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The End of the World

This refers to the meteor impact that obliterated the eastern side of Immenri at the end of the Second Age. The meteor was sent by the orc god Gruumsh, after his defeat at the hands of the Dark Mage (see Aurén Ilay for related events).

While the damage from the meteor itself was contained to the northern continent (in large part due to the intervention by a significant number of deities), climate changes affected the entire world and led to a decades-long period where agriculture could not sustain the remaining population. It is not an exaggeration to say that every civilization that existed prior to the impact died during those few years.

Numerous religious beliefs refer to this “Third Age” as a “dream world” founded on the ghosts of the “real world”. However, after eleven centuries, this notion that the world “ended” has mostly faded – though some Asgardian cults in Rota still refer to Ragnarök in the past tense.

The meteor impact itself was once called “Gruumsh's glory” by orc tribes worldwide. However, with Gruumsh still imprisoned and other orc gods continually fighting for supremacy, the role of the meteor has almost entirely faded from orc history.

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end_of_the_world.1404748595.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:41 (external edit)