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Voyager07 - Chaos in Koko

Roget's fever dream

You find yourself having tea with Malila, the Rain King, in your father's library. He sips quietly from the cup - which bears an emblem that doesn't seem familiar to you. This puzzles you, as you're quite familiar with all the dinnerware in the palace. The setting does not seem unusual to you, though, as you've known the king for years. You briefly wonder how long it has been.

Into the library walks the queen, Matchitisiw. (pronounced “mat CHEET eh soo”). She is as attractive as usual, despite being rather old. What is she? Forty? Fifty? No, you remember her looking like this back in the second age - which was over 1,000 years ago.

She wears a flimsy, sheer robe, that clings to her skin as if she has just come from a bath. As soon as she enters the room, she locks eyes with you and approaches quickly. She leans down and kisses you tenderly. Her face and lips are moist as if she is covered with dew. You get an instant erection - which embarrasses you tremendously, as her husband is still sipping his tea next to you.

Without breaking eye contact, she pulls back from your face slowly and says, “You know I'll be needing a new husband soon.” Her smile has a wicked playfulness.

You wake suddenly and cannot recall even a hint of the design on the tea cup that puzzled you so. Nor can you recall the details of the king or queen. You know who they were, but wouldn't recognize them on the street if you saw them today. Plus, the bit about remembering the queen from 1,000 years ago is clearly nonsense.

Roderick's vision

The young woman who you have seen twice before is sitting next to you on the steps of your grand temple. It took you years to build and required the funding of dozens of the world's wealthiest people, but it's finally done and the relief is only starting to settle in.

“We've never been properly introduced,” the young woman says suddenly, breaking your reverie. “My name is Matchitisiw.” (pronounced “mat CHEET eh soo”)

She extends her hand to shake - which strikes you as rather cute. You're certain she just learned that recently - as people in this land don't usually shake hands.

When you grasp her hand, it is moist - not clammy from sweat, but moist as if she had just dipped it in water. Also, she has this mischievous smile that sort of cheers you up. (You're not sure why you needed cheering up in the first place, but it's still nice). Mixed with this emotion, though, is an unsettling sense that you are sexually attracted to her. She is rather young, but not entirely TOO young. Still, it seems inappropriate.

Then she looks behind you, and you're gaze is drawn in that direction. Your temple is bigger than it should be. In fact, it is ENORMOUS! It seems to be a half mile tall, made of blocks of stone so large they could not possibly have been moved without magic. Your heart skips a beat as you realize that this is NOT your temple. It is something alien and scary. And there is a sigil above a gigantic door that fills you with dread.

When you wake, you cannot for the life of you remember what that sigil looks like.

Kesi's vision

You are in battle. It is fierce. Your opponent is fast. So fast, it's very hard to keep up. He (or is it she?) has a large alien-looking weapon. You have your staff - but it becomes more and more cumbersome to wield.

Suddenly, your opponent strikes your staff as you bring it up to defend yourself. The wood shatters. You find yourself on the ground - in a small field of grass. There is no sign of your opponent. A gentle breeze blows and the sun is high in a beautiful blue sky.

You roll your head to the left and see a small frog hop toward you. It is bright blue and says in a clear voice, “The lords of chaos rule now.”

Dhersion's vision

You are standing in front a small, unruly crowd of the well-birthed. Kings, Queens, Gods, and Monsters fill a small, ornate hall. You are VERY nervous. It is up to you to bring order to the chaos that the room seethes with. Which story can you tell? Which moral is appropriate?

Suddenly, it comes to you. A tale of grandeur and importance. Of love and loss. It's so good, you almost bring a tear to your own eye. And, in the end, you probably do - not from the story, but because the crowd of important people has become so enraptured, they have forgotten their own squabbles. It is a moment you know will be told of for centuries to come.

When you awake, you have NO IDEA what the story is that you told. Nor do you know the vaguest detail about it, other than it could enthrall gods.

Vincent's vision

An aged wizard sits across the table from you. He has lost nearly everything he once had. His greatness has fled from him and has left behind a hollow shell. It was the perfect time to strike, and you are nearly giddy that you were able to take advantage of it.

He reaches from below the table to bring forth a small sack. Your excitement grows. This must be the treasure you have been waiting for. A wizard's fortune, soon to be yours.

From it, he pulls a single item. A small jade figurine of a frog, no more than a couple inches across. It is nice, but clearly no more than a trinket. It's not even magical. The frog has a mischievous smile, and as you pick it up from where the wizard has placed it, the frog says, “Is this not what you expected?” You suddenly become disoriented.

The next thing you sense is that you are falling backwards. You fall for several seconds and the panic within you grows. You know what is coming soon - and you're not looking forward to it. You try to twist around so you can react to the impact better, but as you do, you realize you are probably a half mile above a plain that stretches from horizon to horizon. It is twilight, and the details of the land around you are not clear, but hurtling past you is an immense tower of stone. You are jarred awake.

When you awake, the encounter seemed extremely surreal. So much so, it is hard to make sense of it. The wizard's face is not clear to you at all, nor are you quite sure why you knew he was a wizard, or how you knew the frog figurine wasn't magical. The only thing you are sure of is that somewhere, there is a tower of stone larger than anything you have ever seen or heard of. And your destiny is intertwined in it somehow.

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voyagersecret07.1168113557.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:48 (external edit)