusnasomtaqa Hopi name meaning “crow mother spirit”
F521 Ankti Hopi name meaning “repeat dance”
F522 Anna Algonquin name meaning “mother”
F523 Anpaytoo Sioux name meaning “radiant”
F524 Aponi butterfly
F525 Aquene peace
F526 Asdza Navajo name meaning “woman”
F527 At'eed Navajo name meaning “girl”
F528 Atepa Choctaw name meaning “wigwam”
F529 Awanata Miwok name meaning “turtle”
F530 Awenasa Cherokee name meaning “my home”
F531 Awendela morning
F532 Awentia fawn
F533 *Awinita Cherokee name meaning “fawn”
F534 Ayashe
Cheyenne name meaning “little one”
F535 Ayita Cherokee name meaning “first to dance”
F536 Bena pheasant
F537 Bly tall
F538 Catori Hopi name meaning “spirit”
F539 Cha'kwaina Hopi name meaning “one who cries”
F540 Cha'risa Hopi name meaning “elk”
F541 Chapa Sioux name meaning “beaver”
F542 Chenoa dove
F543 Chepi Algonquin name meaning “fairy”
F544 Chilaili snowbird
F545 Chimalis bluebird
F546 Chitsa fair
F547 Chochmingwu Hopi name meaning “corn mother”
F548 Cholena bird
F549 *Chosovi Hopi name meaning “bluebird”
F550 *Chosposi Hopi name meaning “bluebird eye”
F551 Chu'mana Hopi name meaning “snake maiden”
F552 Chu'si Hopi name meaning “snake flower”
F553 Chumani Sioux name meaning “dewdrops”
F554 Cocheta stranger
F555 Dena valley
F556 Dezba Navajo name meaning “goes to war”
F557 *Dibe Navajo name meaning “sheep”
F558 *Doba Navajo name meaning “no war”
F559 Doli Navajo name meaning “bluebird”
F560 Donoma Omaha name meaning “sight of the sun”
F561 Dyani deer
F562 Ehawee Sioux name meaning “laughing maiden”
F563 Enola solitary
F564 Etenia rich
F565 Eyota great
F566 *Fala Choctaw name meaning “crow”
F567 Flo arrow
F568 Gaho mother
F569 Galilahi Cherokee name meaning “attractive”
F570 Hakidonmuya Hopi name meaning “time of waiting moon”
F571 Haloke Navajo name meaning “salmon”
F572 Halona of happy fortune
F573 Hantaywee Sioux name meaning “faithful”
F574 Hausis
Algonquin name meaning “old woman”
F575 Hehewuti Hopi name meaning “warrior mother spirit”
F576 Helki Miwok name meaning “touch”
F577 Honovi Hopi name meaning “strong deer”
F578 Huata Miwok name meaning “carrying seeds in a basket”
F579 Humita Hopi name meaning “shelled corn”
F580 Hurit Algonquin name meaning “beautiful”
F581 Huyana Miwok name meaning “falling rain”
F582 Imala disciplines
F583 Isi Choctaw name meaning “deer”
F584 Istas snow
F585 Ituha sturdy oak
F586 Ituha white stone
F587 Kachina Hopi name meaning “spirit, sacred dancer”
F588 Kai Navajo name meaning “willow tree”
F589 Kakawangwa Hopi name meaning “bitter”
F590 *Kaliska Miwok name meaning “coyote chasing deer”
F591 Kanti Algonquin name meaning “sings”
F592 Kasa Hopi name meaning “dressed in furs”
F593 Kaya Hopi name meaning “elder sister”
F594 Keegsquaw Algonquin name meaning “virgin”
F595 Keezheekoni Cheyenne name meaning “burning fire”
F596 Kimama Shoshone name meaning “butterfly”
F597 Kimi Algonquin name meaning “secret”
F598 Kimimela Sioux name meaning “butterfly”
F599 Kineks rosebud
F600 Kiwidinok Cheyenne name meaning “of the wind”
F601 *Koko Blackfoot name meaning “night”
F602 Kokyangwuti Hopi name meaning “spider woman at middle-age”
F603 Kolenya Miwok name meaning “coughing fish”
F604 Kuwanlelenta Hopi name meaning “to make beautiful surroundings”
F605 Kuwanyamtiwa Hopi name meaning “beautiful badger going over the hill”
F606 Kuwanyauma Hopi name meaning “butterfly showing beautiful wings”
F607 Leotie flower of the prairie
F608 *Lenmana Hopi name meaning “flute girl”
