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Voyager87 - 27 October 2006 - The Lich King's Sacrifice

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1. The Slave Pits

This entire area has been covered by Forbiddance spell(s) cast by the Drow leader, Elm'eny (Caster Level 15). (For more on him, see section 2). It is also very warm (near 100 degrees), so all characters must make a Fortitude saving throw each hour (DC 15, +1 for each previous check) or take 1d4 points of nonlethal damage. The Drow here work in short shifts because of this heat. The slaves, however, are not as lucky.

The main area of this Drow complex has been converted into a massive series of “Slave Pits”. The “pits” are actually only a couple feet deep, but are surrounded by rough fencing made of ropes interlaced between magically created stone posts.

Each pit is roughly 20 by 20 feet with 10-foot fences and is populated by a large number of lesser creatures (mostly Orcs and Goblins), and at least one larger “boss” creature. Each “boss” wears a mind-control chain collar and serves as willing policeman to keep the others in line. Keeping watch outside the pits are a total of 17 Wardens and nearly 100 Keepers. (Use “Lieutenant” and “Drow Sergeant” from Dezzavold pages 92-93 for stats). At any give time, though, most can be found in the Barracks building.

There are around 72 pits - and almost all are full to the brim with slaves (with an average of nearly 20 per pit). Thus, the 100 Keepers spend most of their time feeding and watering their captives. As is expected, they don't do a very good job at this. The rest of the Drow live in relative luxury in tunnels off the east end of this cavern.

A sampling of the pit bosses is as follows:

    (T) Troll Hunter
    (1) Hill Giant
    (2) Hill Giant
    (F) Fomorian (MMII, p.105)
    (E) Ettin

(A careful observer might notice that these are the same types of leaders that were with the five armies getting ready to invade the elven forests way back in Voyager #35. This is because the Erel Hudai Drow were behind that failed invasion.)

At the apex of this cavern (which is nearly 100 feet high), there is mounted a large (30' across) scrying device whose only purpose is to show an image of the moon. The Erel Hudai use this as their main time keeping device and refer to everything in “moons” (aka months). Right now, the moon is full.

The entire Drow enclave here is devoted to keeping and maintaining these slaves. However, nobody really knows WHY they do this. Their elusive leader, Elm'eny, dictated this course over a year ago and they have spent all their resources to meet his goals. While the Duergar believe the Drow are massing an invasion army, the truth is that the Drow are at their most vulnerable now, since they are spending all their energy to control the slaves.

Finally, these caverns have a necromantic enchantment tied to the river which saps the life force of creatures who are near death. Specifically, if a character reaches the “Disabled” state, they take negative energy damage at the rate of 1 hp per round. Once they reach the “Dying” state, they must make a Fort save each round or die. The DC for this save is equal to 20 + the number of hit points they are below the “Dying” threshold.

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 2. Find Elm'eny

The leader of the Erel Hudai drow is a Lich named Elm'eny. (See attached sheet). Only Risath'i, however, knew that Elm'eny is a lich. The rest of the complex views him as some kind of demigod - a mystique he has cultivated carefully for decades. Because of this belief, they willingly follow him on his mad quest to gather slaves.

Along the wall between the river's entrance and exit points is a thin wall of magical stone that can be made to vanish by Elm'eny as he pleases. He never uses this himself, though. Instead, he sends his emissary, Quarafent, the Efreeti Monk (see stats below). Quarafent typically takes the form of a Drow when he communicates with the wardens - though his heat aura is a giveaway that something unusual is afoot.

Behind this magical stone gateway is a large cavern that is even hotter than the slave pits. Here, it is around 120 degrees and characters must make a Fortitude save once every 10 minutes (DC 15, +1 for each previous check) or take 1d4 points of nonlethal damage.

The area has also been sprinkled with Permanent Images by the Efreeti. These illusions make the area appear to be an old, above-ground ruins (see map “04_CompMage_72_ppi_fhw9.jpg”, titled “Boccob's Reading Room” from Complete Mage). (Note that the rules say this spell “cannot make something seem to be something else.” However, I have chosen to ignore this rule to make for a more interesting story).

