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Cheraî Campaign: Session #5: (22 Nov 2019) The Bridge at Hatun

Players in attendance:
Norm Kindle Half-Elf Sorcerer/3 (Wild Magic) Connor
Tan Balli Elf Cleric to Sehane/Wizard 1/2 Frank
Dr. Barry Smiley Human Rogue/Cleric to Loki 2/1 David A.
Quintin Q. Quincy, aka “Q” Half-Elf Fighter/1 Warlock/2 (Hexblade) David S.
Christian had to bow out for the time being due to a change in work hours
Don had to work that evening
  • Pick up right where we left off in session #4…
  • Kuriz has captured two of the Hobgoblins.
  • Kuriz asks the party about the ambush – and seems concerned that they were after him. He mentions “The Four Courts”, but does not offer any more details. When the party suggests that Eryn was after them, Kuriz seems releaved.
  • Since Q speaks Goblin, he tries to interrogate the Hobgoblins. They confirm that Eryn hired the Hobgoblins specifically to ambush the party.
  • The party continues on to Vestiskali
  • That evening, Kuriz claims to have received a Sending spell from a “friend”. He instructs Kasca and Folwynn to return to Erimas to collect a small parcel for him.
  • Tan tries to research “The Four Courts”, but has no luck
  • Barry makes a potion
  • The next morning, Kasca and Folwynn leave town while Kuriz tries to sell some of his wares. However, Kuriz soon learns that the town's trade is tightly controlled by the local guilds and he will be unlikely to make any significant sales here.
  • The next day, Kuriz gives up and the party pack up and head out toward Fiheath (by way of the abandoned town of Hatun).
  • Outside of town, they encounter (and kill) two Akhegs
  • When they arrive at Hatun, they find that the bridge over the river has been destroyed. While puzzling through their predicament, they are attacked by a pair of Ogres and a group of Bugbears – including a Bugbear Chief.
  • During the encounter, Kuriz is forced to fight – confirming that he has significant combat (and magical) skills.
  • When the Ogres and Bugbears are defeated, the party rests for awhile and then discovers a place where they can ford the river and continue on.
  • However, they encounter a group of Giant Spiders, followed by a pair of Perytons.
  • Finally, the party stumbles into Fiheath – where they check in to “The House of Spirits” – A large Inn, that is noticeably bigger on the inside than on the outside!

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cherai05.1586027345.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/04/04 14:09 by jims