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Twelfth session - 25 April 2003 - The Final Storm Cloud

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All six players in attendance:

Chris Roderick Cleric/5
Dave Aramil Ranger/5
Jim Roget Fighter/5
Ken Vincent Rogue/4, Ranger/1
Kurt Dhersion Bard/5
Val Kesi Monk/5

The party sets up in and around the tower of Dibe. After patching up the party from their recent fights, Roderick begins attending to the wizard. In addition to his insanity, his clothes are soiled and he suffers from malnutrition.

Starting on April 7th, Roderick begins casting various healing magics on the wizard. He quickly realizes that the curses and plagues that afflict the man are so powerful and chaotic that it will require several days of treatments before he is well.

After the third day of treatments, the wizard is well enough to carry on conversations. He introduces himself as Kendrick (a name they had already learned from his possessions). He tells them that when the magic changed, he was studying the magic of chaos and law. He had summoned and imprisoned a creature of chaos known as a Blue Slaad - the frog-headed beast that the party dispatched on their first day at Dibe. The magic change caused his spells to falter and the Slaad escaped and overpowered him. He remembers little beyond that - and that was over two months ago!

Kendrick is greatly appreciative of the party's assistance and offers them whatever they wish of his possessions - with his spell book being an obvious exception. Beyond that, he suggests that his wand of magic missiles, an evil item (a Rod of the Viper), and the rock of pure chaos be left. The party agrees and takes several other items: A Hand of the Mage goes to Bigby; a Potion of Speak with Animals, as well as two masterwork weapons (Bastard Sword and Might Composite Longbow) go to Aramil; A Short bow +1, Shapechanger bane, Flaming Burst, Distance goes to Vincent; A dose of antitoxin goes to Dhersion; and a vial of holy water (blessed by a cleric to Nike) goes to Roderick. In addition, Bigby is given the opportunity to copy one spell from Kendrick's spell book. (He chooses Levitate)

Since Bigby requires a few days of work to copy the spell and Roderick isn't sure that Kendrick is well enough to be left alone, the party stays at Dibe for four more days - until April 13th. During this time, Kendrick tells them what he knows about the Etenai tribes they will find on the route ahead of them. He has specific knowledge of only one tribe: The Hky-you-hay (KAI you hay), whose leader is named “Odin”. Beyond them are the Sibutco, but since Kendrick trades only with the Hky-you-hay, he knows little of the other tribes.

During the time at Dibe, Dhersion and others avail themselves of Kendrick's library to learn as much as they can about the road ahead - including a little about the languages of the Etenai. Also, Kendrick is able to offer some insight into the Slaad and their rulers, the Lords of Chaos.

On the 14th of April, the party once again heads out on the trail. The remaining trip over the mountains is expected to take two weeks, though the weather has been consistently rainy - which could delay them.

On April 15th, the rain suddenly rises in intensity. A single, small, dark storm cloud rolls in rapidly and descends toward the group. As it gets nearer, three shapes become visible within: A man wearing chain armor with the Rain King's emblem and two large Mist Elementals. As they descend, the man casts a spell and three Howlers appear and attack the party.

Once on the ground, there is little doubt who he is. This is the Rain King himself! He raises his arms to the clouds above and shouts “Matchitisiw!” (pronounced: “mat CHEET eh soo”). A wall of rain appears in a large circle around him, which shields him from the party's attacks.

While most of the party is occupied by the Howlers, and Kesi is alone fighting the elementals, few notice when Roget looks up at the clouds and shouts the same word that the Rain King uttered. Most, however, do take notice when the same kind of rain wall appears around Roget!

Roget quickly charges toward the Rain King and finds he is able to run straight through the wall. Inside, the two begin a furious battle, while outside, the rest of the party finds themselves well occupied by the Howlers and elementals.

With the fortuitous use of Roderick's Shield Other spell, Roget finds himself well matched with the Rain King - despite the king's superior weapons and combat skill. In the end, the king is killed. Soon after, the last of the king's monsters are defeated. Almost immediately, the rain stops.

From the dead king's hand, Roget takes a ring - a plain gold band.

XP awarded: 2,000 each, Running Total: 14,000.

voyager12.1168112706.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:47 (external edit)