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Cheraî Campaign: Session #13: The Underdark

Players in attendance:
Norm Kindle Half-Elf Sorcerer/5 (Wild Magic) Connor
Dr. Barry Smiley Human Rogue/3 Cleric to Loki/2 David A.
Quintin Q. Quincy, aka “Q” Half-Elf Warlock/4 (Hexblade) Fighter/1 David S.
Tan Balli Elf Wizard/4 Cleric to Sehane/1 Frank
Hamakona Munu Variant Human Barbarian/5 (Path of the Berserker) Ricky
1 Dec 1129
  • First session using Roll20
  • The party takes a long rest – but Norm is plagued by bad dreams about Boblin
2 Dec 1129
  • In the morning, Tan and the others realize that Brenainn, the Night Hag was here (on the ethereal plane) haunting Norm's dreams
  • They decide to head down into the Underdark to see if they can find her
  • Nerwe and Kvacla have no interest in going further, so they head back toward Thodon
  • Coincidentally, Barry shows up and rejoins the party
  • With a combination of ropes, a few pitons, and some Giant Climbing Lizards, the party descends into the Depths of the Earth
  • Discover and free a prisoner: Hamakona Munu, a Human Barbarian kept as a slave by the Duergar
  • Find and kill four Duergar and their leader, a Duergar Warlord
  • Go further and meet three Drow and their leader, a Drow Mage
  • The Drow Mage summons a Shadow Demon, then turns invisible and flees
  • The party pursues, but eventually has to give up as they are low on health and resources
  • They return to the surface to rest
  • That night, Norm's nightmares return!

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cherai13.1587154254.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/04/17 15:10 by jims