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Lendore Island

Largest island in the Spindrift Island chain. It's capital city is Restenford, where King Norwood resides.

Just off the Northeast coast is Dauthia island, the home of Sly, Rana, and their children.

On the eastern side is one of Kevin Arcana's twenty portals.

Lendore isle is a divided kingdom. Norwood moved the capital seat back to Spindrift where it was before Uith took over, but has not been able to restore the prosperity of 1090. To compound this, the families of Restenford resent him because they no longer have the prestige that they had under Uith. The political rivalry between the northern and southern halves of the island has threatened to rip the kingdom in two. As long as Norwood holds the sword of command, no one can take him from his throne, yet he is reluctant to abuse the power of the sword. Several of his advisors have requested that he appease Restenford and grant them a limited form of independence.

lendore.1244421973.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:42 (external edit)