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Seventy-fifth session - 14 April 2006 - The Dragon in the Library

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In attendance:

Chris Roderick Cleric/16
Dave Aramil Ranger/16
Jim Bigby Wizard/15, Archmage/1
Ken Vincent Rogue/11, Ranger/2, Wizard/3
Kurt Pavo Dwarf Sorcerer/1, Fighter/10, Dwarven Defender/5
THF Flint Svirfneblin Druid/12

DM: Jim VanWinkle.

24 December 1108

Bigby takes Aramil and his dog to Sorgul's commune. Bigby hits Sorgul up for information on Resh and the storm cloud.

25 December 1108

Bigby (and others?) spend one last night at the Il Abrahim.

26 December 1108

The party gets ready to head out. However, a huge Red Dragon attacks the Library in Rota. Our heroes vanquish it and fly to its lair where they rescue the Gnome, Demetrius.

27 December 1108

Bigby uses the staff (Nash) to teleport the group to Edric.

(More details to come)

XP awarded: 4,500 for Flint; 3,600 for everyone else.

voyager75.1182716752.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:47 (external edit)