F609 Lequoia meaning unknown (probably an alteration of sequoia, name of a giant redwood tree)
F610 Liluye Miwok name meaning “singing chicken hawk that soars”
F611 Liseli Zuni name. Meaning unknown
F612 Litonya Miwok name meaning “darting hummingbird”
F613 Lomahongva Hopi name meaning “beautiful clouds arising”
F614 Lomasi pretty flower
F615 Lulu rabbit
F616 Luyu wild dove
F617 Macawi Sioux name meaning “generous”
F618 Magaskawee Sioux name meaning “graceful”
F619 Magena moon
F620 Mahal woman
F621 Mahu Hopi myth name.
F622 Mai coyote
F623 Maka Sioux name meaning “earth”
F624 Makawee Sioux name meaning “mothering”
F625 Makkitotosimew Algonquin name meaning “she has large breasts”
F626 *Malia Zuni name meaning “bitter”
F627 *Malila Miwok name meaning “fast salmon swimming up a rippling stream”
F628 Manaba Navajo name meaning “return to war”
F629 Mankalita Zuni name. Meaning unknown
F630 Mansi Hopi name meaning “plucked flower”
F631 Mapiya Sioux name meaning “sky”
F632 Maralah born during an earthquake
F633 *Mausi plucks flowers
F634 Meda prophetess
F635 *Meli Zuni name meaning “bitter”
F636 *Memdi henna
F637 Meoquanee Cheyenne name meaning “wears red”
F638 Migisi Cheyenne name meaning “eagle”
F639 *Miakoda power of the moon
F640 Migina Omaha name meaning “returning moon”
F641 *Mika intelligent raccoon
F642 Mimiteh Omaha name meaning “new moon”
F643 Minal fruit
F644 Misae Osage name meaning “white sun”
F645 Mituna Miwok name meaning “wraps salmon in willow leaves”
F646 Mona gathered of the seed of a jimson weed
F647 Mosi Navajo name meaning “cat”
F648 Muna Hopi name meaning “overflowing spring”
F649 Nadie Algonquin name meaning “wise”
F650 Nahimana Sioux name meaning “mystic”
F651 Namid Cheyenne name meaning “star dancer”
F652 Nara from Nara
F653 Nascha Navajo name meaning “owl”
F654 Nashota twin
F655 Nata speaker
F656 Niabi Osage name meaning “fawn”
F657 Nidawi Omaha name meaning “fairy”
F658 Nijlon Algonquin name meaning “mistress”
F659 Nina strong
F660 *Nita Choctaw name meaning “bear”
F661 Nittawosew Algonquin name meaning “she is not sterile”
F662 Nituna daughter
F663 Nokomis Cheyenne name meaning “grandmother”
F664 Nova Hopi name meaning “chases butterfly”
F665 Nukpana Hopi name meaning “evil”
F666 Numees Algonquin name meaning “sister”
F667 *Nuna land
F668 Nuttah Algonquin name meaning “my heart”
F669 Odahingum Cheyenne name meaning “rippling water”
F670 *Ogin wild rose
F671 Olathe beautiful
F672 Ominotago Cheyenne name meaning “beautiful voice”
F673 Omusa Miwok name meaning “misses with arrows”
F674 Onatah Iroquois name meaning “of the earth”
F675 Onawa wide awake
F676 Onida the one searched for
F677 Ooljee Navajo name meaning “moon”
F678 Oota Algonquin name meaning “day star”
F679 Orenda Iroquois name meaning “magic power”
F680 Pakwa Hopi name meaning “frog”
F681 Pakuna Miwok name meaning “deer jumping downhill”
F682 Pamuya Hopi name meaning “water moon”
F683 Papina Miwok name meaning “vine growing around an oak tree”
F684 Pati Miwok name meaning “break by twisting”
F685 Pauwau Algonquin name meaning “witch”
F686 Pavati Hopi name meaning “clear water”
F687 Peta Blackfoot name meaning “golden eagle”
F688 Petunia flower name
F689 *Polikwaptiwa Hopi name meaning “butterfly sitting on a flower”
F690 *Poloma Choctaw name meaning “bow”
F691 Posala Miwok name meaning “farewell to spring flowers”
F692 Powaqa Hopi name meaning “witch”
F693 Ptaysanwee Sioux name meaning “white buffalo”
F694 Pules Algonquin name meaning “pigeon”
F695 Rozene rose
