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Nanietharil is one of the legacy items used by King Theron (“The Forgotten King”) and his entourage in the early days of the third age. It was found by V2 in the year 1111, along with the staff Banrhialorg and the sword Merthúvial.

Nanietharil – or “Gift of the Ancient foe” – is a set of scale mail made of overlapping layers of darkwood carved to resemble leaves. Its dark hue is broken by a leaf-and-branch pattern in dull gold.

Nonlegacy Game Statistics: +1 darkwood scale mail; cost 1,150 gp. You can reroll one Survival check per day. The decision to reroll must be made before the result of the original roll is known.

Omen: When worn in a wooded or grassy area, the stitched pattern shifts in shape and hue to match the native flora.

Wielder Requirements
  • Any non-evil except chaotic neutral
  • Base attack bonus +3
  • Diplomacy 2 ranks
Penalties and Abilities
Hit Point
5th Detect thoughts 1/day
6th 4
7th Strength of kings
8th -1 Loyal servitor
9th -1 2
10th Merciful redress 3/day
11th +2 keen adamantine longsword
12th 2
13th -2 Lordly orator
14th Expel from the realm 1/day
15th 2
16th -2 Loyal minions 1/day
17th +2 keen shocking burst adamantine longsword
18th -3 2
19th 2
20th 2 King's command 1/day
Legacy Item Abilities


Detect Thoughts (Sp): Starting at 5th level, once per day, you can use detect thoughts as the spell. The save DC is 13, or 12 + your Charisma modifier, whichever is higher. Caster level 5th.

Strength of Kings (Su): When you reach 7th level, Merthúvial grants you a +2 enhancement bonus to Strength while you carry it.

Loyal Servitor (Su): At 8th level, you gain the continual benefit of an unseen servant as the spell. If dissipated by 6 or more points of damage from an area attack, or if it ceases to exist by moving more than 35 feet away from you, the servant re-forms 1 round later in any square adjacent to you. Caster level 5th.

Merciful Redress (Sp): Beginning at 10th level, three times per day, you can use lesser restoration, as the spell, by touching Merthúvial to the afflicted creature and speaking a command phrase, “Your strength shall return!” Caster level 10th.

Lordly Orator (Su): At 13th level, you gain a +10 competence bonus on Diplomacy checks. In addition, you can attempt a Diplomacy check as a full-round action without the normal -10 penalty (PH 72) unless the target is currently hostile. Against a hostile target, you still gain the competence bonus, but you must otherwise perform your Diplomacy check according to the normal rules for that skill.

Expel from the Realm (Sp): Starting at level, once per day by issuing the command word, “Begone!” and gesturing with the sword, you can force a creature to return to its native plane, as by the dismissal spell. The base save DC is 16, or 14 + your Cha modifier, whichever is higher. Add your character level to this number and subtract the target creature's HD to determine the final save DC. Caster level equals your character level.

Loyal Minions (Sp): At 16th level, once per day when you utter the command phrase “To me!” and gesture with Merthúvial, you can use summon monster V as the spell. You can summon only good or neutral creatures from that spell's list. Caster level 15th.

King's Command (Sp): At 20th level, once per day when you issue the command “Hear and obey!” and gesture with Merthúvial, you can use dominate monster as the spell. The save DC is 23, or 19 + your Cha modifier, whichever is higher. Caster level 20th.


It is said that dwarves forged Merthúvial in the heat of a volcano; its adamantine blade proved devastating against marauding cave trolls and mountain orcs. The weapon was one of many, but it earned distinction when its wielder saved the life of the dwarf king by sundering a stone giant's weapon and spearing the creature on the point of the sword. The king ennobled this dwarf warrior, and the warrior, in turn, presented Merthúvial to his lord in tribute. (DC 20; King's Gift)

Legacy Rituals

Three rituals are required to unlock all the abilities of Merthúvial.

King's Gift: You must have the weapon passed on to you willingly by its rightful owner or the owner's rightful heirs. If no heirs live, you must perform an attunement ritual with Merthúvial, marking you as the weapon's new owner. Cost: 2,500 gp. Feat Granted: Least Legacy (Merthúvial).

Know the Pain: currently unknown

Unite the People: currently unknown

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nanietharil.1197146498.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:42 (external edit)