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Voyager66 - 11 November 2005 - The Chaos Gate

I. Pre-Game

Discuss the “starting a new campaign” column from Dungeon * Many good ideas * Good eye opener about my DM'ing style * Risk to players insufficient - be warned!

Talk about my reservations about the pace of the game: * Players should roll dice BEFORE their turn. * No lollygagging! When it's your turn, ACT! * I will attempt to limit floundering outside of combat, as well. I used to

   use Bigby as a catalyst for story advancement.  Even though I hated doing
   that, I need to do it more - though not with Bigs, of course...
II. Introduction

Picking up where the session #64 left off… The party has just dispatched the second Green Slaad, investigated the Blood Gate, and made the South-West river safe from Chaos.

Now the only way to fulfill the obligations of the second contract is to proceed to the Chaos gate and take out the Gray and bring down the Chaos gate.

Since the party went to the Blood gate “yesterday”, they will likely want to rest for the “night” before proceeding. If they do, then the following morning (as with all mornings), they will have to continue making their saving throws against the pervasive death aura. For those who have not lost a level, the starting DC is 15 (Fortitude). For those who lost one level, the starting DC is 13. Since level loss beyond the first can be restored by Roderick's healing spells, it is assumed that no character will have lost more than one level when the saves are made.

A note about dying: Any character who dies on the prison plane wakes up as a Corpse Creature after 10 rounds. Hand the message included below to any character who dies.

III. The Chaos Gate

Note: The Chaos Gate is not in the same position as when Ust'olda first saw it. It drifts very slowly and over the course of the last several days has moved much closer to the river. Now, it is only about 200 feet from the river (closest to the farthest darkness field - see below).

Back at the Chaos Gate, the Gray Slaad who controls things has an army of “several hundred” Blues and Red at his disposal. About half of these have normal hit dice, but the other half have varying levels of advancement.

Many of these Slaadi have been given random powers by the Gray. To determine such powers (beyond the ones listed below), roll a random minor arcane scroll and use the first spell. This spell can be cast at will. Depending on the spell, increase the Slaad's CR by one.

The gate itself is an arch of Shadow that stands around 20 feet tall and roughly 20 feet wide. Denizens from Limbo can appear through the gate in either direction. However, approaching it from this plane, it has the consistency of a “fuzzy” force field. It was created by the Shadowlord, so it cannot be dispelled by normal means. However, an influx of a massive amount of shadow will overwhelm the binding spell and make it vulnerable to a dispel for as long as the shadow is being fed to the gate. During this time, the DC for the dispel is 25.

The party can create massive amounts of shadow only by using the crystals. However, they alone create a lopsided vector of energy (see “Melf's Guidance of Symmetry” for more information). In order to create shadow, they need to inject positive energy. A spell that uses positive energy will provide a small amount, but even a 9th level spell would work for roughly one round. The Mace of Disruption is a better source, though it will be destroyed in the process and the ethics of “killing” an intelligent magic item may give some in the party pause. Still, the mace will be able to feed the spell for four rounds. Naturally, it will use its EGO to fight this - and the wielder will have to make a DC 15 Will save to continue.

If the sources listed above do not pan out, the party may be forced to go to the next step: A good-aligned character (NG would be ideal, but LG or CG will work in a pinch) can provide positive energy for awhile. For each round they provide their own life-force, they must make a DC20 Fortitude save or gain one negative level. (LG or CG characters must make a DC23 Fort save instead). Once they gain negative levels equal to their class levels, they will become undead and can provide no more positive energy. Hopefully, the gate will be down long before this…

IV. The Siphon Gate

Much like the spell cast by the Green at the other river, this is an an arch of chaos energy over the river. It is a shimmering arc of energy that changes shape, color, and position constantly. On either end, in the ground, there are two anchor points that are buried Chaos Rocks. Each rock shifts rapidly in size, color, and texture - and cannot be viewed directly. Using simple spells to analyze it such as Detect Magic will reveal nothing unusual. More advanced spells will cause the viewer to be affected with confusion (as per the spell) unless he makes a Will save against DC 20. True Seeing will cause permanent insanity!

