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Player Character Race Class
Dave Freyrik Human(Feytouched) Warlock/8
THF Líkami Human Monk/6, Tattooed Monk/2
VW Heilli Human Illumine Soul/3, Soulknife/5, Psion/1
Chris Yosi Wood Elf Barbarian/8
Val Allie Lesser Aasimar Favored Soul/7, Ranger/1

21 July 1112

After spending the night at Endrik Archerus's place, the party heads to the home of Imron Gauthfallow.

Area 1) The Yard

As they enter the yard, they are accosted by a large mastiff wearing a leather collar that says “Killer”. It turns out to be a Nessian Warhound with an illusion to make it appear “normal”. After a brief fight, the Warhound flees around the corner of the building – and the party proceeds into the house.

Area 2) Grand Foyer

An Animated Rope attacks, ringing an alarm bell in the process – alongside four Painted Servants. The servants exhibit the same kind of toxic, sticky touch that the Octopus creature at Asheron Coyl's house had.

After the fight, Freyrik examines a ledger sitting on a nearby table and is hit with a Sepia Snake Sigil – which immobilizes him in a shimmering amber field of force.

Despite the loss of Freyrik, the party continues – deciding to explore the second floor first.

Area 9) Ambush on the Balcony

Waiting for them at the top of the stairs (presumably alerted by the ringing bell) is an Enraged Warrior, armed with a Greataxe and armored in Numerian Leaf Armor. Despite his superior skills, he is equipped lightly and the party manages to defeat him.

Area 10) Imron's Bed Chamber

Ash enters this room and succumbs to a Symbol of Sleep trap. The rest of the party then fight (and kill) another group of Painted Servants. Yosi triggers a Phantasmal Killer trap from one of the paintings and drops dead.

With Yosi dead, and Freyrik and Ash incapacitated, the remaining party members decide it would be wise to retreat, so they return to the home of Endrik Archerus.

21 July 1112 (continued)

Endrik Archerus contacts a spellcaster who is willing to Dispel the Sepia Snake Sigil from Freyrik. Meanwhile, Ash wakes on his own about an hour and a half.

However, Endrik does not have the resources (or is unwilling) to help bring Yosi back. The party agrees to a deal: They will defeat Imron Gauthfellow and turn over all of his paintings to Endrik. In exchange, Endrik will front them the money to Raise Yosi.

By an amazing coincidence (or the hand of fate), Ludvik, the same priest who raised Yosi and Líkami after "The Barrow of the Forgotten King" arrives to perform the deed this time.

With the party restored, they decide to waste no time and return to Imron's house that same evening.

# Challenge CR
1 “Killer” Nessian Warhound 9
1 Animated Rope 3
4 Painted Servants 3
1 Heightened Sepia Snake Sigil 7
The following encounters did not involve Freyrik
1 Enraged Warrior 10
2 Painted Servants 3
1 Heightened Symbol of Sleep 7
1 Heightened Phantasmal Killer 7
Total XP (each) 2,44091)

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960 for Freyrik
v2session33.1222049143.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:46 (external edit)