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Thirtieth session - 19 March 2004 - There is a tower...

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All six players in attendance:

Chris Roderick Cleric/8
Dave Aramil Ranger/8
Jim Roget Fighter/8
Ken Vincent Rogue/7, Fighter/1
Kurt Dhersion Bard/8
Val Kesi Monk/8

Ride a Dragon Turtle to Shadow Island and fight many Slaad. Sahale is a turncoat. Roget dies. Vincent has an up-close and personal encounter, after which Bigby and Vincent go missing.

More details to come…

XP awarded: 4,000, Running Total: 39,000 (36K for Kesi/Bigby/Roget, 34K for Aramil) Everybody except Aramil makes 9th level - although Roget is dead.

voyager30.1168125730.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:47 (external edit)