If the illusion is disbelieved (DC 18), the party will see a raised stone platform (with the same dimensions as the one in the illusion). Atop it, however, is an elaborate shrine to Vhaeraun that holds the Air/Fire crystal. The crystal is magically mounted in the shrine and from it, a constant stream of blood pours out into a trench in the stone floor. In addition, the crystal is Elm'eny's phylactery!

Note: Vhaeraun is also called “The Masked Lord”, “The Masked God of Night”, and “The Shadow”

The trench of blood then empties into a larger trench that flows toward the slave pits. Also in this chamber (beyond the platform) are several tables and bookcases filled with books and a host of alchemical/divination objects (censers, vials, bubbling pots). This is where Elm'eny does his research and the area is protected by a Symbol of Death.

Elm'eny casts Desecrate on the shrine every day. When combat breaks out, he will try to remain within 20 feet of this shrine at all times. The shrine corresponds with the back wall of the illusionary ruins.

This area also has a Forbiddance spell, but it is not aligned and is only there to prevent teleportation. (Otherwise, Quarafent would be in trouble). Elm'eny has left a back corner of this room free from this spell so that Quarafent can plane shift out and retrieve materials for his research.

Finally, Elm'eny has two undead minions: Mummy Lords (named Garoelt'f and Kin'nys'ous). These two were priests to Vhaeraun who defied Elm'eny after their arrival at this place. To punish them and set an example for others, he turned them into undead. They serve him reluctantly, but will eagerly fight against any intruders (especially flatlanders).

The final item of significance in this area is a Chaos Gate. The river of blood returns from its journey through the slave pits and empties through this gate. It is a magical mirror-image of the gate the party found on Prison Plane 121 (see Voyager #66). A successful Spellcraft roll against DC 30 will reveal that the magical signature is the exact opposite of that gate. This is due to the fact that this is the other side of a one-way gate. There is no way to tell, however, where it goes.

The gate itself is an arch of Shadow that stands around 20 feet tall and roughly 20 feet wide. Anyone walking through the gate from either side will be transported to the Elemental Plane of Fire. It was created by the Shadowlord, so it cannot be dispelled by normal means. In addition, unlike the gate on the prison plane, this one cannot be dispelled by a massive influx of shadow. (That only works on the destination gate).

Like the Slave Pits, these caverns are subject to the same necromantic enchantment that saps the life force of creatures who are near death.

-=-=-=-= Tactics -=-=-=-=

Elm'eny WANTS the party to defeat him (eventually). He believes that once he is “killed”, the party will take his phylactery through the gate. If anyone attempts to merge with his crystal, they will be killed and Elm'eny will be restored to life in their body.

To this end, Elm'eny will instruct the Drow wardens (through Quarafent) to abandon the slave pits and return to the city. While they will be initially reluctant, they will abide by these orders and within a few minutes will march to the city - leaving a clear path to the magical wall that leads to Elm'eny's chamber.

The party should be able to open the wall (either through magic or by bashing it). Elm'eny, meanwhile, will cast Alter Self on himself to make him appear as a normal Drow. Thus, when the party makes it through, they will see him sitting in a comfy chair in the ruins of a library, reading a book.

He will casually invite them in, but insist that they not climb the steps into his “sacred” area. If the party obliges, they can have a conversation for awhile before Elm'eny attacks.

Quarafent will have gone invisible and will remain this way, hovering about 20 feet off the ground to the left of the “ruins”. He is concentrating on his illusion, adapting it to shield the appearance of the Mummy Lords. They will appear as two ornately dressed Drow priests to Vhaeraun (which they are).

