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Voyager39 - Roderick talks to Cale


In such a short time, your quest to reach civilization has been fulfilled. The rational part of your mind had been telling you all along that the gods would see you to safety and that you would soon be amongst the civilized world. But deeper, a dark doubt had been plaguing you. You knew that once your goal was reached, that there was a secondary (perhaps unreachable) goal: rescuing the people at the resort. But even beyond that, there was the unknown. A quest demanded by the denizens of other planes: Seek out Cale.

Dhersion had told you a little about Cale & Strachan. They lived, he said, near the city of Rota, and were two of the great heroes that helped defeat the Dark Mage at the end of the great wars. Dhersion, of course, told the story quite well - and though you had heard him tell it more than once, it never answered your questions. Why had Apenimon, the Janni, told you to seek out Cale? Was he acting on behalf of a god? And if so, which one? Your faith kept telling you it was Imhotep. That He would not let one of his chosen priests fall into danger without cause. But there have been others guiding your steps these past few months. There was the Shadowlord and the Lords of Chaos - whose motives seemed clear, but when revealed were cast into doubt. And then, of course, there was *her*.

Now, as you sit in Sorgul's parlor, helping Roget and the others explain your story to this odd, half-elven priest to Bast, these thoughts push your mind into drifting tangents. Your first quest is over. Your second quest can begin. But what does that mean? And what lies beyond? You are fairly near to Cale now. Should you eschew the rescue attempt and proceed to his home?

Suddenly, your attention snaps back to the conversation. “My friend, Cale”, Sorgul is saying, “possesses great magic items called the Disks and Eye of Odin. One of these, the Disk of Sif, can be used to transport people anywhere in the world. It has the power to transport every person at the resort back down to The Southlands.”

In a flash, your deep doubts and fears evaporate. It must be the will of Imhotep! Why else would the man you seek be the one man who can help you fulfill your second quest! The second and third quests are one and the same! Blessed be His plan!

The rest of the evening (and late into the night), the conversation is lively and much is discussed (some of it important, but most of it not). You begin to understand Sorgul almost more than you wish to. Despite his obvious piety, you realize he has a wizard's analytical view of the world. Often times, wizards and priests are at odds regarding the nature of the world, and for a priest to so readily side with the wizards is disconcerting. In fact, at one point in the evening, you catch him on a blaspheme. When you mention it, though, he smiles as if talking to a child, and explains, “The gods have far more to concern themselves than with church dogma.”

The next day, it was decided that Sorgul would take you, Roget, and Dhersion down to see Cale. However, because of the late night discussions and Sorgul's naturally disorganized state, the expedition is delayed until after the noon meal. The delay gnaws at you all morning and drives away the enthusiasm from the night before. In its place, the dark doubts return. You pray repeatedly to quell the unease, but it remains and grows as the day plods forward.

When the moment comes, though, the excitement of the trip overwhelms your fears. You recall the great teleport tower that brought you to the resort, but this is nothing like that. While the tower's magic was a spectacle (designed, you were told, partly for theatrics), Sorgul's teleport spell is a wonder! One moment, you stand in the courtyard of his keep (which he calls “the commune”), holding hands in a circle, and the next instant, you are standing in the courtyard of an entirely different (and far more impressive) keep. A pair of stable boys see you and run into the main house. Instincts formed over six months of peril tell you that you are in danger. But you take your cue from Sorgul and try to remain calm.

A moment later, a stern-looking man strides out from the house. At first, you think him to be another servant - but he projects an air of command and wears a tunic emblazoned with the watching eye of Odin.

Cale!” Sorgul greets the man enthusiastically. “I would like to introduce you to some new friends.”

Cale approaches and as Sorgul introduces you, an expression that you interpret to be recognition passes across his face. He pauses for a moment, locking his gaze on yours. But then, he continues with the introductions of the others and invites you all in to the house, without a word about the incident.

The conversation goes well and, despite some initial skepticism, Cale agrees to help - and he confirms that the Disk of Sif is able to rescue the people at the resort. Amazing! Two days ago, you were confident that you would achieve your first goal. But now, you are within reach of all three! In only one week, you will be back at the resort!

Cale and Sorgul excuse themselves to discuss matters they claim are unrelated to your quest. This give you a chance to confer quietly with Roget and Dhersion. In the past, they have always dwelt more on the darkness than you. But now, you are surprised to learn that they are genuinely enthusiastic about the prospects here. Dhersion seems to hold a high respect for Cale, as he comes from royal lineage. It seems that Cale & Strachan are second cousins, whose respective grandfathers were Olaf and Aren, brothers to Queen Hildemar, who was grandmother to the late, great Queen Carina II. Why this makes him more trustworthy, however, is left unexplained.

Dhersion and Roget then begin to quietly discuss the Rain King's staff, and while you are curious, it has always been a subject they treat with great caution. They drift away from you, and as you are uncomfortable imposing yourself in the conversation, you find yourself alone.

You distract yourself by studying the construction of the keep. While Sorgul's "commune" is in a pitiful state, you are surprised to see that this keep is not much better. Perhaps the local construction techniques are not as sophisticated as you are accustomed.

Cale and Sorgul eventually return from their discussion, and when Cale sees you alone, he directs Sorgul toward another room and makes his way to you. His face has returned to the enigmatic expression from his first meeting.

“We have met before, haven't we?” he asks, his voice almost a whisper.

He waits briefly for a reply, but not long enough for you to form one.

“It was perhaps not in this world,” he continues. “But in the realm of the gods and our dreams.”

He waits for your reaction - as if testing you. You mind dredges up a smirking black-haired goddess kneeling over your helpless body. The flash of fear is still vivid two months later. But you shake it off, focusing instead on a great step pyramid built of rubble. You can still smell the dust from the collapsing tower and it brings a smile to your face. Gods and dreams, indeed!

“My dream was vivid, but unreal,” he continues. “I stood in a grey fog, much like one finds when travelling the ether. Except I did not float as one does in that realm, and the fog had an energy to it that filled my senses. To my right stood a dwarf, whom I did not recognize, and he held a shining battle axe in his hands. As he looked up at me, he hefted the axe up and down slightly, as if measuring its weight.

”'This is a fine axe,' he said to me. 'It will be good to get it back.' And then he faded into the mist.

“But suddenly, the mist itself was blown away as if by a wind that I could not feel. And standing in front of me was a man - again one I did not recognize until I was introduced to you today.”

He pauses again - as if giving you time to let the idea settle in.

“We stood in a cave or tunnel and the air seemed heavy and hot. There was no natural light present, but you held a small flame stone - the kind I have used myself when in dark places. You said to me, 'I am lost. Can you help me find my way?' But your tone confused me, as you seemed too calm for someone lost in the dark.

“And then, aside us in the cave - or tunnel - a woman stood. I did not see her appear or approach. She simply … *was*. Her hair was black and her golden skin was covered with a moisture like the morning dew. She wore a loose, sheer white robe, which clung to her shapely form in a most pleasant way. Her body was small and lithe, like an elf's, but curved and endowed more like a human woman.

“I must admit that my body reacted to her in a way it normally only reacts to my wife. I suspect you know of what I speak.

“Without a word, she reached her palm up to touch my chest. The moisture on her hand seeped through my clothes and it was warm and soothing. The darkness and discomfort from the heat around us faded and a calmness washed over me. And then she spoke. 'Einerk, son of Morif, has a trade to make with this man.'

“This was two months ago, and I have been expecting to meet you ever since.”

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voyagersecret39a.1168145166.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:48 (external edit)