Unlike the other arch the party saw, this one has a Chaos Wand affixed to its apex - which tumbles around at a dizzying speed. Attempts to grasp it (physically or telekinetically) will be extremely difficuly (AC 40). The Death Slaad can summon energy at range from this wand - though he obviously can't use it's absorption powers. Note: If the arch is brought down by destroying or moving one of its anchor stones, the wand will fall into the river, where it will quickly be broken by the clawing body parts.

V. The Shadow Spies

These beings are perhaps the Shadowlord's most effective spies. They are incorporeal beings who can inhabit a target body and remain completely undetected. While in another creature's body, they are privy to all the senses of that body and can perform Detect Thoughts on them at will. They are not, however, very intelligent and serve the Shadowlord mostly as a means of recording observations - not analyzing them.

Two of these creatures came through the Chaos Gate and have since jumped from body to body until they settled in two of the most powerful Slaadi on this plane: The Gray and one of the Gargantuan Blues.

It is the Shadowlord's hope that one or both of these spies will observe the interior of Gruumsh's prison so that he can duplicate it to imprison the Elemental Lords - who remain free and who constantly threaten his domain. If, at the same time, they happen to learn details of the heroes and their crystals, then that is simply a bonus.

VI. The Battle

If the party approaches the Chaos Gate in a normal manner, they will have to wade through literally a mile of Blue Slaadi to get to their destination. This method presents an unacceptable risk and is doomed to failure.

However, if Bigby can control the Winds of Limbo with his Chaos Wand, they will be able to use Roderick's Wind Walk spell to cover the distance at high speed. With the wand, Bigby will find that the winds CAN go up off the floor of the plane - though he cannot control them as easily up there. Thus, the safest route is to remain essentially at ground level. While this will not provide any defense against the Slaadi on the ground, it will allow them to avoid the bulk of the enemy and arrive at the gate without taking any significant damage.

On the route in, however, they will obviously draw the attention of the Blues and will be able to observe several things of interest:

* Amongst the “hundreds” of Blues, there are dozens who are Huge and at least

   one who is Gargantuan (however, it is far enough away from the main combat
   that the party will be able to avoid it).  There are two other Gargantuan
   ones that have been sent in the direction of the two other rivers and
   therefore will not affect the combat.

* Many of the Blues will exhibit powers as the party veers around them on

   their way to the gate.  A list of 100 enhanced Blues is included later.  If
   one is needed, roll d100 on that list - but otherwise assume these enhanced
   Blues will not be able to affect the party during their flight in.

* The Chaos Gate is visible from a distance, but there are three regions of

   Deeper Darkness on the river.  The farthest one up contains the siphon
   gate and is where the Gray is hiding.  The other two are decoys.

* Under the battlefield connecting the Siphon Gate and the Chaos Gate areas

   are numerous Passwall tunnels created by the Blues so they can traverse the
   distance and remain unseen.  There are several passwall endpoints in the
   walls of the river canyon, as well as on the field around the Chaos Gate.

* The Winds of Limbo roar along at varying speeds - and Bigby will have to

   keep them under 60 mph or risk disrupting their gaseous form.  However, he
   cannot reliably control the winds below about 30 miles per hour.  Unless
   Roderick opts to dismiss the Wind Walk spell, it will take 5 rounds to
   revert from gaseous form.  60 mph = 600'/round.

When the Gray first becomes aware of combat, he will go Invisible. He will remain in this state just outside of the deeper darkness field and observe the combat from a distance (if possible). If the party approaches him, he will put up his Cloak of Chaos which gives him +4 to his AC and saves, as well as spell resistance 25 vs. lawful spells. He will not leave the Siphon Gate unless forced - because he loses many of his cool spells…

There is a Shadow Spy inside the Gray (and a second one inside the nearest Gargantuan). If their host is killed, they will jump ship and try to inhabit one of the party members.

