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The King's Island

This island was once part of the kingdom of Backbone, although for all practical purposes it maintained its own independence. There existed four main cities: Diregill, Fowltor, Haughtyard, and Thorfram. Each city was ruled by a baron or lord who answered only to the king in Backbone. On a local level, they each governed the nearby villages and were usually bickering and competing with each other. If real hostilities were to break out, though, the king would usually quiet things before they went too far.

A storm tower was innocently put up in Thorfram on November 13, 1096. In January, 1098, the Dark Mage sent a small army to the King's Island in the first real war on Backbone. They headed straight for the tower and took captive Duke Meris of Thorfram and converted him into a storm tower zombie. This gave the storm cloud enough power to spread over the entire kingdom of Backbone.

The mage Edric, however, made the connection between the unusual raid on Thorfram and the coming cloud and so he sent his champion Lamar, Demon Toppler to investigate. The natives were panicked and fleeing because of the storm cloud and the entire kingdom was in chaos. The Dark Mage had left a large contingent of soldiers in Thorfram, but Lamar was able to get in and destroy the storm tower zombie, weakening the storm cloud and freeing the kingdom from its curse.

After the fall of Backbone, the King's Island tower was once again populated with a storm tower zombie. This time, the wizardess Serisa was chosen (as she was one of the last remaining local citizens of impressive natural power). She remained under the curse until the storm cloud was dissipated by the Good Party on January 5, 1105. Even after the curse was lifted, though, she found she could not stray too far from the tower and so remains there to this day.

A brief description of the four cities

Diregill - The largest of the four, this city was the home to a good portion of Backbone's navy. It was a rowdy town and subsited primarily from tourism from its constantly changing population.

Fowltor - A small farming/fishing community.

Haughtyard - A small fishing community centered around the mouth of the island's largest river. Often times considered the center of the island's shipping, more from its location than its size.

Thorfram - The largest constant city (more permanent residents than in Diregill). This site was chosen for the island's only storm tower.

Points of interest on the island

  • Sethar's castle.
  • The Drow caverns.
  • The tangled woods on the SE peninsula.
  • The swamps east of Diregill.

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king_s_island.1167980264.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:42 (external edit)