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Game 1: Tryouts

Date: February 28, 2014
Characters in attendance: Lady Paladin, 99, Quantum, Shimmer
Experience awarded: 2

There were tryouts for a new type of superhero group to be based in Portland Oregon. Out of the thousands of people trying out, and the hundreds making it to interviews and power testing, a few were obviously real hero material.

The interviews were part normal job interview, and part example situations. The power demos were challenges given to the characters. One challenge was to retrieve a vase of flowers from a heavily-barred cage (without spilling the water), and the other was to prevent a number of small robot dogs from falling off of a large pedestal.

Finally, there was a test “battle” between a group of heroes and other superpowered beings acting as villains,

Sunstar, Neanderthroid, and two giant spiders. The heroes passed with flying colors.

GM's Notes:

How do you get a superhero team together for the first time? It's a bit trite to say that “you all meet in a superhero tavern”, and even if everyone shows up to fight a common villain, why would they stay together? Hence the tryouts by a big corporation trying to start a superhero group. A bit of a job interview, and a bit of American Idol.

Also, I'm not putting the villains up on this page because they weren't very good.

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