Regardless of where the party lands, the Blues are so spread out that they will arrive at the combat only at the rate of one per round. Place them on the battlemat at roughly 60' intervals in random directions. Roll randomly on the table below to determine how big they are and which spell they have.

VII. Combat statistics:

(Advanced) Blue Slaad, Large Outsider (Chaos, Extraplanar) HD 8d8+32 (68) / 10d8+40 (95) / 12d8+48 (102 hp) Init +2 Speed 30' AC 20 (-1 Size, +2 Dex, +9 Natural), touch 11, flat-footed 18 Base Attack: +8/+10/+12 Attack: Claw +13/+15/+17 melee (2d6+6) Full Attack: 4 claws +13/+15/+17 melee (2d6+6), Bite +11/+13/+15 melee (2d8+3 plus disease) Space/Reach: 10'/10' Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities, Slaad fever, summon slaad Special Qualities: Darkvision 60', Fast healing 5, Immunity to Sonic,

    Resistance to Acid 5, Cold 5, Electricity 5, and Fire 5

Saves: Fort +10/+11/+12, Ref +8/+9/+12, Will +4/+5/+6 Abilities: Str 23, Dex 15, Con 19, Int 6, Wis 6, Cha 10 Skills: Climb +17, Hide +9, Jump +17, Listen +9, Move Silently +13, Spot +9 Feats: Dodge, Mobility, Multiattack CR: 8/9/10 Spell-like Abilities: (CL = HD, The save DCs are Charisma-based)

    Chaos Hammer   1/day, DC 14 Will    R:180'   4d8+slow
    Hold Person    at will, DC 13 Will  R:180'   save every round
    Passwall       at will              R:Touch  10'x10'x4'
    Telekinesis    at will, DC 15       R:720'

Advanced Blue Slaad, Huge Outsider (Chaos, Extraplanar) HD 14d8+84 (147 hp) / 16d8+96 (168 hp) / 18d8+108 (189 hp) Init +1 Speed 30' AC 21 (-2 Size, +1 Dex, +12 Natural), touch 9, flat-footed 20 Base Attack: +14/+16/+18 Attack: Claw +22/+24/+26 melee (3d6+10) Full Attack: 4 claws +22/+24/+26 melee (3d6+10), Bite +20/+22/+24 melee (3d8+5 plus disease) Space/Reach: 15'/15' Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities, Slaad fever, summon slaad Special Qualities: Darkvision 60', Fast healing 5, Immunity to Sonic,

    Resistance to Acid 5, Cold 5, Electricity 5, and Fire 5

Saves: Fort +12, Ref +7, Will +4 Abilities: Str 31, Dex 13, Con 23, Int 6, Wis 6, Cha 10 Skills: Climb +21, Hide +8, Jump +21, Listen +9, Move Silently +12, Spot +9 Feats: Dodge, Mobility, Multiattack CR: 11/12/13 Spell-like Abilities: (same as above)

Advanced Blue Slaad, Huge Outsider (Chaos, Extraplanar) – around 30' tall! HD 20d8+120 (211 hp) / 22d8+132 (232 hp) Init +1 Speed 30' AC 21 (-2 Size, +1 Dex, +12 Natural), touch 9, flat-footed 20 Base Attack: +20/+22 Attack: Claw +28/+30 melee (3d6+10) Full Attack: 4 claws +28/+30 melee (3d6+10), Bite +26/+28 melee (3d8+5 plus disease) Space/Reach: 15'/15' Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities, Slaad fever, summon slaad Special Qualities: Darkvision 60', Fast healing 5, Immunity to Sonic,

    Resistance to Acid 5, Cold 5, Electricity 5, and Fire 5

Saves: Fort +19, Ref +14, Will +11 Abilities: Str 31, Dex 13, Con 23, Int 6, Wis 6, Cha 10 Skills: Climb +21, Hide +8, Jump +21, Listen +9, Move Silently +12, Spot +9 Feats: Dodge, Mobility, Multiattack CR: 14/15 Spell-like Abilities: (same as above)

