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Race Human
Born 7 Dec 1079
Nationality Backbone
AD&D Cleric/10(11)
5e TBD

A daughter of a priest to Bast in Backbone. Orphaned by the war with Lowland in 1091 and adopted by Sorgul who began to teach her some magics. When Sorgul was converted to evil in 1093, she began a quest to restore him. With Edric and Sly's help, she completed her quest in May, 1104. She took the responsibility to wield the Good Trio of Might when they were recovered and is now the self-proclaimed Queen of Backbone.

In more recent years, she has backed away from the title of “Queen” and prefers to be known as “The High Priestess” for her religious duties, or “Countess” for her civic duties.

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rathwyn.1449952408.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:43 (external edit)