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A warlord from the town of Letun in what is now known as the kingdom of Cheraî.

Wigan was a prominent opponent to Vyncent, who in the year 1100 was trying to unite Cheraî against an expected Orc invasion. Later that year, he died fighting a large group of Orcs who had invaded Llangav, an allied town in the north.

To this day, many people believe Vyncent was at least partly responsible for Wigan's death. Most think Vyncent could have sent troops to help defend Llangav. Those who are charitable say he did so to preserve his fighting capability. But others say he did so to ensure Wigan's defeat (or even his death). Still others believe he intervened directly – either via an assassin or by using some vague (and usually “dark”) magics.

wigan.1569300211.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/09/23 23:43 by jims