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Tenth session - 28 February 2003 - The Rescue of Abira

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All six players in attendance:

Chris Roderick Cleric/4
Dave Aramil Ranger/4
Jim Roget Fighter/4
Ken Vincent Rogue/3, Ranger/1
Kurt Dhersion Bard/4
Val Kesi Monk/4

Map link: Abira

Because of the lateness of the day, the party sets up camp with the sound of the Ata'halne' falls in the distance. That evening, around the fire, the debate renews about whether Abira should be rescued. Kesi announces her intention of heading to the falls with or without the others. Roderick is already in agreement, and when Roget admits his own misgivings about turning his back on Abira, the others soon agree that the group should make an effort to dispel the cloud.

Vincent alone argues that Abira is not worth the risk and that the party should seek out the wizard in the mountains for advice, or perhaps assistance. As the others have already made up their minds, though, Vincent's argument leads him nowhere and he reluctantly agrees to join them.

The next morning, April 3rd, Aramil scouts ahead to the waterfall (without the consent of Roget or the rest of the party). He returns with a description of a roiling, churning storm cloud filling the valley 50 feet below the level of the cliffs around the waterfall. Since there seems to be no immediate threat from the cloud, the party picks up camp and moves to see for themselves, to give the spellcasters a better chance to prepare the appropriate spells.

Once everyone is ready, Dhersion activates the Rain King's staff. Almost immediately, the bulk of the cloud withdraws before them, leaving behind dozens (perhaps hundreds!) of Shadow Elementals. While Dhersion continues his work, the elementals attack. Wave after wave hurl in from the valley as the staff works its magic. The party, initially confused, soon forms up an effective defense around Dhersion and fends off the wave - using nearly every ounce of their resources. In the end, the party lies wounded, but the elementals are gone, as are the clouds over the valley and those above. The sun shines in from the first blue sky the party has seen in many days.

After patching themselves up to the best of their abilities, the group heads down the trail to go to the fortress - which can now be seen in the distance. As the sun rises higher, the shadow on the valley floor recedes. When it reaches the fortress, unearthly howls echo across the valley.

The party descends the Pachu'a steps and onto the valley floor, where they begin finding corpses scattered around. After inspection, it is clear that these are “dead” undead. Closer to the fortress, they find upturned earth - presumably a disturbed burial ground.

The fortress itself has all the windows and doors closed shut, so the party approaches with extreme caution. Vincent and Kesi climb onto the flat roof and begin breaking holes in the ceiling to let light spill in to the upper floor. Next, Kesi drops down to the ground level and begins breaking in the shuttered windows. With sunlight spilling in from all directions, the Wight inside has no alternative but to attack. It leaps from the building at Kesi, but is quickly destroyed.

Inside, the group finds food and supplies ample for a long overland expedition, as well as a small cache of arms and armor. Strangely, there is also a small lock box with five pounds of silver dust - exactly what Roderick needs to cast a Consecrate spell!

For the second time in as many months, the party finds itself stacking corpses on a pyre. Still, despite the unpleasant task, the mood of the party is upbeat. They braved the odds to help out the unfortunate and, in the end, were rewarded with victory and supplies. The unknown road ahead of them and the pursuing Rain King behind do not seem as ominous as before…

XP awarded: 2,000 each, Running Total: 10,500. Everybody gets to fifth level.

voyager10.1168112706.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:47 (external edit)