Elm'eny's first spell will be Globe of Invulnerability (which will shield him from all spells of 4th level or lower). Then Sanctuary. Then who knows…

Random Drow Names: * Y'uskyer * Araeth'e * A'cersay * Rodouf'i * Aw'um * Banaud'a * Toneeb'u * Ust'ray'ock * Ser'kely * Sh'honale * Toneugh'a * Ll'oughther * U'etdel * Ingyt'o * A'dynunt * Aw'endu * Enth'mor'yw * Ghaoos'a * Old'eng * Ash'adi * Augh'as'aud * Mos'usk'uin * Ineeut'e * An'bur'ierr * A'turust * Age'per * Undost'l * Del'queo * Cha'en'it * Br'yerbur * A'belril * Ess'risa * I'turgar * Augh'naly * R'taser * Adinn's * Age'ild'oerd * Gar'kel * Om'tone * U'dracer * L'ardash * It'rod'iem * Skelaech'e * Oreem'm * I'ingqua * On'quau * Oughuind'f

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Quarafent, Efreeti Monk (CR 20) From d20 NPC Wiki – modified to make more reasonable

Quarafent Burning-Scales Male Efreeti Monk/12 Lawful Evil Large Outsider (Fire, Extrapanar) Init +7 Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Telepathy 100 ft. Listen +32, Spot +20 Languages Auran, Common, Undercommon, Ignan, Infernal, Aquan, Terran, Abyssal, Gnoll, Giant, Elven, Goblin, Orc, Dwarven, Draconic, Drow Sign Language, Dark Speech

AC 34, touch 21, flat-footed 30 (+7 Armor, +3 Dex, -1 Size, +6 Natural, +1 Deflection, +6 Wisdom, +2 Monk) hp 143 (10D8+12D8+44)

Resistances: Immune Fire, Resist Cold 20, Improved Evasion, Still Mind, Purity of Body (Immune to disease), Diamond Body (Immune to Poison) Saves: Fort +18, Ref +21, Will +22 (+2 vs. enchantments) Weakness: Vulnerable to Cold

Spd 60 ft., Fly 40(Perfect) ft., Abundant Step 1/day Melee Unarmed Strike +29,+29,+29,+24 (3D6+10+[1D6 Fire] as Magic & Lawful) Ranged Touch +22 (as spell/x2) Base Atk +19, Grp +37 Space 10 ft., Reach 10 ft. Atk Options Spring Attack, Stunning Fist 12/Day, Flyby Attack Combat Gear: Iron Bands of Bilarro Special Actions: Spell-Like Abilities, Wholeness of Body (24 hp/day)

Spell-like Abilities (CL 12): At Will: Detect Magic, Produce Flame, Quickened Pyrotechnics, Scorching Ray, Plane Shift 3/Day: Invisibility, Wall of Fire 2/Day: Change Size 1/Day: Permanent Image, Polymorph, Gaseous Form, Three Wishes

Abilities Str 24[30], Dex 17, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16[22], Cha 15 SQ: Outsider Traits, Slow Fall 60 ft., Fire Subtype

Feats: Combat Casting, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Initiative[B], Quicken Spell-Like Ability (scorching ray), Mobility, Spring Attack, Improved Grapple, Flyby Attack, Blind-Fight, Stunning Fist[M/1], Deflect Arrows[M/2], Improved Trip[M/6], Flurry Of Blows[M], Unarmed Strike[M], Evasion[M], Still Mind[M], Ki Strike (Magic)[M], Purity Of Body[M], Wholeness Of Body[M], Improved Evasion[M], Ki Strike (Lawful)[M], Diamond Body[M], Greater Flurry[M], Abundant Step[M], Slow Fall 60 Ft.[M]

Skills: Bluff+14, Concentration+28, Intimidate+20, Knowledge:Local+20, Sense Motive+32 Possessions: Combat Gear, Bracers of Armor+7, Ring of Protection+1, Dimensional Shackles, Ioun Stone:Iridesent Spindle (does not need to breathe), Periapt of Wisdom+6, Belt of Giant Strength+6, Major Ring of Cold Resistance Challenges Overcome: 2 Mummy Lords (CR 15) 1 Quarafent, Efreeti Monk (CR 20) 1 Elm'eny, Drow Lich (CR 23)

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voyagernotes87.1183319289.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:48 (external edit)