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Cordelia is a Druid from the Spindrift Isles (specifically Aldore, the northernmost of the “big three”). She, along with her extended family and some friends, fled the island after Uith was deposed and Norwood handed control over to the local king.

Cordelia (D&D 3.5 Stats)
Str 11 +0 Size Medium
Dex 9 -1 Height 5'5“
Con 14 +2 Weight 155 lbs.
Int 13 +1 Eyes Hazel
Wis 18 +4 Hair Light Brown
Cha 14 +2 Skin Pale
Hit Points 53
Speed 20 feet
Armor Class 13 (+3 Hide, +1 Light Wooden, -1 Dex)
Touch 9, Flat-footed 13
Initiative +3 -1 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative
Fort Save +8 +6 base, +2 Con
Reflex Save +1 +2 base, -1 Dex
Will Save +10 +6 base, +4 Wis
Base Attack +6/+1
Improved Initiative
Natural Spell
Brew Potion
Skill Name Stat Total Stat Ranks Misc
Appraise Int +1 +1
Balance Dex -1 -1
Bluff Cha +2 +2
Concentration Con +6 +2 +4
Diplomacy Cha +6 +2 +4
Disguise Cha +2 +2
Escape Artist Dex -1 -1
Forgery Int +1 +1
Gather Information Cha +2 +2
Handle Animal Cha +12 +2 +10
Heal Wis +8 +4 +4
Hide Dex -1 -1
Intimidate Cha +2 +2
Knowledge (arcana) Int +2 +1 +1
Knowledge (nature) Int +15 +1 +10 +2 (Druid), +2 (Survival)
Listen Wis +12 +4 +6 +2 (Alertness)
Move Silently Dex -1 -1
Perform Cha +2 +2
Ride Dex +5 -1 +4 +2 (Handle Animal)
Search Int +1 +1
Sense Motive Wis +4 +4
Spot Wis +12 +4 +6 +2 (Alertness)
Survival Wis +14 +4 +8 +2 (Druid)
Swim Str +0 +0
Use Rope Dex -1 -1

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cordelia.1243124111.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:41 (external edit)