F696 Sahkyo Navajo name meaning “mink”
F697 Salali Cherokee name meaning “squirrel”
F698 Sanuye Miwok name meaning “red cloud at sundown”
F699 Satinka magical dancer
F700 Shada pelican
F701 Shadi Navajo name meaning “older sister”
F702 Sheshebens Cheyenne name meaning “small duck”
F703 Shideezhi Navajo name meaning “younger sister”
F704 *Shima Navajo name meaning “mother”
F705 Shimasani Navajo name meaning “grandmother”
F706 Shuman Hopi name meaning “rattlesnake handler”
F707 Sihu Hopi name meaning “flower”
F708 Sinopa Blackfoot name meaning “fox”
F709 Sisika bird
F710 Sitala Miwok name meaning “of good memory”
F711 Sitsi Navajo name meaning “daughter”
F712 *Sokanon Algonquin name meaning “rain”
F713 Sokw Algonquin name meaning “sour”
F714 Sooleawa Algonquin name meaning “silver”
F715 Soyala Hopi name meaning “time of the winter solstice”
F716 Suletu Miwok name meaning “flies”
F717 Sunki Hopi name meaning “to catch up with”
F718 Tablita Hopi name meaning “tiara”
F719 Tadewi Omaha name meaning “wind”
F720 Tadita Omaha name meaning “one who runs”
F721 Taigi
Omaha name meaning “returning moon”
F722 Taima thunder
F723 Taipa Miwok name meaning “spread wings”
F724 *Takala Hopi name meaning “corn tassel”
F725 Takchawee Sioux name meaning “doe”
F726 *Takhi Algonquin name meaning “cold”
F727 Tala wolf
F728 Talulah Choctaw name meaning “leaping water”
F729 Talutah Sioux name meaning “blood-red”
F730 Tama thunder
F731 Tansy Hopi name meaning “name of a flower”
F732 Tayanita Cherokee name meaning “young beaver”
F733 Tehya precious
F734 Tiponi Hopi name meaning “child of importance”
F735 Tis-see-woo-na-tis Cheyenne name meaning “she who bathes with her knees”
F736 Tiva Hopi name meaning “dance”
F737 Tolinka Miwok name meaning “flapping ear of a coyote”
F738 Totsi Hopi name meaning “moccasins”
F739 Tuwa Hopi name meaning “earth”
F740 Una Hopi name meaning “remember”
F741 Urika Omaha name meaning “useful to all”
F742 Utina meaning unknown
F743 Wachiwi Sioux name meaning “dancer”
F744 Wakanda Sioux name meaning “possesses magical power”
F745 Waki Hopi name meaning “shelter”
F746 Waneta charger
F747 Wauna Miwok name meaning “singing snow goose”
F748 Weeko Sioux name meaning “pretty”
F749 Wenona firstborn daughter
F750 Wicapi wakan Dakota name meaning “holy star”
F751 Wihakayda Sioux name meaning “little one”
F752 Wikimak Algonquin name meaning “wife”
F753 Winema chief
F754 Winona
Sioux name meaning “giving”
F755 *Witashnah Sioux name meaning “virginal”
F756 Wuti Hopi name meaning “woman”
F757 Wyanet beautiful
F758 Yamka Hopi name meaning “blossom”
F759 Yazhi Navajo name meaning “little one”
F760 Yepa snow woman
F761 Yoki Hopi name meaning “rain”
F762 Zaltana high mountain
F763 Zihna Hopi name meaning “spins”
F764 Zitkala Dakota name meaning “bird”
F765 Ipp
F766 Ha-hayh-staney
F767 Chollidad
F768 Istahiba
F769 Tish-u
F770 You-Ishtoo
F771 Delotsit
F772 Souwalitza
F773 Tabslo
F774* Sibutco
F775 Sappai
F776* Togassia
F777 Yalulitza
F778 Hotassa
F779 Saspalus
F780 Keel-ha-bel-ha
F781 Ach-kl-de-blo
F782 To-qui-a-litsa
F783 Soc-ta-bol-ish
F784 E-wy-the-daf
F785 Dos-o-litz-a
F786 Whitadwit
F787 Twadudastut
F788 Tudatlablote
F789 De-at
F790* Goe-a-lits-ah
F791 Satquels
F792 Qu-se'-pah
F793 Shaldow
F794 Iusemuch
F795 Chelalicum
F796 Chud-a-wah
F797 Haide
F798 Haidawah
F799 Kwadot
F800 Kwe-caith
F801 Kai-kai-sum-lute
F802 Hup-a-soo-tse
F803 Aivsmay
F804 I-yat-whel
F805 Wa-satam
F806 Hoy-a-let
F807 Alsiminote
F808 Janawith
F809 See-yahl-klase
F810 Tow-we-wy
F811 Lil-mat-tk

