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world [2007/01/02 00:13] jimsworld [2017/05/27 18:58] (current) – external edit
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-====== The World ======+[[outline|Back to the Outline]]
-| {{WorldColor.jpg?600|My World Map}} | The world is comprised of three continentsknown popularly as the Main, Eastern, and Northern continents (though their ancient names are [[Thentao]], [[N'galt]], and [[Immenri]], respectively).  The [[Immenri|Northern continent]] is primarily tundra and contains no population centers [[N'galt|The Eastern continent]] has on its western shore the great kingdom of [[Rota]] which remains relatively unscathed from the recent world wars [[Thentao|The main continent]] has numerous population centers - though the "civilized" ones (on the northern shore) were either abandoned or destroyed in the wars\\ \\ [[History|World History]] \\ \\ [[Recent|Recent History]] |+==== The World ==== 
 +//Common Knowledge//: 
 +The World has three major continents known simply as the [[thentao|"Main"]], 
 +[[n_galt|"Eastern"]], and [[immenri|"Northern"]] continents.  However, they are 
 +also sometimes referred to by their ancient and formal names of [["Thentao"]] (Main), 
 +[["N'Galt"]] (Eastern), and [["Immenri"]] (Northern)
 +//Expert Knowledge//: 
 +Experts sometimes refer to "The World" as "The Prime World" to distinguish it from 
 +the other of the [[twenty worlds]].  However, while most scholars are aware of  
 +other worlds, very few consider them seriously enough to require a modifier to  
 +the term "The World"
 +The World exists as a flat, circular region surrounded by [[wall|The Wall]] and 
 +centered on [[well|The Well]]Around it moves [[#the Sun]], [[#the Moon]], 
 +[[#Dancer]], and [[#the Stars]]. [[wall|The wall]] itself is a thousand-foot-tall 
 +waterfall which rings the entire world. [[well|The well]] is a great
 +swirling maelstrom at its center where the water from [[wall|the wall]] 
 +collects. Since far more water seems to come over [[wall|the wall]] than goes 
 +out of through [[well|the well]], scholars often argue about what happens to the 
 +remaining water. Many bizarre theories have been presented, but none have gained 
 +Beyond [[wall|the wall]] is thought to be another land which is completely 
 +devoid of magic. If a person can make it to [[wall|the wall]], he will find a 
 +ferryman who will take him beyond it. However, the tale of the transgression 
 +(see [[Religion]]) details the origin and the purpose for [[wall|the wall]] from 
 +a religious perspective and the punishments for violating that purpose. This 
 +alone has kept most of the curious away from [[wall|the wall]], but history is 
 +full of stories of people traveling to [[wall|the wall]]. Since most failed to 
 +return, the trip is rarely undertaken. 
 +Several experiments have concluded that the world is not actually flat, but is 
 +in fact convexSince [[well|the well]] resides in the center, it is thought 
 +that it somehow draws the water up the sides of this dome and that this 
 +force is powerful enough to offset the tilt of the surface. Therefore, even at 
 +the edges of the world, where a person would naturally fall down the slope, he 
 +is held up by this unseen force. It is believed that this force has something to 
 +do with the mana flow (see Magic), but no conclusive experiments have been 
 +//Hidden Knowledge//: 
 +Beyond [[wall|the wall]], it is not known whether the tilt continues, but some 
 +claim that the slope does continue and that the world is a sphere. The most 
 +common supporting argument for this theory is that [[#the moon]] is a sphere (as can 
 +be demonstrated by its phasesand that [[#the sun]] is at least circular and could 
 +easily be spherical.  In the interest of order, so too should be the world. 
 +Measurements of the convex surface, however, indicate that if the world were 
 +sphere, it would be vast and that the area within [[wall|the walls]] would be 
 +but a fraction of its sizeSince even the force of [[well|the well]] could 
 +obviously not hold up a person standing on the opposite side, most of this land 
 +is thought to be unlivable. 
 +\\ [[outline|Back to the Outline]]
world.1167718427.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:48 (external edit)