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V2 Session Twenty-Seven - 28 March 2008 - "Sundered Faith"

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Player Character Race Class
Dave Freyrik Human(Feytouched) Warlock/8
THF Líkami Human Monk/6, Tattooed Monk/2
VW Heilli Human Illumine Soul/2, Soulknife/5, Psion/1
Kurt Ketamine Crag Gnome Barbarian/1, Witch/7

Note: This adventure comes from “Sundered Faith”, by Kevin Wilson, as published by Alderac Entertainment Group (AEG).

19 December 1111

While in Southbay with Ketamine, Freyrik learns that a group of sewer workers were recently killed and that the city's Governor, Johann Gold, has offered a substantial reward to whomever captures or kills the person or creature(s) responsible. Knowing that Heilli and Líkami are also in town, he quickly assembles the team and the group descend into the city's sewers.

There, they find a number of undead, an ancient subterranean temple, and a massive albino snake creature (which may or may not also be undead).

In the end, they are able to claim the reward and haul off a tidy sum of loot.

# Challenge CR
4 Ghouls 1
4 Ghouls 1
2 Ghasts 3
13 Zombies 1/ 2
2 Wights 3
2 Wights 3
5 Ghouls 1
1 Gray Ooze 4
6 Wights 3
1 Wight 3
1 Spectre 7
Total XP (each) 2,8308

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v2session27.1212861186.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:45 (external edit)