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Stillsquall is a small town in Southern Rota, about 30 miles west of Southbay. It has an adult population of 970 and a gold piece limit of 600. (See DMG, p.137)

It is home to the V2 Campaign and sits on a narrow strip of coastline adjacent to steep hills, which shelter the town from the ocean. While the bulk of the town is clustered around a small bay, there are remote farms as far as five miles from the town that are considered to be part of Stillsquall.

The primary industries are fishing and a rather large salt mine, with farming a distant third in the local economy. Despite the fact that it is only a two day trip to the city of Southbay, Stillsquall is considered quite remote and has a “frontier” feel to it.

Large ships can not dock at the piers. Instead, ship owners rent harbor moorings and use smaller craft to travel from ship to shore. As a result, most trade is done via the roads.

The town is governed by Magistrate Aurus, along with his staff of clerks and barristers. The busiest section of town is known as “Central Wharfs”, which faces the middle of the harbor. The captain of the port guard is a man named Eliam Croweye.

Stillsquall is one of five towns in the Barony of Wildhurst, under the protection of Baron Johann Wildhurst. He is considered by most to be a fair, but unforgiving baron and while the locals feel he has done a reasonable job curbing crime and keeping the unsavory races away from the barony, there is some recent suspicion that he is not standing up to the King when it comes to unwanted foreign refugees settling in the area.

Just north of town, a barren, stony island named “Deadlight Rock” holds an abandoned lighthouse that is now in ruins. However, on some especially stormy nights, a glow can be seen coming from where the lighthouse once stood. The locals believe it to be the ghosts of either the lighthouse operators or sailors who died in shipwrecks along this rocky shore.

Note: This town is documented in the January, 2005 issue of “Dungeon Magazine” (#118) on pages 18 and 19 as part of the adventure “Box of Flumph” by Tim Hitchcock.

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stillsquall.1169164884.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:44 (external edit)