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Cheraî Campaign: Session #19: Azigin's Crypt

Players in attendance:
Norm Kindle Half-Elf Wild Magic Sorcerer/5, Bard/2 Connor
Dr. Barry Smiley Human Rogue/3 Cleric to Loki/4 David A.
Quintin Q. Quincy, aka “Q” Half-Elf Warlock/6 (Hexblade) Fighter/1 David S.
Tan Balli Elf Wizard/6 Cleric to Sehane/1 Frank
Hamakona Munu Variant Human Barbarian/7 (Path of the Berserker) Ricky
Shule Amenaken Human Cleric to Osiris/7 David R.
16 Apr 1130
  • After their battle with the Trolls in Graniskali, the party returns to Roger's farm to rest
  • That evening, they hear a ruckus in a nearby woods – where they find Shule, a Cleric to Osiris, battling some animate Blighted plants – including a massive Tree!
  • They kill the Blights and Shule joins them at Roger's farm
  • Shule explains that he follows signs and omens to fight evil in the world
  • Recently, he received a Divination telling him that a nearby town was cursed
  • However, on his way there, he heard a rumor that the (closer) town of Graniskali was also cursed
  • So he decided to explore this place first – but was told that Roger was the only inhabitant and that he was “suspicious”
  • Roger tells them very little about the town and its history – but he does warn them about the Witches who live near the graveyard
17 Apr 1130
  • Tan summons two Phantom Steeds
  • The party heads to the graveyard
  • They meet the Witches – who tell each of them a little tidbit about themselves (or at least how the Witches see them)
  • They also get the party (or at least Tan) to agree to kill the “Apostate” Brenainn (the Night Hag)
  • The Witches want her dead since she “turned her back on her sisters”
  • Tan makes a blood oath to seal the deal. He has one year to complete this quest.
  • Into the graveyard, the party finds the undead remains of Azigin (a flaming, flying skull)
  • Azigin summons four Elemental Myrmidons (one of each element)
  • After a long, bruising battle, the evil in the graveyard is destroyed and the curse is lifted!
  • Returning to the Witches, the party is shocked to discover that all the Witches and their entire cottage have vanished – leaving only a ring of stones and blighted plants in their place.

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cherai19.1590169991.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/05/22 12:53 by jims