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V2 Session Thirty-Six - 26 September 2008 - "Requiem of the Shadow Serpent" (part 1)

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Player Character Race Class
Dave Freyrik Human(Feytouched) Warlock/9
Ken Ash Aasimar Paladin/8
VW Heilli Human Illumine Soul/4, Soulknife/5, Psion/1
Kurt Ketamine Crag Gnome Barbarian/1, Witch/8
Chris Yosi Wood Elf Barbarian/9
Val Allie Lesser Aasimar Favored Soul/8, Ranger/1

Note: This adventure comes from a slightly modified version of “Requiem of the Shadow Serpent”, by Anson Caralya, as published in Dungeon Magazine #139 by Paizo Publishing, LLC.

July 1112

During the cleanup from the “Gallery of Evil”, the party learns a little more about the Id Portrait.

Ash and Allie meet a man claiming to be Manorgrax in a back alley.

Heilli learns that Wong, the psionic tattoo artist, may have been a member of “The Circle”.

The party returns to Stillsquall and gives the magical crystal figurine to Baron Johann Wildhurst. He tells them that “The Circle” have fled. He also relays an invitation from his cousin, Baron Erik Skaalheim, to attend the annual Creation Day festivities in Kingsholm.

October 1112

Prior to the Creation Day festivities in Kingsholm, the party learns that “Trolls” have been seen in the area. They head out to investigate and find The “Fields of Ruin”.

October 1112

After regrouping, the party heads out again to find the “Trolls”. They find a cave complex with a pair of Trolls and some Yuan-Ti!

# Challenge CR
1 Slime Trap 8
1 Deathcoils 7
6 Rattlesnakes 1
1 Slime Trap 8
1 Trolls 5
2 Yuan-Ti Abominations 7
Total XP (each) 1,21010

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v2session36.1243185051.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:46 (external edit)