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#13: "Trouble in the Mountains"

28 Jan 1126

The morning after thwarting the Drow invasion of Bearly, the party returns to the portal to return home. However, Karag and his Krew (along with Garril) teleport in. They are on their way to Riprap because they received word that there was a Drow invasion of that city and the council wizard Faun Mardau was killed.

As the two invasions were clearly related, the parties decide to join forces. Using the spell Sethar's Sympathetic Geometry, Seebo manages to get the group to Riprap in under a minute. There, they learn that the “invasion” was more of a raid – and that the Gnomes are expecting a larger invasion to come soon.

They also learn that the Giants are on the move – and so the combined parties head into the mountains to fight Giants and hopefully learn who is behind all of this trouble.

more to come

bb13.1457286195.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:40 (external edit)