Mongol Names to use in the campaign:

  1. Adangqan Uriangqai - Ancestress of Genghis Khan
  2. Al Altun - Genghis Khan's daughter
  3. Alan To-a - First woman named in the Secret History. Ancestress of Genghis Khan.
  4. Alay Yid - wife of Yeke Ceren
  5. Alima (apple) - a modern woman
  6. Alqua Beki - A princess
  7. Altani - (golden) Wife of Boroyul
  8. Altansetseg - (gold flower) a modern woman
  9. Any - a warrior queen
  10. Arghun Aqa - Mongol Official
  11. Arlsag - (lion)
  12. Ariq-boke - brother and rival of Kublai
  13. Baiju - Mongol general
  14. Baljinnyam - a modern woman, ambassador
  15. Baryudai Mergen - Ancestress of Genghis Khan
  16. Bataciqan - The first name in the Secret history, son of the bluish wolf and the fallow dear.
  17. Batbayar (strong holiday) - a modern woman
  18. Battsetseg (firm flower) - a modern woman
  19. Baatar - (brave, courageous, or hero) - a modern man, modern woman
  20. Batu - (confident or immoveable)
  21. Bayan - Yuan official
  22. Beker - half brother of Genghis
  23. Bolor (crystal) - a modern woman
  24. Bortei - wife of Genghis
  25. Buri - Mongol prince
  26. Buhbatar - (strong hero) modern boy
  27. Chabi - Kublai Khan's favorite wife (Her name is Sanskrit.)
  28. Chaghatai - Second cousin of Genghis
  29. Chimeg - modern woman
  30. Choijelsurengiin Mendbayar - a modern champion archer (The first part of the name is his father's name, Choijelsuren.)
  31. *Choijelsuren - Modern chamption archer and bower (Mendbayar and Munkhtsetseg's father)
  32. Cholmon - (twilight) modern girl
  33. *Cholontsetseg - modern woman
  34. *Chormaguhn - Mongol general
  35. Doregene - (wife of Qudu, and then Ogodei)
  36. Dzulgetii - a 16 yr old archer in 1194. (Shot a target at 500 m)
  37. Ebegei - Secondary wife of the father of Saca Beki of the Jurkin
  38. Eke - (mother)
  39. Eljigidei - (donkey) a chief
  40. Erdene (jewel) - a young boy
  41. *Erdenechimig - a modern woman
  42. Esunge - son of Genghis Kahn
  43. Ganhuik - a modern boy
  44. Ghunan - (three-year old tiger or bull)
  45. Guyuk - Third Great Khan
  46. Hoelun - Genghis Khan's mother
  47. Hoelun Eke - (mother Hoelun)
  48. Holuiqan - (daughter of Joci)
  49. Huja'ur Ujin - (Ujin = lady) daughter of Ong Qan.
  50. *Ibaqa - Eldest daughter of Jaqa Gambu
  51. Injinashi - Philosopher, historian and author of “Khokh Sudar” in 1194.
  52. Inkhe - modern woman
  53. Itugen - earth and fertility goddess
  54. Jal-bukha - (crafty bull)
  55. Jama - modern woman foreign policy advisor
  56. Jamuqua - enemy and anda of Genghis
  57. Jebei Noyon - Mongol general
  58. Jebtzun Damba - (lord of refuge) a traditional Khalkh title for the 8 living Buddha.
  59. Khara-gulug - (black puppy)
  60. Khasar - (terrible dog)
  61. Khukhenkhu - modern wrestling champion
  62. Khulan - (wild horse)
  63. Kokochu - Genghis Khan's shaman
  64. Korguz - Uigher official
  65. Manduhai - modern woman
