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Heilli Mund

A new character designed for V2; Soulknife 1

Heilli (HIE-Lee) is the twin brother to Líkami, with both of them possessing some sort of weapons-free combat. They are essentially indistinguishable from one another, even after considerable conversation or observation. They continuously challenge each other to contests of strength or speed or thought, to keep each other sharp. From racing up a steep hill to trying to remember every word that contains all the letters O-D-I and N, they are always in friendly conflict.

Heilli has spent a certain amount of time at Southbay, learning the ins and outs of that particular wretched hive of scum and villany.

Heilli is a practicing vegetarian, and just returning to civilization after a long period of isolation; although not particularly religious, he wears a holy symbol of a black raven, similar to his brothers, and a plain monk's outfit.

Unfortunately, with the collapse of the shipbuilding industry, Heilli finds himself without work and with minimal funds. Desperation leads, as it is wont to do, to adventuring.

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heilli.1169151570.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:41 (external edit)