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Voyager10 - The Rescue of Abira


As the rest of the group argues over the moral implications of it all, an uneasy feeling settles over you. You think you hear something in the distance. You move around, trying to focus out your squabbling comrades, but have a hard time pinpointing it.

After a couple of minutes, though, you find yourself several feet away from the others and realize that it's not so much that you “hear” something, but that you “sense” it.

Someone is watching you.

Either an invisible beast like the Slaad from several days ago is prowling around, or someone with a Scrying spell has locked on to you.

The feeling lasts several more minutes, before fading out.

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voyagersecret10.1168114463.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:48 (external edit)