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Non-Canonical One-Shot - 23 November 2007 - "Entombed with the Pharaohs"


Player Character Race Class
Dave Seoni Human Sorcerer/6
Ken Kyra Human Cleric/6
VW Merisiel Elf Rogue/6
VW Valeros Human Fighter/6
Kurt Ketamine Crag Gnome Barbarian/1, Witch/5

Note: This adventure comes from “ Entombed with the Pharaohs”, by Michael Kortes, as published by Paizo Publishing.

A semi-amusing side-trek in which the Rogue is eaten by an undead dragon (setting a new V record of -93 hp) and the rest of the party (excluding Ketamine) are crushed to death by a goofy trap controlled by a big-breasted mummy.

v2oneshot01.1195921171.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:45 (external edit)