  66. Mandakh - modern woman
  67. Manukhai Wise Queen (Tsetsen Khatan) - historial warrior queen
  68. Manduhai - modern woman
  69. Mendbayar - a modern champion archer
  70. Mongurr Aimag - another archer in “Khokh Sudar” (1194) that shot a target at 500 m
  71. *Mongke - (eternal)
  72. Mongke Tenggeri - (eternal heaven)
  73. Munkhtsetseg (eternal flower)- modern six-time national archery woman's champion
  74. Mukhbyar - modern woman
  75. *Myagmarsuren - moren woman
  76. Nachin - (falcon or eagle)
  77. Naran - (sun)
  78. Narenqique - (sunflower) modern girl
  79. Narangerel - a modern woman
  80. Narangerel Orgil - a modern boy, son of Narangerel an usual example of a woman's name in the father's names place.
  81. Narmanda - (sun rays) modern woman
  82. Nar Nuteng - (black eyes) modern woman
  83. Neguder - Mongol general
  84. Nogai - Golden horde prince
  85. *Nomolun - Ancestress of Genghis Khan
  86. Ogedei - second son of Genghis
  87. Oghul-Quimish - wife of Guyuk
  88. Onan - woman in Secret History
  89. Oyuna - (turquoise) a modern woman
  90. Oyunchimeg (turquoise decoration) - modern woman
  91. Oyungerel - modern girl
  92. Oyunsetseg - (Turquoise flower?) - modern woman
  93. Oyuntuya - modern girl
  94. Ozbeg - Khan of the Golden Horde
  95. Puntsag Dulam - a modern woman
  96. Purevsuren - modern woman
  97. Qabul Khan - ancestor of Genghis Khan
  98. Qasar - Genghis Khan's brother
  99. Qaci'un - Genghis Khan's brother
  100. *Qo'aycin - Old maidservent of Hoelun
  101. *Qojin Beki - a Mongolian Princess
  102. Qubilai - another spelling for Kublai
  103. Saibatar - (good hero) - modern boy
  104. Sarantuya - modern woman
  105. Sartaq, Khan of the Golden Horde
  106. Selenge - a modern woman
  107. SeRotan - mother of Mangu Khan 13th cent.
  108. Shidebala - Yuan emperor
  109. Shinebayar - modern woman
  110. Shirchin - a modern man
  111. Shiremun - grandson of Ogedei
  112. Soqatai - wife of Ambayai Qahan
  113. Sorqaytani Beki - second daughter of Jaqa Gambu
  114. Sorqan
  115. Subeedie Baatar - another archer in “Khokh Sudar” (1194) that shot a target at 500 m
  116. Subodei - Mongol general
  117. Sukhbaatar - national hero of modern Mongolia
  118. Sukh - modern man
  119. Sunjidmaa - modern woman
  120. *Tamaca - son of Bataciaqan
  121. Temujin - (of iron) Genghis Khan's childhood name
  122. Temujin Uje - a tribal cheif killed by Genghis Khan's father.
  123. Temuge - Genghis Khan's brother
  124. Temulun - Genghis Khan's sister
  125. *Tengri - Mongol supreme deity
  126. Tode Mongke - Khan of the Golden Horde
  127. Togtongo Baatar - another archer in “Khokh Sudar” (1194) that shot a target at 500 m
  128. Tolui - fourth son of Genghis
  129. Tsenden - modern woman
  130. Tsedenbal - modern man
  131. Tugei - wife of Qudu
  132. Tumen - a modern woman
  133. Sunjidmaa - a modern Xarchin woman
  134. Yusugen - daughter of Yeke Ceren
  135. Yusui - daughter of Yeke Cerene

