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V2 Session Thirty-One Alpha - July 2008 - (email interlude)

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Player Character Race Class
Dave Freyrik Human(Feytouched) Warlock/8
Ken Ash Aasimar Paladin/7
THF Líkami Human Monk/6, Tattooed Monk/2
VW Heilli Human Illumine Soul/3, Soulknife/5, Psion/1
Kurt Ketamine Crag Gnome Barbarian/1, Witch/7
Chris Yosi Wood Elf Barbarian/8
Val Allie Lesser Aasimar Favored Soul/7, Ranger/1

Note: This session is merely a summary of an email session. No XP was awarded and no module was used.

An encounter on the road from Castle Serastis

As you shepherd the freed slaves toward civilization, Ash spots a pair of soldiers on the road ahead. As he is not the type to open fire unprovoked, the soldiers have time to act. One signals to the other, who turns and begins running back the way they came.

The remaining soldier adopts a defensive stance, places his hand on his shortsword hilt, and says, “Halt!”

Based on the soldier's armor (light) and choice of weapons, he is likely some kind of scout. While he has a crest displayed on his armor, it is not one that any of you are immediately familiar with.

However, Ash recognizes it as from the private militia of the wizard Kevin Arcana. It is fairly well known amongst those in power because of the fact that Kevin Arcana has no “divine” right to any authority. He is a commoner who has stepped onto the stage by virtue of the fact that he is extremely wealthy.

As such, his militia is eyed with a heavy dose of concern by those who wield power through “legitimate” means - especially Baroness Karoline of the clan Simen - on whose land Kevin Arcana lives.

Arcana's power has extended into the upper classes of Southbay, but has had little impact on the outlying baronies - including the Wildhurst barony (where your characters call home).

Kevin Arcana's Army

Chris Havel wrote:

Are we still outside the boundary of a recognized barony?

Depending on who you speak to, there is nowhere outside a recognized barony.

Even Castle Serastis and the Yuan-Ti would technically be under the “authority” of a baron. However, there are numerous such places that are lawless because the baron hasn't had the interest or ability to exert their authority.

I recommend parlay until flying kick-time arrives.

I rule that despite the rolls, Likami and Allie's parlay/diplomacy will neutralize Freyrik's initimidation. (Kinda hard to give somebody the stink eye when their cohorts are rolling their eyes and saying, “Don't mind him. He hasn't had his coffee, yet.”)

1) Explain we're escorting these captives we freed from the snake
people. We're not outfitted to repel a big band of, well, anything,
and would appreciate help from trained soldiers.

This interests him greatly. He really perks up when you say “snake people”.

2) What detachment are you from, and where are they? Take us to your

What with the shock of Freyrik and the awe of Allie, he is remarkably compliant to your questioning. He reveals that they are in the employ of the mage Kevin Arcana, that their captain is named “Adrian”, and that they number around 150. (This last point is clearly something he regrets revealing - further evidence of his compliant nature).

3) Once with the main troop, we can figure out why they're here and
if our Baron should be worried.

The main troop arrives after a few minutes. They are extremely well equipped - and seem to be well trained. Perhaps twenty are mounted and a train of pack animals and carts trail behind the main army. Amongst the infantry, you recognize an unusual variety of races and ethnicities (though, naturally, most are from Southern Rota). You even see elves, dwarves, and hobbits in the mix - which is highly unusual for a human-led force.

While the main contingent remains “at the ready”, they make no threatening advances and have no weapons drawn. Your friendly scout trots over to a man who, shortly thereafter, is introduced to you as “Adrian, Captain of the Arcane Defenders”. Despite the title, you sense that this man is not a spellcaster. (Though there are a few in the crowd that probably are).

After a few cordial introductions, Adrian reveals that his soldiers have been sent to reconnoiter a place called “Serastis”. He was told that it harbors a tribe of snake men and that these snake men recently suffered a great defeat. He is eager to know what (if anything) you know about this castle.

Unlike the scout, this man seems less intimidated and/or awed by you.

P.S.: Your baron probably couldn't care less - since you are something like a dozen baronies away from his lands…

Serastis de-brief

In the absense of other player input, I will take Heilli/VW's response to be the group consensus…

Pssst….let 'em know we wasted Seratis. […]
Allie, flanked by Ash (all glowy) and Heilli (who appears
distracted) will lead the contingent, […]

At first (quite naturally), Captain Adrian seems unconvinced. However, when the normals convincingly corroborate your story, his opinion is swayed.

