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The Wall

“The Wall” is a 1,000 foot tall waterfall that circles the entire world and is considered to be the source of Mana, the energy source for all magic.

Numerous explorers have travelled to the wall, and the descriptions they brought back have been remarkably consistent. The water roars in with a deafening sound, and ships are unable to approach closer than a few hundred feet before the churning waters push them back (or send them to the bottom of the sea).

The closest land to “The Wall” are the Wall Islands along the southern tip of the world's disc. The natives of these islands revere the wall as a deity.

Legends say that if one can locate “The Ferryman”, travel through the wall to the lands beyond is possible. Numerous explorers have reported making such a journey. However, some speculate that this travel is actually through some kind of portal to another world – and that there is actually nothing beyond the wall.

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wall.1168374801.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:48 (external edit)