50 random generated names:


  1. Onirajan
  2. Pam
  3. Crorel
  4. Uloewyth
  5. Fauwyn
  6. Chuwin
  7. Wardoc
  8. Baygord
  9. Eraennor
  10. Geaf
  11. Brirasean
  12. Kaldan
  13. Ace
  14. Laroakin
  15. Adiliwin
  16. Afelif
  17. Dredritram
  18. Etoaric
  19. Ocoi
  20. Gwynad
  21. Aseat
  22. Rhaolin
  23. Tam
  24. Dwiasean
  25. Eteivudd
  26. Kedilag
  27. Ybelinidd
  28. Sendann
  29. Trelald
  30. Dalenyth
  31. Laot
  32. Legalenyth
  33. Froiband
  34. Tiev
  35. Umalin
  36. Jaletram
  37. Dwo
  38. Qirabard
  39. Wuk
  40. Thaeld
  41. Nydales
  42. Aleiw
  43. Gwomawyth
  44. Frunyth
  45. Jerirehar
  46. Onilaf
  47. Rhirali
  48. Traunydd
  49. Rholdan
  50. Jeraewyn

100 random Elven names:


— Male — — Female —
01) Rár 01) Rithradia
02) Elvárion 02) Gilmalindë
03) Nymir 03) Anathien
04) Elóldor 04) Amilmawiel
05) Parar 05) Anówiel
06) Gléndil 06) Gloclya
07) Caláldur 07) Elilmathien
08) Celilad 08) Delandra
09) Glithraldor 09) Elithralindë
10) Nal 10) Galeng
11) Pung 11) Mil-Gadia
12) Belonduil 12) Galudia
13) Pelas 13) Galebrithien
14) Urithrambor 14) Amawiel
15) Elilmal 15) Gladrieviel
16) Delarar 16) Feviel
17) Sil-Gambor 17) Tiodien
18) Anowyn 18) Galil-Gania
19) Galélas 19) Threng
20) Unén 20) Sylindë
21) Piomir 21) Elránia
22) Vundir 22) Gliviel
23) Legebriwyn 23) Anyng
24) Delorfilith 24) (used)
25) Vendil 25) Eärinia
26) Eärorfilith 26) Vélindë
27) Calombor 27) Legeclya
28) Legondil 28) Fódë
29) Belarand 29) Lóméwiel
30) Urorfimbor 30) Amáviel
31) Aniombor 31) Calenia
32) Belolith 32) (used)
33) Faraldor 33) Eärarawen
34) Elvithraldur 34) Nélindë
35) Anaral 35) Eowithiel
36) Hélad 36) Glothien
37) Pilmawyn 37) Lómarawien
38) Threbrildor 38) (used)
39) Celén 39) Niwien
40) Voril 40) Sadriewiel
41) Fithrandil 41) Thrádë
42) Mán 42) Lómirith
43) Sélad 43) Eowilmandra
44) Cénd 44) Urólith
45) Análdur 45) Eärithralith
46) Támbor 46) Isilmandra
47) Thrálas 47) Celudith
48) Rilmaril 48) Riviel
49) Anólas 49) Legedë
50) Pil-Garil 50) Rong
51) Lómondel 51) Uruwiel
52) Fóldor 52) Rythiel
53) Tinil-Gal 53) Corfithien
54) Mebririand 54) Thrania
55) Lómithraril 55) Meviel
56) Tinilmamir 56) Hil-Ganiel
57) Galorfir 57) Delilmathien
58) Isiomir 58) Eäréclya
59) Tinuril 59) Uril-Gang
60) Celorfiwyn 60) Gláwien
61) Elvil-Galdur 61) Isóniel
62) Amándir 62) Morfirith
63) Mándil 63) Eärorfidith
64) Calebrildur 64) Hil-Gathiel
65) Galimir 65) Pynia
66) (used) 66) Belólindë
67) Unon 67) Belodien
68) Vilad 68) Lómioniel
69) Elrebrindel 69) Eowathiel
70) Thradriel 70) Deliodia
71) Myn 71) Urilmadia
72) Tararion 72) Elradriewen
73) Githran 73) Tandra
74) Legyndel 74) Legiwien
75) Galarion 75) Niolindë
76) Cil-Gand 76) Elil-Galia
77) Nel 77) Hithralia
78) Galariand 78) Lómylindë
79) Forion 79) Celilmalith
80) Mundir 80) (used)
81) Elrebririon 81) Lómorfirith
82) Elioldor 82) Leganiel
83) Legang 83) Isuwiel
84) Delorfil 84) Tinarathiel
85) Néndel 85) Eärithrawiel
86) Delewyn 86) Elváthiel
87) Gen 87) Unorfiwiel
88) Eowarar 88) Isithrawien
89) Vélith 89) Isorfidë
90) Beluwyn 90) Tarawen
91) Cóndir 91) Podë
92) Fár 92) Delindra
93) Legulith 93) Amebrindra
94) Amerion 94) Elvélia
95) Beloldur 95) Feng
96) Náril 96) Febring
97) Gyldur 97) Uredien
98) Tinilmawyn 98) Lómithralia
99) Delorion 99) Nodë
00) Piombor 00) (used)

100 random Dwarven names:


— Male —
01) (used)
02) Glugan
03) (used)
04) Bignar
05) Figan
06) Sunus
07) Hulin
08) Noignar
09) Nilir
10) *Golir
11) Kenus
12) Duli
13) Galir
14) Fumli
15) Sanar
16) Roignus
17) Sanar
18) Glamli
19) (used)
20) Bagan
21) Tenus
22) Lonar
23) Logan
24) Nerin
25) Gurin
26) Velir
27) Hoimli
28) (used)
29) Nosur
30) Kosin
31) Hanar
32) Hulin
33) Sugnus
34) Fomli
35) Gluran
36) Glasil
37) (used)
38) Derin
39) Salir
40) Biran
41) Lesin
42) (used)
43) Dolir
44) Ligan
45) (used)
46) Kigan
47) *Glali
48) Delin
49) Signus
50) Bognar
51) (used)
52) Tosil
53) Hoiran
54) Suran
55) Dirin
56) Gefur
57) Deran
58) Nerin
59) Delir
60) Nelir
61) Nenus
62) (used)
63) Kisur
64) Gloifur
65) Soimli
66) Vebur
67) Nifur
68) Furin
69) Vasur
70) Hagnus
71) *Bamli
72) Tognus
73) Vosin
74) Banus
75) Gasur
76) Dali
77) Relin
78) Bumli
79) Beran
80) Tusur
81) Binus
82) Soli
83) Foirin
84) Tonus
85) Megnar
86) Moinar
87) Huli
88) Kagnar
89) Morin
90) Koli
91) Hegnus
92) Menus
93) Nesur
94) Toibur
95) *Kalin
96) Lasil
97) Loinus
98) Molin
99) Sognar
00) Lerin

