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5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons

This page details how I use the 5th edition rules. Comments welcome.

Included Rules

Race and Class options are only allowed from the following books:

  • Player's Handbook
  • Dungeon Master's Guide
  • Monster Manual
  • Xanathar's Guide to Everything
  • Tasha's Cauldron of Everything

Character creation can be done using any method outlined in the PHB. However, if you choose to roll dice for your characteristics, I expect it to be done in person – primarily so we can laugh when you roll low. (The same rule exists for hit points at levels 2 and above)


  • Races: Only races from the Player's Handbook are allowed with the following exceptions:
    • Dragonborn, Tieflings, and Drow (Dark Elves) are highly unusual and will be met with stares and/or hostility everywhere they go.
  • Variant Rules: All variant rules in the Player's Handbook are allowed – with the following comments:
    • Equipment Sizes (PHB, p.144): Using armor of a different size is allowed without modification. However, a day of this will incur one level of Exhaustion (PHB, p.291).
    • (others?)
  • Significant Injury Houserule: Any time a character fails a death saving throw, they acquire one level of Exhaustion (PHB, p.291).
  • Unconscious condition: Ignore the last bullet point: “Any attack that hits the creature is a critical hit if the attacker is within 5 feet of the creature.” Such an attack may or may not be a critical hit based on the normal rules for critical hits.
  • Grid-based combat: Combat is almost always done on a square-grid battlemat with miniatures or other tokens.
  • Persistent Damage: write-up coming soon
  • Deities: The preferred deities are from the “Fantasy-Historical Pantheons” (PHB, p.297-299) or the Non-Human Deities (PHB, p.296)

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5erules.1641332349.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/01/04 15:39 by jims