Once he believes you, he begins grilling you for specifics. He doesn't seem to care WHY you were there and steers the conversation away from PAST events. All he cares about is the NOW. How many of the enemy remain? What is their fighting style? What kind of special abilities do they have? Can you pinpoint where in the castle they might be located? He then brings out a reasonably accurate partial map of Serastis and asks you to fill in as many gaps as possible - especially details about the entrance. (The chief deficiencies of his map are that it shows the Upper Landing as open to the air; and that it does NOT show the secret entrance).

Whether or not you reveal all you know about Serastis, this portion of the encounter is over. Adrian and his troops will remain with you for only a short time before continuing on their way to Serastis. They believe that they have a narrow window of opportunity and intend to capitalize on it as best they can.

First and formost, if I may speak for Ash, we want to rescue these
prisoners. To take them to any place of safety where they can
recover and rest. […]

As for the refugees, Adrian offers two options: Bring them to the nearby village of Inger or bring them to "Neroth" (which he says is Kevin Arcana's base of operations). In the process of this discussion, he sketches out exactly where you are and where you need to go to get home. (Note: If you opt for caution, this information can be extracted without revealing your hometown).

While both destinations are nearby - and would be reached after only one night's camp, Neroth is farther from the path you'll need to take to get back home. Adrian's preference is for you to go to Neroth - which you interpret as a distrust of Baroness Karoline (in whose barony Inger is located).

The trip to Neroth

When you decide to make the trip to Neroth, Adrian tasks a young man from his support train to guide you. He is unwilling to send any of his main army for fear that he will need every one of them when they reach Serastis.

His name is Didrik and while he seems mildly disappointed at having to miss the “action”, he quickly accepts his new assignment and makes a point to learn all of your names. He strikes you as the type who would have a great future as a businessman or political leader.

The rest of that day goes without a hitch. While Neroth could have been reached that day under normal circumstances, the large number (and condition) of the refugees slows you down and forces you to camp the night.

During this time, Didrik fills you in on some of the details of Neroth and Kevin Arcana. Arcana has been known to the locals for several years and (like most wizards) had a reputation as an eccentric. On one hand, he lived far enough from the cities to gain respect from the rural communities, but on the other hand, he alienated many by offering his magical services only with a ruthless capitalism.

Three years ago, though, everything changed. This was the summer of 1108 – which those in the know recognize as the year the magic changed. Arcana began a massive construction project at a site near where he lived. The construction was done with such an urgency and the pay was so high that it drained the resources from the surrounding farmlands. Baroness Karoline was none too pleased about the productivity of her peasants, but an “arrangement” was made which seemed to make her happy (at least for a time).

Since then, construction has never stopped. Now, Neroth consists of a massive, walled castle complex with three nearby stone-walled buildings and numerous wooden buildings – including dormitories for the workers. It is, by all measures, a town in and of itself.

And, while Baroness Karoline seems to have lost her patience with him, he now commands a massive contingent of mercenaries, so Karoline would be foolish to oppose him with force. (This last detail is one which Didrik relays with great pride).

Even with all of this information, when you arrive the following day at Neroth, you are amazed at its size. And, while the buildings and decorations are certainly not audacious, they still represent a vast wealth. This fact is augmented by Didrik – who tells stories of wagons full of gold and silver that come and go in the wee hours. (Naturally, he offers no specifics and when pressed, admits that he's never actually seen the wagons – he's only heard about them from others).

You are greeted at an outer gate to the complex by a squadron of armed soldiers. Didrik then does something unusal. He pulls from his pocket a small gem on a chain and places it into a stone pedestal near the gate. An orange glow arises from the pedestal – at which point one of the guards opens the gate and the rest all step aside.

Didrik then leads you to the main castle, where the process is repeated. The same orange glow from a similar pedestal elicits the same response from the (very well) armed guards. However, this time, one of the guards recites a small speech – which appears to be one he says often.

“Welcome to Neroth. Within the walls of this castle, any use of supernatural abilities is strictly prohibited. This prohibition is automatically enforced by the castle itself, so I would advise you to dismiss any active spells immediately.”

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v2session31a.1243184394.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:46 (external edit)