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voyagersecret09 [2007/01/06 14:08] – created jimsvoyagersecret09 [2017/05/27 18:58] (current) – external edit
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 and the lean-to that was above you is now gone.  You are drenched. and the lean-to that was above you is now gone.  You are drenched.
-In a whisper from the darkness, you hear her voice.  "Matchitisiw.  Don't+In a whisper from the darkness, you hear her voice.  "[[Matchitisiw]].  Don't
 forget it again."  She doesn't seem as angry as you might expect. forget it again."  She doesn't seem as angry as you might expect.
Line 81: Line 81:
 As you are puzzling the meaning of this phenomena, the rune suddenly shifts As you are puzzling the meaning of this phenomena, the rune suddenly shifts
-from a pale glow to a bright light - and you hear a yelp from Vincent...+from a pale glow to a bright light - and you hear a yelp from [[Vincent]]...
 [[voyager07|Back to the session description]] [[voyager07|Back to the session description]]
voyagersecret09.1168114095.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:48 (external edit)