Pseudo-Death Slaad, Medium Outsider (Chaos, Extraplanar) HD 15d8+75 (142 hp) Init +10 Speed 30' AC 28 (+6 Dex, +12 Natural), touch 16, flat-footed 22 Attack: Claw +20 melee (3d6+5 plus stun) Full Attack: 2 claws +20 melee (3d6+5 plus stun) and bite +18 melee (2d10+2) Space/Reach: 5'/5' Special Attacks: Stun, spell-like abilities, summon slaad Special Qualities: Change Shape, Damage Reduction 10/lawful, Darkvision 60',

    Fast healing 5, Immunity to Sonic, Resistance to Acid 5, Cold 5,
    Electricity 5, and Fire 5, Telepathy 100'

Saves: Fort +14, Ref +15, Will +13 Abilities: Str 21, Dex 23, Con 21, Int 18, Wis 18, Cha 18 Skills: Climb +23, Concentration +15, Escape Artist +24, Hide +24,

    Intimidate +22, Jump +23, Knowledge (any two) +22, Listen +22,
    Move Silently +24, Search +22, Spot +22, Survival +12 (+14 when tracking)

Feats: Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Initiative, Improved Sunder,

    Multiattack, Power Attack

CR: 13 Spell-like Abilities: (* = power only works within 100' of the Siphon Gate)

  • Animate Objects at will (no objects to animate)

Change Shape at will (who cares about deception at this point?)

    Chaos Hammer         at will, DC 18 Will  R:250' - 5d8+slow vs. Law, half vs. Neutral
    *Circle of Death     3/day, DC 20         (no effect on 9HD or more)
    *Cloak of Chaos      3/day, DC 22         R:20' - This spell rules!
    Deeper Darkness      at will              60' radius - Last 15 days!
    Detect Magic         at will
    Dispel Law           at will, DC 19       +4 AC vs. Lawful creatures
    *Fear                at will, DC 18 Will  R:30' cone - Panic creatures
    *Finger of Death     at will, DC 21 Fort  R:60' - 3d6+15 if the save is made!
    *Fireball            at will, DC 17 Ref   R:1000' - 10d6, 20' radius
    Fly                  at will              Gives him 60' move!
    Identify             at will
    *Implosion           1/day, DC 23         R:60' - one person
    Invisibility         at will
    Lightning Bolt       at will, DC 15       R:120'
    Magic Circle vs. Law at will
    *Power Word Blind    1/day                R:60' - one person
    See Invisibility     at will              assume this is always on
    Shatter              at will, DC 16
    Summon Slaad         2/day (1-2 Red or 1 Blue - 60%, 1-2 Green - 40%)
    *Word of Chaos       3/day, DC 21         R:40' - Stun 1 rd, Deaf 1d4 rds (up to 14HD)

Shadow Spy (Medium Outsider, Incorporeal) HD 6d8+18 (42 hp) Init +1 Speed 30' AC 21 (-2 Size, +1 Dex, +12 Natural), touch 9, flat-footed 20 Base Attack: +6 Attack: Slam +6 (1d4) Full Attack: Slam +6 (1d4) Space/Reach: 5'/5' Special Attacks: Shadow mastery, Body occupation Special Qualities: Darkvision 60', Elemental traits Saves: Fort +19, Ref +14, Will +11 Abilities: Str 10, Dex 24, Con 16, Int 8, Wis 6, Cha 20 Skills: observational Feats: dodging CR: 4 Notes: The Shadow Spy's main attack is its “Body Occupation” power. This power is similar to a Ghost's “Malevolence” attack. It merely steps into the space occupied by the target and the target must make a Will save against DC 20. If the save is made, the Spy moves through the target with no effect. If the save is failed, the Spy merges with the target's body and can thereafter experience all of that target's senses - as well as use Detect Thoughts on the target at will. When it wants (or needs) to switch bodues, it's typical strategy is to attack the nearest target. If they make their save, it will usually try another target - unless there is no one else nearby.

