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Cheraî Campaign: Session #10: Goblin Team-Building

Players in attendance:
Norm Kindle Half-Elf Sorcerer/4 (Wild Magic) Connor
Dr. Barry Smiley Human Rogue/3 Cleric to Loki/1 David A.
Quintin Q. Quincy, aka “Q” Half-Elf Warlock/3 (Hexblade) Fighter/1 David S.
Both Don and Frank were unable to attend
  • After taking over the Goblin lair, the party meets Stasbolb, the tribe's Shaman (or “Consigliere”)
  • He is far older and wiser than the other Goblins, and he speaks Common fluently (and almost eloquently)
  • He is only interested in the safety and security of the tribe – and for now that means helping the party
  • He tells the party about the previous chiefs – specifically that the “Booyagh” who controlled the previous chief was a Night Hag named Brenainn, who is part of a coven known as “The Moonrise Sisters”
  • Finally, he tells them he knows where she went after the siege on Thodon failed
  • The next day, one of the Goblins tries to assassinate Q, but fails. Barry kills him and order is restored
  • To solidify their rule, Stasbolb suggests they organize a small raid
  • Six Goblins join Q, Norm, and Barry. Tan and Kasca stay behind to represent King Booyagh (Q) while he's away
  • They go to an abandoned keep and discover some underground rooms.
  • In one of the first rooms, they find a chest with some gold, a suit of Chain Armor, and a blood-stained spear!
  • Hilarity ensues as the group fights a series of strange monsters
  • In the end, the find that the “dungeon” consisted of only two rooms – and that the blood-stained spear was some kind of cursed item that messed with their perceptions

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cherai10.1586028716.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/04/04 14:31 by jims