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Player Character Race Class
Dave Freyrik Human(Feytouched) Warlock/9
THF Líkami Human Monk/6, Tattooed Monk/3
VW Heilli Human Illumine Soul/4, Soulknife/5, Psion/1
Kurt Ketamine Crag Gnome Barbarian/1, Witch/8
Chris Yosi Wood Elf Barbarian/8
Val Allie Lesser Aasimar Favored Soul/8, Ranger/1

21 July 1112

Back at Imron Gauthfallow's home…

Area 11) Roof Access

The party continues their exploration of the second floor. They find a magically locked trap door to the roof – which they brute force their way through.

Area 14) Manor Roof

On the roof, they find a small, peaceful garden – where Imron apparently painted. In addition, a Transparent Iron Window provides clear observation down to the foyer.

Area 12) Study

Here, among the books, the party discovers a map of Southbay's Ivy District, with “X” marks on the locations of the homes the party recently visited. It appears to be an enemies list, of sorts.

Area 13) Studio

Among several paintings, the party discovers one more magical painting. This one depicts a dark-haired man lying on a bed of black and red wasps and screaming in utter agony. They manage to release the victim, but he is already dead. Later research determines him to be Imron's servant, Tharivol.

Areas 6-8) Guest Rooms, Bathroom, and Servant Quarters

The remainder of the upper floor is searched, revealing nothing of interest.

Area 3) Great Room

Back downstairs, the party enters a large room – where a massive chandelier is dropped on Freyrik. When the rest of the party enters, “The Rake” springs out from hiding and attacks!

This man is extremely skilled with a rapier – but (like the “Enraged Warrior” upstairs) ill-equipped. During the fight, the party notices an uncany resemblance between “The Rake” and “The Enraged Warrior”. Once he is defeated, the extent of the similarity become obvious. The two men were obviously twins!

Area 4) Dining Room

An animated crystal figurine is found on the dining table.

Area 5) Kitchen

Another quartet of painted servants are encountered here.

Areas 6-8) Guest Rooms, Bathroom, and Servant Quarters

The only things of interest found in the remaining ground-floor rooms are a set of stairs going down, and a note (found in one of the servant rooms):

Your last sketch was lacking. If you
expect to receive the agreed-upon
payment next time, I expect a much
better rendering and something a
little different. I've had quite
enough alien landscapes. And do
be careful. Imron recently came by
my gallery and left with a peculiar
look. He may suspect.

Area 15) Hidden Ladder

Down the stairs, the party finds a carefully hidden ladder that returns to the Kitchen.

Area 16) Gallery

In a massive underground gallery, the party encounters a strange, shadowy undead known as a Shadowy Lurker. It confuses and splits the party by invoking illusions of powerful monsters and teleporting between paintings. Eventually, though, Heilli gets a clear shot and destroys it.

Area 17) The Halberdiers

While the rest of the party fights the Shadowy Lurker, Yosi blunders ahead and triggers a stone wall trap. He and Líkami find themselves cut off from the rest of the party and forced to defend themselves from ten suits of Animated Plate Armor. Ketamine and Allie manage to get the stone wall lifted just as the two finish off the last of the armor.

Area 18) Storeroom

Beyond the armor, stairs descend even further to a small store room. Sensing that this cannot be the end, though, the party searches and finds a mechanism that reveals a final, secret room.

Area 19) Vault of the Id Portrait

Here they find Imron Gauthfellow, guarded by a Shield Guardian and a recently summoned Celestial Black Bear. The wizard is identical in appearance to both “The Rake” and “The Enraged Warrior” – lending support to the theory that those two were, in some way, clones of the wizard himself.

For some unknown reason, Imron is weak and is unable to defend himself completely. While the Shield Guardian does his best, he is unable to stop the entire party – and Imron is killed. Shortly thereafter, when the summoned bear and the guardian are defeated, the battles are over at last!

Once the party returns to Endrik Archerus, he helps them clear out Imron's mansion and assess the inventory. He is uninterested (and, in fact, somewhat fearful) of the magical paintings and “agrees” to let the party keep all items of magic.

A summary of the treasure found in Imron Gauthfellow's mansion
Room Item Value1) Disposition
3 Paintings, Tapestries, and Antique Weapons and Armor 7,500 Endrik
4 Crystal Figurine 500 Sold
9 Numerian Leaf Armor 250 Sold
10 Tiny, magical bed 02) Tossed
13 Two sets of Sorcerous Pigments 9,900 Sold
13 Animator Brush 20,000 Sold
16 Portrait of Health 17,825 Sold
16 Remainder of gallery paintings 5,100 Endrik
19 Potion of Lesser Restoration 150 Party
19 Three Scrolls of Dimension Door 1,050 Freyrik
19 Wand of Mage Armor (28 charges) 210 Freyrik, Ketamine, or Allie
19 Amulet of Natural Armor, +2 4,000 Yosi
19 Crystal Ball 21,000 Party (Allie?)
19 Handy Haversack 1,000 Heilli
19 Ring of Protection, +2 4,000 Líkami
19 Shield Guardian Amulet (now useless) 0 Tossed
19 Imron's Spell Book 8,850 Sold
19 Id Portrait (minor artifact) n/a tbd
Total 57,3253)
Per Person 8,1904)
# Challenge CR
1 The Rake 10
4 Painted Servants 3
1 Shadowy Lurker 8
10 Animated Plate Armor 2
1 Shield Guardian 8
1 Imron Gauthfellow 11
Total XP (each) 2,7809

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all prices listed are “sale prices”
Usable only by Imron – who is dead and does not get to shoot
excludes prices in italics
assumes an equal share for 7 PCs
v2session35.1242598733.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:46 (external edit)