Advanced Blue Slaad, Gargantuan Outsider (Chaos, Extraplanar) – 50 feet tall! HD 24d8+192 (300 hp) Init +1 Speed 50' AC 23 (-4 Size, +1 Dex, +16 Natural), touch 7, flat-footed 22 Base Attack: +24 Attack: Claw +34 melee (3d8+14) Full Attack: 2 claws +34 melee (3d8+14), Bite +29 melee (3d10+7 plus disease) Space/Reach: 15'/15' Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities, Slaad fever, summon slaad Special Qualities: Darkvision 60', Fast healing 5, Immunity to Sonic,

    Resistance to Acid 5, Cold 5, Electricity 5, and Fire 5

Saves: Fort +22, Ref +15, Will +11 Abilities: Str 39, Dex 13, Con 27, Int 4, Wis 4, Cha 10 Skills: Climb +??, Hide +??, Jump +??, Listen +??, Move Silently +??, Spot +?? Feats: none CR: 15 Spell-like Abilities: none Notes: Speed increase is from massive size; Attacks are slower (thus only 2 claws)

Random Magic Items Generator -

100 random spells (from the Minor Scroll tables and using only the first spell): All spells are cast at caster level = Hit Dice (however notes on the right assume caster level 8)

1) HD12 L Arcane: Acid Arrow               R:720'   3 rounds, 2d4 acid/round
2) HD10 L Arcane: Alarm                    .
3) HD8  L Arcane: Alarm                    .
4) HD8  L Arcane: Arcane Lock              .
5) HD8  L Arcane: Bear's Endurance         +4 CON for 8 minutes
6) HD12 L Arcane: Blur                     20% miss chance for 8 minutes
7) HD12 L Arcane: Bull's Strength          +4 STR for 8 minutes
8) HD10 L Arcane: Bull's Strength          +4 STR for 8 minutes
9) HD14 H Arcane: Bull's Strength          +4 STR for 8 minutes

