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Asgardian Pantheon

This list is from “Deities & Demigods”, as published by Wizards of the Coast, 2002.

Name Domains Rank Alignment Favored Weapon Portfolio
Odin Air, Knowledge, Magic, Travel, Trickery, War G NG Shortspear Knowledge, magic, supreme, war
Aegir Death, Destruction, Evil, Strength, Water I NE Greatclub Sea, storms
Balder Good, Healing, Knowledge I NG Greatsword Beauty, light, music, poetry, rebirth
Forseti Knowledge, Protection, Strength I N Longsword Justice, law
Frey Air, Good, Plant, Sun G NG Greatsword Agriculture, fertility, harvest, sun
Freya Air, Charm, Good, Magic I NG Longsword Fertility, love, magic, vanity
Frigga Air, Animal, Community, Knowledge G N Natural weapons Birth, fertility, love
Heimdall Good, Law, War I LG Longsword Watchfulness, sight, hearing, loyalty
Hel Death, Destruction, Evil I NE Longsword Death, underworld
Hermod Chaos, Luck, Travel D CN Rapier Luck, communication, freedom
Loki Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Trickery G CE Dagger Thieves, trickery, murder
Njord Air, Good, Water I NG Longspear Commerce, sea, wind
Odur Chaos, Fire, Sun D CG Bastard Sword Light, sun, travel
Sif Chaos, Good, War L CG Longsword War, dueling
Skadi Destruction, Earth, Strength L N Greataxe Earth, mountains
Surtur Evil, Fire, Law, Strength, War I LE Longsword Fire, war
Thor Chaos, Good, Protection, Strength, War, Weather G CG War Hammer Storms, thunder, war
Thrym Chaos, Earth, Evil, Strength, War I CE Greataxe War, cold, giants
Tyr Law, Protection, War I LN Longsword Courage, trust, strategy, tactics, writing
Uller Chaos, Protection, Travel L CN Long Bow Archers, hunting, winter

Since the Asgardian deities form a tight pantheon, clerics may choose the entire pantheon as a patron rather than a specific deity in the pantheon. In fact, all mortals are required to revere all the Asgardian deities as a pantheon.

Clerics who revere the entire Asgardian pantheon may choose any of the following domains: Air, Animal, Chaos, Charm, Community, Death, Destruction, Good, Earth, Evil, Fire, Healing, Knowledge, Law, Luck, Magic, Plant, Protection, Strength, Sun, Travel, Trickery, War, Water, or Weather.

Clerics of the pantheon may be of any alignment. They must choose one of the following as a favored weapon: composite longbow, dagger, greatclub, greatsword, longsword, quarterstaff, short sword, spear, unarmed strike, or warhammer.

Conversion table for standard D&D 3.5 deities
Alignment D&D Deity Domains Asgardian option(s)
N Boccob Knowledge, Magic, Trickery Odin
NG Ehlonna Animal, Good, Plant, Sun Frey
CE Erythnul Chaos, Evil, Trickery, War Thrym
N Fharlanghn Luck, Protection, Travel Hermod
LG Heironeous Good, Law, War Heimdall
LE Hextor Destruction, Evil, Law, War Surtur
CG Kord Chaos, Good, Luck, Strength Thor
NE Nerull Death, Evil, Trickery Hel
N Obad-Hai Air, Animal, Earth, Fire, Plant, Water Frigga
CN Olidammara Chaos, Luck, Trickery Uller
NG Pelor Good, Heal, Strength, Sun Frey(sun) or Balder
LN St. Cuthbert Destruction, Law, Protection, Strength Tyr
NE Vecna Evil, Knowledge, Magic Loki or Hel
LN Wes Jas Death, Law, Magic Hel(death), Surtur, or Tyr
asgardian.1571716825.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/10/21 23:00 by jims