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Race Human/Female
Born 31 May 1028
Nationality Lowland
AD&D Pseudo-MU/14
Alignment N(LE)

(aka “The Master Summoner” – also known as “Mary”) – Gifted sorceress whose specialty is extra-planar summonings. Born in Lowland in 1028, she accidentally summoned one of Parádoxa's servants at the age of 18 and commanded it to grant her the power to travel in time. After learning of the destruction of her beloved homeland at the hands of Pelham, she created a paradox by traveling to 1090, summoning Lord Ozzie from 1106 and having him kill Pelham. Parádoxa intervened and stripped her of her powers and her memories. Years later, in 1104, she met Lord Ozzie again and in 1106 he helped restore her memories (though not her time travel powers).

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claira.1449954006.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:41 (external edit)