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The city of Hookridge was and still is the “second city” of Backbone. At roughly 20 miles up the river from The City of Edric, Hookridge is in most ways a twin of Edric – though significantly smaller in population.

The original primary temples in Hookridge were (in order of size):

  • Tefnut
  • Ptah
  • Horus
  • Ra
  • Shu
  • Apshai

Most of these temples remain in the modern city, but have been augmented by a few foreign temples (mostly Olympian gods from Lowland refugees).

Hookridge is home to the Rangers – though their numbers are dwindling now that “civilization” is taking hold once again.

hookridge.1408899489.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:42 (external edit)