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The Kingdom Simulator

This is a “game” designed to simulate the rise and fall of “kingdoms” in a fantasy medieval world. It was inspired by my interest in fleshing out a detailed history of my fantasy world.

For now, this “game” is nothing more than a few notes – and is far from playable. Eventually, I would like it to be either a computer simulation that can be run without human intervention – or a full-fledged game playable in a play-by-email format.

-jds, 25 Nov 2017


The game consists of a map detailing a number of communities – each with its own set of characteristics. Play consists of each community (in secret) determining how to move its resources and then what action (if any) to take. Once all communities have made these decisions, all moves and actions are revealed – and the consequences are determined.

These turns are repeated until the players get bored or a pre-determined end condition is reached.

sim/start.1511765972.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/11/27 00:59 by jims