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V2 Session Twenty-Five - 1 February 2008 - "Fortress of the Yuan-Ti" (part 6)

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Player Character Race Class
Dave Freyrik Human(Feytouched) Warlock/7
Ken Ash Aasimar Paladin/6
THF Líkami Human Monk/6, Tattooed Monk/1
VW Heilli Human Illumine Soul/1, Soulknife/5, Psion/1
Kurt Ketamine Crag Gnome Barbarian/1, Witch/6
Chris Yosi Wood Elf Barbarian/7
Val Allie Lesser Aasimar Favored Soul/6, Ranger/1

Note: This adventure comes from “Fortress of the Yuan-ti”, by Ari Marmell, as published by Wizards of the Coast.

14 October 1111

The party decides that the caves where Siolim, the Gauth, lived would make for a safe refuge. They gamble that the portal will remain open all night and rest there.

15 October 1111

Back to the Tower of the Way and on through the next attuned portal…

Portal Y5D) The Blasted Land

In an alien, unstable landscape, they encounter a magically warped Yuan-ti and a mass of magical writhing black tentacles. The Yuan-ti makes a break for the portal, but the party stops him and retrieves a stone that is highly evil, chaotic, and psionic.

Portal Y5A) The Wretched Swamp

In a deep bog, the party stumbles into a Spirit Naga and a Green Hag fighting each other. The fight becomes three-way. In the end, both enemies are killed, but the Green Hag manages to dimension door away before falling over.

The party is forced to spend some time locating her body – where they find the expended phylactery they were seeking.

The party decides to retire to the Tower of the Word – and see if they can repair the King's Scepter (found in the Gauth's cave the previous day) using the tools in the Chambers of Creation (Rooms Y6 – just above Zoldathra's Library).

While there, they ask Zoldathra some more questions and he advises them to destroy all the artifacts they found – including the King's Scepter. They ignore him about the Scepter, but destroy the phylactery and Sertrous-touched stone.

to be continued…

# Challenge CR
1 Writhing Blackness 8
1 Iphariul, pseudonatural yuan-ti halfblood 6
1 Siolim, Advanced Gauth 7
1 Udmuela, Spirit Naga 81)
1 Grusildrith, Green Hag 82)
Total XP (each) 1,4308

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Full CR = 9, but the module says to award only CR 6 XP since it is a three-way fight. However, the “tactics” section of the module suggest otherwise, so I chose to award XP closer to the actual CR. Also, my wife insisted that her character make a level, and CR 7 wasn't quite enough
v2session25.1202064210.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:45 (external edit)