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V2 Session Two - 2 February 2007 - "Within The Circle" (part 1)

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Player Character Race Class
Dave Freyrik Ulthkell Human(Feytouched) Warlock/1
THF Líkami Human Monk/1
Ken Ash Human(Aasimar) Paladin/1(-1)
VW Heilli Human Soulknife/1
Kurt Ketamine Crag Gnome Witch/1
Chris Yosi Wood Elf Barbarian/1
Val Allie Human(Aasimar) Favored Soul/1

Note: This adventure comes from “Within the Circle”, by Sam Brown, as published in "Dungeon Magazine" #130, January, 2006, pages 16-29.

2 February 1111

Upon an invitation from Baron Johann Wildhurst, the party travels from Stillsquall to the baron's keep in Feather. When they arrive, they are given lodgings and, after a brief delay, invited to have dinner with the Baron and a man named Borden, who is a guest from the village of Thistle.

Once the party has settled in and enjoyed their dinner, the baron invites Borden to tell his tale. He tells of a goblin named Belig who has somehow sickened his village and is demanding tribute or else he will do more evil deeds. When Borden finishes his tale of woe, the baron asks the party whether they would be able to transport a shipment of medicine to Thistle.

Even though the baron has not promised any payment, the party (without much debate), agrees. It is, after all, never a bad thing to have a powerful man owe you a favor.

However, that night, the party learns that there is another purpose to the baron's mission. He tells them of a secretive organization known as “The House of Circlet” and how twenty years ago, they hired him to raze a hidden outpost near the village of Thistle. As the House has recently offered the baron an invitation to join them, he wishes to know more about this secretive group. The party's orders are to deal with the goblin problem, but then locate and inspect this abandoned outpost, as well.

3 February 1111

With Borden as their guide, the party travels to Thistle. One there, they meet Squire Jern, who distributes the medicine and then helps the party plan the capture of the goblin, Belig.

4 February 1111

Encounter Belig and four goblin soldiers. Rather than confront them directly, the party opts to remain hidden and track them back to their lair. After Belig has taken the town's weekly ransom from Squire Jern, the party follows the goblins along the stream, where they are ambushed by Muckdwellers. When the muckdwellers begin losing the fight, the party steps in and finishes the goblins off, taking Belig prisoner. Then they disrupt the muckdwellers camp to make sure they don't ambush any more people.

Continue on upstream into the night, but stop when they realize they may pass their destination in the dark.

5 February 1111

In the daylight, continue the search for the outpost. Find a hidden entrance. Fight a bag o' centipedes and a handful more goblins.

To be continued…


The dinner's fourth course had come and gone and the conversation was beginning to wander. When her own conversation with the Omina warden reached a convenient stopping point, she stood and let out a subtle, yet noticeable hiss. The table immediately quieted and all eyes turned to their hostess.

“Thank you for joining me on this fine evening.” She moved her gaze slowly across her guests as she spoke. “I regret the weather did not cooperate, but this is the burden we all share in this unpleasant land.” The table muttered their agreements.

“It is now time for our presentations. As I am sure we are all eager for his news, I suggest the north peninsula warden go first.” She locked eyes on a short, fragile-looking man two seats to her right. As he slowly (nervously) stood, she sat back down.

“Ah…” he began carefully. “As you all know, I presented our invitation to the baron last week. I believe I was clear in the benefits that membership would offer – not only to him, but to his barony. However, I regret to say he did not immediately accept.”

The muttering around the table resumed – their concern and agitation clear. The frail warden raised his hand to silence the table.

“He did ask for time to think it over, though, so it is still possible he will come around.” His feigned optimism failed to quiet the murmurs. As he scanned the faces at the table, he realized that their skepticism was too deep. All he could give them was the truth.

“More likely, though,” he lowered his head slightly, “he will reject our offer.”

A loud hiss from the far end of the table drew everyone's attention. An older warden, the skin around his mouth cracked and white, stared at the speaker. “If you hadn't overplayed your hand with him twenty years ago, we could have had his barony by now!”

The table murmured agreement. The hostess saw this discussion would lead nowhere good, so she rose to take command again. The frail warden quickly sat, relieved to no longer be the center of attention.

“We all seek the same goal here. Second-guessing decisions from two decades ago will get us nowhere.” A few at the table hissed agreement, but others muttered – hinting at decades-old betrayals that still seemed fresh in their memories.

She raised her voice to quell the bickering. “We have a sacred duty in this land. Not only because Sseth demands it – but also because our society, our species is at risk!”

A hush settled into the table.

“When we are done here, the humans will ask for our guidance and leadership. And once that happens, a new Serpent Kingdom will rise up and give it to them. Never forget that while we are mere wardens today, in the future kingdom, our toil will be greatly rewarded!”


# Challenge CR
1 Belig (Goblin) 2
4 Goblins (Belig's soldiers) 1/3
11 Tiny Monstrous Centipedes 1/8
1 Bilik (Goblin) 1/3
4 Goblins (Room 6) 1/3
Total XP (each) 275
v2session02.1188672866.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:45 (external edit)