100 random Hobbit names:


— Male —
01) Bubo
02) Bebo
03) Sogrin
04) Bim
05) Bidoc
06) Sappi
07) Meroidoc
08) Sippi
09) Rabo
10) Driado
11) Drem
12) Drom
13) Droirry
14) Perugrin
15) Rerry
16) Boigrin
17) Meragrin
18) Perido
19) Reppi
20) Biago
21) Merogrin
22) Merigo
23) Sappi
24) Peroido
25) Radoc
26) Frugo
27) Roippi
28) Boidoc
29) Siado
30) Surry
31) Boirry
32) Biado
33) Frogrin
34) Drobo
35) Redoc
36) Mereppi
37) Soigo
38) Bago
39) Merado
40) Bido
41) Bedo
42) Sigo
43) Periarry
44) Sarry
45) Frogo
46) Roim
47) Merago
48) Drom
49) Perudoc
50) Peregrin
51) Merogo
52) Peragrin
53) Peroigrin
54) Merippi
55) Siam
56) Sugrin
57) Friarry
58) Frurry
59) Droigo
60) Meregrin
61) Perirry
62) Sim
63) Meriarry
64) Subo
65) Perodoc
66) Friagrin
67) Boigrin
68) Rugrin
69) Sido
70) Bugo
71) Perorry
72) Biado
73) Periado
74) Meroirry
75) Begrin
76) Rappi
77) Bedo
78) Dreppi
79) Friam
80) Meroido
81) Roppi
82) Peroirry
83) Rebo
84) (used)
85) Siam
86) Drado
87) Perubo
88) Dribo
89) Peribo
90) Rodo
91) Sarry
92) Meroppi
93) Begrin
94) Merobo
95) Rido
96) Soirry
97) Friado
98) Frum
99) Siago
00) Biado

Norwegian Names:

Taken from

(d4/d100 - reroll above 439)

