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This adventure was run for The Good Party in September, 1984 (during my senior year in college).

The Secret of Resh

The Quiet Wizard, PELHAM, shocked by the destruction of his master, THE DARK MAGE, has tracked down the group responsible and wants to dole out the appropriate punishment. However, he fears their ingenuity and luck and (as is his nature) will not confront them directly.

Simultaneously, very strange events have been transpiring in the kingdom of RESH. Pelham's magic reveals nothing and nobody has returned from there alive.

Putting the two together, along with Pelham's curiosity, we get a plan: Pelham will use his mind-influencing spells to send a dream to SORGUL. The reverant Sorgul will wrongly interpret the dream as an omen and will be led by it into the heart of Resh. There, under surveillance by Pelham, Sorgul and his group will be confronted by CTHULHU! The evil god has just recently gained a foothold in this world but does not have his full powers.

Meanwhile, for the past ten years, AKHNATEP, a Pit Fiend has been trying to get back to the prime material plane to battly Sly, his sworn enemy. As fate would have it, he will appear just as the trio meets Cthulhu. The distraction should be just enough…

secret_of_resh.1245537252.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:43 (external edit)