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Mancú Rilmaeg

Another of the three racial weapons (see Kelva). This bow is currently held by Tarialaî Thoranna.

Note: Original AD&D stats follow

This magical long bow was a special gift from the elven god Corellon Larethian and is a powerful tool against evil anywhere. In the hands of a non-elf, it allows use of the “to-hit” table as if the character were a level equal to his/her dexterity (or their normal “to-hit” table +3). In addition, arrows used in this bow are magically sharpened and do 2d6 base damage (strength and magical arrow bonuses add as usual).

In the hands of a elf, the bow (in addition to the above powers) allows the wielder to Dimension Door (as the fourth level MU spell), cause Blindness in one target (as the third level Cleric spell), or Dispel Magic (as the third level cleric spell as cast by a 16th level cleric). These functions each require one charge. The bow has six charges at its fullest, and these recharge at one charge every four hours. To invoke these functions, the wielder must pull the bow string back without an arrow nocked. An energy arrow will appear in place of the missing arrow which can then be fired at a target. A roll to hit must be made (though the above “to-hit” bonuses apply) for each of the functions except Dimension Door.

Its last power is a special function that only applies when the target is a “giant-class” humanoid and its wielder is a good-aligned elf. On a roll of natural 20, the victim's throat is pierced and they are slain outright.

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mancu_rilmaeg.1167980264.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:42 (external edit)