101) F Agnes
102) M Aksel
103) F Alexandra
104) F Alfhild
105) M Alfred
106) M Anders
107) M Andor
108) F Andrea (2)
109) M Andreas
110) F Anja
111) F Anna
112) F Anne
113) F Annelie
114) M Ansgar
115) M Anton
116) F Antonia
117) M Arne (1)
118) M Arvid
119) F Åsa
120) M Asbjörn
121) F Aslaug
122) F Asta
123) F Astrid
124) M Axel
125) F Beata
126) F Benedikte
127) F Bergliot
128) F Bergljot
129) F Berit
130) M Bernt
131) M Birger
132) F Birgit
133) F Birgitta
134) M Bjarne
135) M Bjoern
136) M Björn
137) M Bjorne
138) F Bodil
139) F Borghild
140) F Carina
141) F Cathrine
142) F Cecilia
143) F Charlotta
144) F Christin
145) M Christoffer
146) M Dag
147) M Dagfinn
148) F Dagmar
149) F Dagny
150) F Dagrun
151) M Daniel
152) M Ebbe
153) F Edith
154) M Edvard
155) M Egil
156) M Eilert
157) M Einar
158) M Eirik
159) F Elin
160) F Elisabet
161) F Elisabeth
162) F Else
163) M Emanuel
164) M Emil
165) M Enok
166) M Erik
167) F Erika
168) M Erlend
169) F Ester
170) F Eva
171) M Filip
172) M Finn (2)
173) M Folke
174) M Frans
175) M Fridtjof
176) M Fritjof
177) M Frode
178) M Georg
179) F Gerda
180) M Gjurd
181) M Gregers
182) F Grethe
183) F Gro
184) F Gry
185) F Gudrun
186) F Gull
187) F Gunda
188) F Gunhild
189) F Gunhilda
190) M Gunnar
191) M Gunne
192) F Gunnhild
193) F Gunnvor
194) F Gunvor
195) M Gustav
196) M Haakon
197) M Håkon
198) M Haldor
199) M Halldor
100) M Halle (1)
201) M Hallvard
202) M Halstein
203) M Halvard
204) M Halvdan
205) M Halvor
206) F Hanna
207) M Hans
208) M Harald
209) M Håvard
210) F Hedda
211) F Hedvig
212) F Hege
213) F Helena
214) F Helga
215) M Helge
216) F Hella
217) M Hemming
218) M Henning
219) M Henrik
220) F Henrike
221) F Hilda
222) F Hildegard
223) F Hildegarde
224) M Hjalmar
225) F Hjørdis
226) M Holger
227) F Hulda (1)
228) F Ida
229) F Inge M,
230) F Ingeborg
231) F Ingegerd
232) M Ingemar
233) M Ingmar
234) M Ingolf
235) F Ingrid
236) M Ingvar
237) F Ingvild
238) F Irene
239) M Ivar
240) M Jacob
241) F Jacobine
242) M Jakob
243) M Jan (1)
244) F Janne (2)
245) F Jannike
246) M Jarl
247) M Joakim
248) M Johan
249) F Johanna
250) F Johanne
251) M Johannes
252) M Jon (1)
253) F Jonette
254) M Jørgen
255) F Jorun
256) F Jorunn
257) M Josef
258) F Julia
259) M Kai (1)
260) F Kaia
261) F Karen
262) F Kari (1)
263) F Karita
264) M Karl
265) F Karla
266) F Karolina
267) F Karoline
268) M Kasper
269) M Kennet
270) M Kim (2)
271) F Kirsten
272) M Kjell
273) F Kjellfrid
274) F Kjerstin
275) M Kjetil
276) F Klara
277) M Knut
278) M Knute
279) M Konrad
280) F Kristian M,
281) F Kristin
282) F Kristine
283) M Kristoffer
284) M Lars
285) M Leif
286) F Lena
287) M Lennart
288) F Lis
289) F Lisbet
290) F Liv
291) M Lorens
292) F Lotta
293) F Lovise
294) F Lucia
295) M Ludvig
296) F Magda
297) F Magdalena
298) F Magnhild
299) M Magnus
200) F Maja
301) F Margareta
302) F Margit
303) F Margrethe
304) F Maria
305) F Marit
306) M Marius
307) F Martha
308) F Martina
309) M Mathias
310) M Mats
311) F Meta
312) M Mikael
313) F Mikaela
314) M Mikkel
315) F Mona (2)
316) F Monika
317) F Nanna
318) M Nathanael
319) M Nils
320) F Nora
321) M Odd
322) M Oddmund
323) M Ola
324) M Olaf
325) M Olav
326) M Ole
327) F Olga
328) M Oskar
329) M Otto
330) M Ove
331) M Øystein
332) M Øyvind
333) M Peder
334) M Per
335) M Peter
336) M Petter
337) F Pia
338) M Pontus
339) F Ragna
340) M Ragnar
341) F Ragnhild
342) M Ragnvald
343) F Rakel
344) M Ralf
345) M Ralph
346) M Rasmus
347) F Rebekka
348) M Rikard
349) F Rita
350) M Roald
351) M Roar
352) M Robert
353) M Rolf
354) F Rosa
355) F Rosemarie
356) M Ruben
357) M Rudolf
358) F Runa
359) M Rune
360) F Ruth
361) F Sanna
362) F Sara
363) M Severin
364) M Sigmund
365) F Signe
366) F Signy
367) F Sigrid
368) F Sigrun
369) M Sigurd
370) F Silje
371) M Simen
372) M Simon
373) M Sindre
374) F Siri
375) F Siv
376) M Sjurd
377) M Snorre
378) F Sofia
379) F Solveig
380) F Sonja
381) M Søren
382) M Stefan
383) M Stein

mm| 384) | M | Stian |

385) M Stig
386) F Stina
387) F Sunniva
388) F Susanne
389) F Svanhild
390) M Svein
391) M Sverre
392) F Sylvia
393) F Tea
394) F Tekla
395) M Teodor
396) F Thea
397) M Thomas
398) F Thora
399) F Thorborg
300) M Thorvald
401) F Thyra
402) M Tomas
403) M Tor
404) F Tora
405) F Torborg
406) F Tordis
407) M Tore (1)
408) M Torgeir
409) M Torger
410) F Torhild
411) M Tormod
412) M Torvald
413) M Trygve
414) M Ture
415) F Tyra
416) F Ulla
417) M Ulrik
418) F Ulrika
419) F Ursula
420) M Valdemar
421) M Valentin
422) M Valter
423) F Vanja
424) M Varg
425) M Verner
426) F Veronika
427) F Vibeke
428) M Vidar
429) M Viggo
430) M Viktor
431) F Viktoria
432) M Vilhelm
433) F Viola
434) M Waldemar
435) M Walter
436) M Werner
437) F Ylva
438) M Yngvar
439) M Yngve

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voyager_overview.1618079515.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/04/10 13:31 by jims