10) HD8 L Arcane: Cat's Grace +4 DEX for 8 minutes 11) HD8 L Arcane: Cat's Grace +4 DEX for 8 minutes 12) HD8 L Arcane: Cat's Grace +4 DEX for 8 minutes 13) HD12 L Arcane: Cat's Grace +4 DEX for 8 minutes 14) HD10 L Arcane: Charm Person . 15) HD10 L Arcane: Chill Touch R:Touch 1d6 + 1 STR (Fort DC 11) 16) HD8 L Arcane: Command Undead . 17) HD8 L Arcane: Command Undead . 18) HD14 H Arcane: Comprehend Languages . 19) HD16 H Arcane: Cure Light Wounds (can't use on this plane) 20) HD8 L Arcane: Cure Moderate Wounds (can't use on this plane) 21) HD12 L Arcane: Darkness 20' radius for 2 hours 22) HD8 L Arcane: Darkvision (useless) 23) HD18 H Arcane: Darkvision (useless) 24) HD8 L Arcane: Daze Monster (useless) 25) HD8 L Arcane: Delay Poison . 26) HD8 L Arcane: Delay Poison . 27) HD8 L Arcane: Detect Secret Doors . 28) HD8 L Arcane: Detect Secret Doors . 29) HD8 L Arcane: Detect Thoughts 60' cone 30) HD8 L Arcane: Detect Thoughts 60' cone 31) HD10 L Arcane: Disguise Self (ineffective) 32) HD10 L Arcane: Disguise Self (ineffective) 33) HD10 L Arcane: Dispel Magic 1d20+10 vs. 11+CL 34) HD12 L Arcane: Disrupt Undead (can't use on this plane) 35) HD8 L Arcane: Endure Elements (useless) 36) HD8 L Arcane: Enlarge Person . 37) HD12 L Arcane: Expeditious Retreat 60' movement 38) HD10 L Arcane: False Life 1d10+10 temporary hit points 39) HD8 L Arcane: Flaming Sphere 30'/round, 8 rounds, 2d6 fire 40) HD8 L Arcane: Flaming Sphere 30'/round, 8 rounds, 2d6 fire 41) HD8 L Arcane: Flaming Sphere 30'/round, 8 rounds, 2d6 fire 42) HD10 L Arcane: Floating Disk . 43) HD14 H Arcane: Fox's Cunning +4 INT for 8 minutes 44) HD8 L Arcane: Fox's Cunning +4 INT for 8 minutes 45) HD8 L Arcane: Gust of Wind . 46) HD8 L Arcane: Halt Undead (can't use on this plane) 47) HD14 H Arcane: Hold Portal . 48) HD8 L Arcane: Hypnotism (useless) 49) HD16 H Arcane: Illusory Script (useless) 50) HD14 H Arcane: Invisibility Sphere (essentially just Invisibility) 51) HD8 L Arcane: Jump +20 on Jump → +37! 52) HD12 L Arcane: Lesser Confusion R:55' single target DC 11 53) HD18 H Arcane: Locate Object . 54) HD10 L Arcane: Magic Aura . 55) HD8 L Arcane: Message . 56) HD12 L Arcane: Minor Image Will DC 12 57) HD8 L Arcane: Nondetection . 58) HD8 L Arcane: Obscure Object . 59) HD8 L Arcane: Phantom Trap . 60) HD8 L Arcane: Pyrotechnics . 61) HD8 L Arcane: Reduce Person . 62) HD8 L Arcane: Remove Fear . 63) HD8 L Arcane: Resistance . 64) HD18 H Arcane: Shield +4 AC, Immune to Magic Missiles 65) HD10 L Arcane: Shocking Grasp 5d6 electricity on touch attack 66) HD14 H Arcane: Sleep (useless) 67) HD8 L Arcane: True Strike +20 on single attack 68) HD12 L Divine: Animal Messenger . 69) HD10 L Divine: Bane Will DC 11 70) HD8 L Divine: Bear's Endurance +4 CON for 8 minutes 71) HD10 L Divine: Bear's Endurance +4 CON for 8 minutes 72) HD8 L Divine: Calm Animals . 73) HD10 L Divine: Cat's Grace +4 DEX for 8 minutes 74) HD12 L Divine: Consecrate . 75) HD8 L Divine: Cure Moderate Wounds . 76) HD10 L Divine: Curse Water . 77) HD12 L Divine: Deeper Darkness 60' radius for 12 days! 78) HD8 L Divine: Detect Poison . 79) HD8 L Divine: Divine Favor +2 on attacks 80) HD12 L Divine: Find Traps . 81) HD8 L Divine: Goodberry . 82) HD14 H Divine: Hide from Animals . 83) HD22 H Divine: Hold Animal . 84) HD8 L Divine: Hold Animal . 85) HD16 H Divine: Hold Person . 86) HD12 L Divine: Inflict Moderate Wounds 2d8+10 = 26 points damage! 87) HD8 L Divine: Lesser Restoration . 88) HD8 L Divine: Light . 89) HD10 L Divine: Light . 90) HD8 L Divine: Magic Fang . 91) HD12 L Divine: Magic Fang . 92) HD10 L Divine: Obscuring Mist . 93) HD8 L Divine: Owl's Wisdom +4 WIS for 8 minutes 94) HD18 H Divine: Owl's Wisdom +4 WIS for 8 minutes 95) HD10 L Divine: Produce Flame . 96) HD14 H Divine: Silence . 97) HD22 H Divine: Summon Monster I . 98) HD8 L Divine: Summon Monster II . 99) HD12 L Divine: Summon Monster II . 100) HD8 L Divine: Summon Swarm . email to Jim - sent 10 Nov 2005:

Concerning the Chaos Wand and the “Winds of Limbo” power: During the “out of sequence” game, I declared that the wand “summoned” the winds. However, as the spell description for “Control Winds” clearly states that the spell “alters wind force” (meaning “existing wind”), I thought a clarification to this power was in order.

