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Twenty-eighth session - 20 February 2004 - The Riders of Ogedei

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All six players in attendance:

Chris Roderick Cleric/8
Dave Aramil Ranger/8
Jim Roget Fighter/8
Ken Vincent Rogue/7, Fighter/1
Kurt Dhersion Bard/8
Val Kesi Monk/8

After the fight with the Shadow elementals on the 11th of June, the party cleans up and gets back on the road mid-morning of the 12th - though they are still surrounded by a weird, magical fog. By the end of the 14th, they arrive at the Cholontsetseg rapids. Dhersion flies above the fog and sees that it does not extend everywhere.

On the 15th, Lashmere catches a fish.

On the 16th, the fog fades away and the skies are clear - until the rain comes.

On the 17th, meet the Ogedei. A dragon drops through the clouds, scatters the horsemen, talks with Roget and Vincent for a bit, then leaves. The horsemen “invite” the group back to their village to meet Chormaguhn, their chief.

On the 18th, the party meets Chormaguhn and his grandmother, the seer Nomolun. With some help from her, the chief is convinced that the party can offer them no great weapon against their enemies - despite what her prophecies have said.

More details to come…

XP awarded: 1,000, Running Total: 34,000 (31K for Kesi/Bigby, 29K for Aramil).

voyager28.txt · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:57 by