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Thirty-eighth session - 20 August 2004 - Interlude #2: Mirabelle's Waterfall

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In attendance:

Dr.Jim Mirabelle Sorcerer
Dave Henry Druid/7
Jim Eirik Fighter/7
Val Isawyn Ranger/7
Dana Drusilia Rogue/Fighter
Ken Ursa Cleric/5, Monk/2

DM: Kurt Dailey

On the third day out of Shalrock, as the party continues through the forest, they find another Shambling Mound. This time, however, Henry, the Druid, is prepared and manages to charm the beast into submission. The great, smelly plant creature becomes the unofficial seventh member of the party.

Later that day, they find themselves near yet another patch of unnatural plants (these odd fungi emit a noise in an attempt to attract prey). Henry, and the elf, Drusilia, head off to investigate. However, in addition to the plants, they meet Ursa, a bear of a man who has been staying with Daun - the recluse whose lodge they seek.

After carefully avoiding the Shriekers and Violet Fungi, the party arrives at Daun's lodge, where they meet the owner and a Dwarf named Pavo. The two kill the Druid's pet Shambling Mound - not realizing it is charmed. However, nobody is too heartbroken and the group sits down to discuss their quest.

Daun tells them of the (relatively) recent arrival of the dangerous plant life in the forest - and helps the group make plans for the trek farther into the hills in pursuit of Mirabelle's inexplicable feeling. He also prepares for them a fine meal, and serves them an impressive variety of wine and ale.

Despite the late night revelry, the party manages to get up and about the next morning. They head into the hills, where they first encounter another group of Dire Badgers. Henry summons his own Dire Badgers to counter the attack, though, and the party survives unscathed.

They then arrive at the base of a cliff and begin exploring for a way around, over, or through it. However, before they get very far, a group of Ogres attack. Despite the heavy undergrowth, which limits movement, the party is victorious and manges to kill all the Ogres.

After patching up their wounds, the group continues exploring, and find a stream of water coming out through a crack in the cliff wall. After much careful climbing, and judicious use of a magical rope, Mirabelle squeezes through the crack and into the entrance to a hidden valley. She senses her destiny, but realizes she is not yet ready - and the party heads back toward Daun's lodge.

The conclusion of the quest leaves much of the party a little disquieted, but the feeling fades - along with their memories. By the next morning, much of the detail of Mirabelle's valley is gone from the party's collective memories. By the time they arrive back in Shalrock, the whole quest has faded away…

XP awarded: 800 for Ursa, 2,700 for Drusilia, and 2,300 for everybody else. By an amazing coincidence, this is precisely enough for everybody to reach 28,000 XP, and they all earn 8th level.

voyager38.1210459771.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:47 (external edit)