First, some history…

The prison plane was designed to restrict flight in any form. Thus, in addition to the obvious suppression on levitation and magical flight, there are specific limitations regarding wind. Since air is not needed by the denizens of this plane, it exists here only in a very weak form. This prevents people with wings from taking flight. However, since some flyers create their own air, the creators of this plane made it so that air cannot be summoned at all. It is Bigby's supposition that this would affect not only most wind-related spells, but also disallow Summon Monster from bringing in an Air Elemental.

Roderick hit this restriction when he cast his Wind Walk spell. He was able to shift the party into gaseous form, but was unable to create the wind necessary to move you guys around - which meant you were stuck at 10 feet movement. (Note: the spell description isn't much help here. It says, “If desired by the subject, a magical wind wafts a wind walker along at up to 600 feet per round (60 mph) with poor maneuverability.” I interpret “a magical wind” to mean that this spell would work even on an airless world - thus, the air is summoned).

The conundrum to all this is that there *is* a wind here. Specifically, a powerful, chaotic wind that moves around as if it has a (possibly insane) will of its own. When the party first encountered this wind, it was nothing but a curiosity. However, Bigby was instantly reminded of the Winds of Limbo - which he has seen first-hand. After speaking with the governor warden, this supposition was confirmed… The wind did not exist before the Slaadi invasion. (Note: My eternal anxiety when it comes to such details is that this description may contradict some off-the-cuff remark I made in an earlier game. If so, let me know and I'll either explain how you misunderstood me before, or come up with some lame justification as to why both “contradictory” statements are true).

Now, back to the wand…

The wand is tied to Limbo and the powers of Chaos. As such, it can be used to not only control the winds of limbo (albeit with difficulty and in a limited fashion), but also to summon them.

Because of the restrictions on the prison plane, the wand cannot *create* wind here. However, when the chaos winds roar through, they can be captured and controlled. Back on the material plane, this power means that winds are not simply being “controlled” (as per the spell), but in fact are being summoned from Limbo to augment the existing winds. Thus, there are a number of differences from the spell description. Here is a list - expanded from the original description:

1) The controlled wind cannot be calmed - it must remain blowing at all times and must occupy the entire area (400' radius, 40' high). This should not be interpreted to mean that you cannot create an “eye” of calm air - however to do so is more difficult than with the normal spell. A 40' diameter “eye” can be done without a skill roll. However, beyond 40', a Will save must be made against DC 15 + 2 for each 5' diameter beyond 40'. (Yes, that's DC 31 for a 80' diameter “eye”).

2) Once started, the wind cannot be stopped until it has run its course. The duration of this effect is 10 minutes per charge expended (the caster has the option of injecting a set number of charges at invocation and/or adding charges at the expiration of each 10 minute. In addition, once the winds die, they actually remain as a cohesive “entity” for an unknown period of time. It is (or rather, will be) Bigby's opinion that these winds will wander off and harmlessly dilute themselves with the material plane's natural winds … eventually.

3) Even on an airless world, wind can be created and then controlled. This is, of course, theoretical. Bigby will first have to find an airless world to test it out.

There is a flash of pain before your body goes numb and falls into darkness.

For a moment, you panic. The darkness is absolute and envelops all your senses. Your eyes see nothing. Your ears hear nothing. Your body feels nothing.

Then, the chaos and panic subside and you feel a kind of soothing warmth.

Slowly, you become aware of something around you. It is a shadow of darkness on top of the black void. Gray on Black. And it moves toward you.

A deep voice shatters the silence. It reverberates through your body and you feel as if you have woken from a long sleep.

“Rise, my soldier. Rejoin the fight. And live with me forever.”

Please roll 2d6. That is the number of rounds that will pass before you can act again. Please take that time to apply the “Corpse Creature” template to your character…

Challenges Overcome: 1 Pseudo-Death Slaad, CR 13 2 Blue-12, CR 10 1 Blue-10, CR 9 5 Blue-8, CR 8 6 Bypass Blue army, CR 8 6 Escape Prison Plane, CR 8

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voyagernotes66.txt · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:58 by