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V2 Session Three - 16 February 2007 - "Within The Circle" (part 2)

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Player Character Race Class
VW Heilli Human Soulknife/1
THF Líkami Human Monk/1
Kurt Ketamine Crag Gnome Witch/1
Chris Yosi Wood Elf Barbarian/1
Val Alleraia Human(Aasimar) Favored Soul/1
Ken Ash Human(Aasimar) Paladin/1
Dave Freyrik Ulthkell Human(Feytouched) Warlock/1

Note: This adventure comes from “Within the Circle”, by Sam Brown, as published in the January, 2006 issue of "Dungeon Magazine", pages 16-29.

5 February 1111

(picking up where we left off last time – Room #6)

The party continues on through the next door to find a female goblin guarding a shallow pit of infant goblins. Since she makes no immediate threatening actions, they opt to ignore her – quickly moving on to the next room.

There, they find the goblin “king” Krig and seven of his soldiers. A brief, intense fight breaks out – ending with all the goblins very dead, and the party only lightly injured.

During this fight, Ketamine attacked the goblin female guarding the pit. This spurs her to attack the nearest party member, Líkami, with her poisoned spear. This escalation ends abruptly when Ash kills her with one blow.

Next up, the party fights (and kills) the remaining female goblins – but not without suffering two significant losses: Yosi and Líkami are knocked unconscious.

They then use the Baron's signet ring to open the secret door. Ash, Heilli, and Freyrik explore the passage beyond and discover a shrine to some kind of serpent god – along with a locked book.

On the way out, they briefly enter one room that was previously bypassed, only to discover a large snake slithering through the rubble. Deciding the room isn't worth the effort, they leave it untouched.

Before they leave the complex, Heilli gathers wood and other burnable material into one room and starts a fire.

The party camps outside that night.

6 February 1111

The next morning, Ash and Allie take the captive goblin, Belig back into the village of Thistle and turn him over to Squire Jern. Allie convinces Jern to let the party keep the small cart he was using to provide tribute to the goblins.

After a bit of magial healing, the party then sets out back to Feather, where they meet the baron and tell him of their exploits. To simplify the party's “reward” and to keep the mission secret, the baron offers to buy all of the material removed from the outpost. He offers them a generous 868 gold pieces for the various items.

The party spends a night at the baron's keep – where he tells them he will have need of their services in about one month's time.

7 February 1111

The group treks toward Southbay, stopping partway to camp for the night.

8 February 1111

Arriving in Southbay, the party does some shopping…

To be continued…

# Challenge CR
1 Krig (Goblin “King”) 3
7 Goblins (Krig's soldiers) 1/3
6 Goblin Females (Room 9b) 1/3
Total XP (each) 315
v2session03.1172782006.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:45 (external edit)